Saturday, July 27, 2013

Menopause Medication - Know Your Options

Menopause Medication: How Do You Decide Which Is Right For You?

If you are like most women, you are understandably confused when confronted with all the information, some proven, some scary and some downright ridiculous, when it comes to the treatments available for you and your menopause medication arsenal. How about some objective, sensible advice on how to research your options and choose a plan that will work best for you? Well, read on to get some of the best and most up-to-date information available which you will need to make the right decision regarding your personal regimen. Which is right for you? Prescription, natural therapies, or a combination? Let's look at them all.

Available Choices in Prescription Medication

Pills, oral or vaginal, creams, gels, rings; the choices seem to be endless. Let's look at our options in prescription medication often used during menopause.

Prescription medication which does contain hormones

  • Birth control pills can relieve symptoms during perimenopause, but are not used after menopause. There are many contraindications to using birth control pills and only you and your healthcare provider can decide if they are right for you.

  • Low-dose vaginal estrogen, which is available in cream, a pill inserted vaginally, or ring form, helps with localized symptoms such as vaginal dryness and loss of elasticity, but at a much lower dose that is not absorbed as much as when taken in oral pill form.

  • Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is also available in many forms such as pill, patch, vaginal ring, gel, or cream form, and is probably the most widely used form of medication used for the symptomatic treatment of menopause. However, it has been shown to have significant health risks for some women. To provide relief, experts recommend only the lowest dose possible be used for the least amount of time. Talk to your healthcare provider to get more information on whether this medication is a good option for you.

  • Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a form of hormones usually made from plants. Because it is believed to most closely resemble those hormones made by our own bodies, they are thought by many to be a safer bet than those available in the traditional form. There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding this form of hormone therapy, so be sure to do your homework and discuss this with your healthcare provider. Experts on both sides of the debate still feel that any form of hormone therapy should only be used in as low a dose and for the shortest time possible.

Prescription medication which does not contain hormones:

  • Antidepressant medicines have been shown to decrease the amount and severity of hot flashes in some women.

  • Clonidine, a high blood pressure medicine, may also help decrease hot flashes, but there could be problems with low blood pressure.

  • Neurontin, a medication used to control seizures among other uses, can also reduce hot flashes. However, there are possible and significant side effects.

Pre Menopause Symptoms

Contrary to what many women think, menopause is actually a long period, and it may or may not include any symptoms. The only solid symptom of menopause is periods that are irregular and that eventually stop. Actually, you can only name the date of your menopause in retrospect, since menopause is defined as your last menstrual cycle, and you have to have been period-free for a year before you can say when menopause was. However, most women do experience some symptoms during perimenopause, so it's good to know the pre menopause symptoms so that you can prepare yourself early.

At first, some of your symptoms may seem related to PMS, since one of the main symptoms of early menopause can be mood swings. Women who are in perimenopause - which is the time period when the body's estrogen levels are dropping and menstrual cycles are becoming irregular - may also experience symptoms like hot flashes, lack of mental clarity, sleep troubles, headaches, and racing hearts. You may also experience breast tenderness, decreased sex drive, and vaginal dryness.

Luckily, most women don't experience all of these menopause symptoms - or at least not all at once. Different women will begin menopause differently, depending largely on their lifestyle choices and genetic predispositions. In general, it's thought that women who had severer PMS symptoms will have severer menopause symptoms, though this doesn't always hold true.

When you do start experiencing some symptoms of menopause, chances are likely that you may experience some mixed emotions. Menopause is a natural part of life, but it can also be a difficult thing for women to deal with because it is a distinct sign of aging and because it marks the end of your childbearing years. However, instead of fighting this completely natural process, you can work with your body to make things easier. The sooner you start making healthy lifestyle changes that will improve your experience of menopause, the better.

Some Changes to Make for Pre Menopausal Relief

Although some doctors will recommend hormonal replacement therapy for severe menopause symptoms, this approach has been shown to have many negative side effects, including an increased risk of cancer. Instead of taking this approach, which actually attempts to reverse some of the natural hormonal changes of menopause by supplementing hormones that the body is no longer producing, you can make some lifestyle changes to make your transition through menopause a graceful one.

One of the main things that you can do to help yourself during pre menopause is to eat right. You should be getting plenty of fruits and vegetables. Focus on incorporating different colored plant foods into your daily diet, since this will give you a wider variety of vitamins and minerals. Also, getting plenty of protein, fiber, calcium, and iron can help alleviate some symptoms. To eat right and maintain a healthy weight, which is also important, try to eat several small meals each day and include complex carbohydrates and protein in every meal.

Getting enough sleep and exercise is also important to pre menopausal women. You may feel more tired than normal during pre menopause, which is natural. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night will help, as will exercising on a daily basis. If you have trouble getting enough sleep because you're experiencing insomnia, consider using a natural herbal supplement like chamomile or valerian to help you get to sleep at night.

Taking these simple, healthy steps as soon as you feel menopause symptoms coming on will help you ensure that you get through menopause with as little fuss and bother as possible. Instead of using a dangerous clinical treatment to ease your symptoms, dealing with them in a healthy, proactive way will leave you feeling healthier and more confident through this natural phase in your life.

Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There are numerous similarities between the conditions hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Millions of people have these conditions, and while hypothyroidism can usually be measured through thyroid blood tests, there are no blood tests which can determine whether someone has fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. As a result, many doctors dismiss these latter conditions as not being "real" disorders. Fortunately more and more doctors are realizing that people with fibromyalgia and CFS have real conditions, although most still don't know how to successfully treat such conditions.

One thing I've learned in my 10+ years of being a holistic doctor is that you can't rely on blood tests alone. So with conditions such as fibromyalgia and CFS, just because the blood tests are negative (which they usually are) doesn't mean much. But the same thing holds true with hypothyroidism, as even the thyroid blood tests aren't completely reliable. Paying attention to the patient's symptoms is extremely important. But too many medical doctors are reliant on the blood tests alone, and don't pay much attention to their patient's symptoms.

Finding The Cause Of These "Incurable" Conditions

Most medical doctors label hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia as being incurable. So when someone receives positive thyroid blood tests which indicate the person is hypothyroid, that person will be told to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone for the rest of their life. In most cases nothing will be done to find the underlying cause of the condition, although many people with hypothyroidism can have their health restored back to normal through a natural thyroid treatment protocol.

Natural treatment methods can also help many people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. And when I talk about natural treatments, I'm not just talking about taking nutritional supplements and herbs. While nutritional supplements and herbs play an important role in the recovery process, taking these alone won't restore the health of someone with these conditions. In fact, it could be risky to self-treat your condition by taking supplements and herbs.

Four Bodily Systems Which May Be Causing Your Condition

With hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and CFS, there are four main areas of the body which can be causing or contributing to these conditions:

1. Adrenal Glands. Most people with hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and/or CFS have weak adrenal glands. Most endocrinologists and other types of medical doctors don't look at adrenal health, but weak adrenal glands can lead to many different health issues, and will need to be addressed if there is any possibility of curing one's condition. Fortunately, this can be determined through a test called the Adrenal Stress Index (ASI), which is through the company Diagnos-Techs. If it has been determined that you have weak adrenal glands this can usually be corrected by modifying certain lifestyle factors, and also through proper adrenal support.

2. Steroid Hormones. An imbalance in hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, and/or DHEA can also contribute to these conditions. Many holistic doctors recommend bioidentical hormones to correct these hormone imbalances. While bioidientical hormones can help greatly at times, they usually don't provide a permanent cure to a hormone imbalance. So if they are given to a person it should be on a temporary basis. Following a certain natural treatment protocol will usually correct such a hormone imbalance.

3. Immune System. A compromised immune can be a factor in these conditions as well. When someone with hypothyroidism has a compromised immune system it frequently leads to a condition called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. But people with fibromyalgia and CHF frequently have compromised immune systems as well. And to no surprise, most medical doctors do nothing to address a compromised immune system.

4. Digestive System. Proper digestion is extremely important with these conditions as well. While a poorly functioning digestive system might not be the direct cause of hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, or CFS, if one can't properly digest the foods they eat and any nutritional supplements they need to take, then it's pointless to follow a natural treatment protocol. So one of the main goals for anyone with these conditions is to correct any digestive issues they may have.

For Optimal Results Consult With A Competent Natural Endocrine Doctor

Instead of trying to self-treat your condition, I highly recommend consulting with a competent natural endocrine doctor. This type of doctor isn't easy to find, but a good natural endocrine doctor will fully evaluate your condition to determine the underlying cause of the disorder, and if they feel as if you're a candidate for natural treatment methods they will put you on an individualized treatment plan.

In summary, people with hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, and/or chronic fatigue syndrome can frequently have their health restored back to normal through a natural treatment protocol. Such a protocol can admittedly be a challenge to follow, as it does involve taking responsibility for your health. But if you're determined to restore your health to normal then there is a good chance you will benefit from natural treatment methods.

What Are the Side Effects of Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as hormones made naturally by the body. They are a type of hormone used in hormone therapy, which may be used in the treatment of menopause. Bio-identical hormones are made from plant chemicals extracted from yams and soy.

In cases with side effects present, the hormone dosage may be too high. Patients must be properly monitored to ensure the appropriate dosage is provided. Some of the possible symptoms that patients experience while using bio-identical hormones include weight gain, depression, facial hair growth, hair loss and fatigue.

Weight gain is typically seen in the abdominal region, thighs and buttocks. In terms of depression, whether one is predisposed to depression may determine if they suffer from this side effect. Hair loss and facial hair growth may subside once the treatment is halted. Fatigue associated with hormones that are bio-identical may be mild, moderate or severe.

Another side effect that has been associated with bioidentical hormones is the body's dependency on them. Patients will not become addicted to them and they are not habit forming, but the body may begin to need them.

The FDA does not regulate these type of hormones, meaning there is relatively little information known about their side effects. With little known about the side effects of these drugs, many physicians and healthcare professionals do not condone the use of these drugs, although there are still those who support their use.

There are some hormones that are approved by the FDA and are sold in standard doses, while others are 'custom made' by compounding factories and therefore are not approved by the FDA. The FDA does not approve these forms because they are not standardized, which does not necessarily mean that they are unsafe. The compounding of bioidentical hormones has not been banned by the FDA, as they may be useful for patients who are allergic to a certain components in the FDA-approved bioidentical hormone treatment.

Individuals who are interested in bioidentical hormones should make sure that the drugs they are taking are trustworthy and properly compounded. Some reports indicate that serious side effects, which may include death, have been associated with improperly compounded bioidentical hormone drugs. A physician will have further information.

The debate as to whether bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective than other hormone therapy treatments will go on. Patients should study the side effects, speak to their doctor and weigh their benefits in determining if they are right for them.

Skin Care Secrets - How to Treat Melasma and Pregnancy Mask

One of the most bothersome facial pigment problems is called melasma - otherwise known as "pregnancy mask. Melasma is a brownish pigmentation that affects adult women. It often develops during pregnancy - hence the name "pregnancy mask". Some women only have a few small brown spots here and there, but many have big patches of brown pigment that cover entire cheeks or foreheads or around the mouth. It can often be difficult to cover completely with makeup, and many women have spent a fortune on lightening creams and various laser therapies trying to get rid of it. Melasma is exacerbated by sun and UV radiation exposure (including tanning beds), but hormonal factors play a role as well, since it often comes on during pregnancy, while on birth control pills, or while on hormone replacement therapy. Certain unknown genetic factors will also predispose certain women to get it. Melasma can be very difficult but not impossible to control. Here are some tips:

1. Use daily sunscreen. The best method of treatment is prevention. Starting at a young age with daily sun block, avoiding intense sun exposure, and avoiding tanning beds all can help prevent younger women and teenagers from developing this condition in their middle adult years. In women that have melasma already, sun protection can keep it from worsening. This means daily sun block year round.

2. Stop your birth control pills if you no longer need them for birth control. If you are finished having kids, consider your surgical options for birth control. If you are taking birth control for help with menstrual symptoms, consider bioidentical hormone management instead. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy, try to minimize your estrogen (take the smallest amount you need to control your symptoms)

3. Avoid soy. Many people don't know that 20% of the calories in the typical American diet come from soy derivatives. Much of our processed food contains significant amounts of soy. And soy can mimic estrogen in your body and may exacerbate melasma. Read your food labels, and try to cut back on your soy intake.

4. Lightening creams. This is a very popular form of treatment but not effective for many and usually will only lighten the melasma some. Hydroquinone is the most effective topical lightening agent and can be found in low doses over the counter or at higher more effective doses with a prescription. But long term use of hydroquinone can sometimes exacerbate the melasma, especially in Asian and Hispanic skin. Therefore, short-term intermittent use is best. Triluma (which contains hydroquinone), Retin A, and Kojic Acid are other topical lighteners that may help.

5. Chemical Peels. A series of medical grade chemical peels with glycolic acid or TCA can help some people with melasma.

6. Laser therapy can be especially effective at treating melasma, but you need to chose the correct type of laser. Traditional photofacials or micro laser peels typically do not go deep enough to remove melasma pigment in most people. The more aggressive fractionated laser therapy (such as the Active FX laser) offer more consistent melasma-removing results.

Take Control of Your Hormones - Don't Let Your Hormones Control You

Thankfully times have progressed since our grandmother's day and women's health issues such as menopause are widely and openly discussed. Even so, very often the only facts that a woman knows about menopause in advance is that one day her menstrual cycle will cease and she may get some "hot flashes".

In her ground-breaking book "The Sexy Years", Suzanne Somers covers in depth, menopause, its symptoms and she reports on natural solutions. She relates in a funny way how "one day in mid-life the Seven Dwarfs of Menopause showed up at my door - Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful and All-Dried-Up." Like many women, she knew that the menopause was coming but had no clue what to expect.

Suzanne was lucky enough to find the answer to her prayers which finally "sent the Seven Dwarfs packing" - she was directed to Bioidentical (Natural) Hormone Replacement Therapy and she is now one of the leading advocates for it.

The Three Stages of Menopause - Do you fall into one of them? There is a stage of life leading up to Menopause called Perimenopause and a stage of life when Menopause is finished called Post-menopause. Menopause itself is also a stage and seldom occurs overnight. For lots of women it happens in their 50's to 60's. Recent studies and research are reporting that today's women are beginning menopause earlier possibly due to taking having taken birth control pills (synthetic hormones), eating synthetic hormone laden meats and eggs, and living very stressful lifestyles, or it can be brought on earlier by surgical intervention. All women transition through these three phases and with menopause occurring earlier for many women, the first phase is logically pushed earlier as well.

Perimenopause (or pre-menopause), usually thought to start in one's 40's, now often starts in one's 30's. This phase is marked by decreased production of estrogen and progesterone and irregular periods. A popular misconception is that menopause symptoms don't start until a woman has no periods. In reality, the hormonal changes that begin in perimenopause can result in menopause symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and mood swings.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (also called natural hormone replacement therapy) offers a solution to menopause symptoms and can be very helpful in relieving symptoms during perimenopause and make this transition phase more comfortable.

Following perimenopause, menopause actually begins when a woman has not had a menstrual period for one year.
A woman is born with a finite number of eggs, usually around 1.3 million, which are stored in her ovaries. At the time of a girl's first period, the number is down to about 400,000 and by the time a woman starts menopause it may be down to less than 10,000.

The ovaries also produce estrogen and progesterone, which regulate menstruation and ovulation. Menopause happens when the ovaries are depleted of all their eggs and no amount of stimulating hormones can force them to work. The ovaries dramatically reduce their production of estrogen. Estrogen has effects on a variety of body organs, including blood vessels, heart, bone, breasts, uterus, urinary system, skin and brain. At this time, the ovaries also may decrease their production of testosterone, a hormone involved in the libido or sexual drive.

It is believed that the loss of estrogen, testosterone and change in progesterone levels are the cause the menopause symptoms. And the changes in these hormone levels are what also cause the symptoms a woman may experience in perimenopause.

In a fully healthy female body, the glands in the endocrine system (adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and the thyroid) work in coordination to produce the hormones needed for a smooth, symptom free transition into perimenopause and then menopause. A fully healthy body is difficult to achieve in today's world with so many toxins in the food, water and air as well as the increased daily stress and little exercise. Consequently, there is a very large number of women suffering from menopause symptoms.

Not for nothing has this phase traditionally been called "the change of life". It often marks a time when many women feel that they have lost control of their own bodies as a range of unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes and weight gain, threatens to take over their lives, symptoms which may have started in perimenopause. Many women experience great benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - natural hormone replacement.

Post Menopause
Post menopause is the final phase when most of the distress of menopause symptoms has faded and in many cases, ceased completely. Energy returns and emotions return to normal without the mood swings. During this phase additional health concerns turn to prevention of Osteoporosis and heart disease.

Post menopausal measures for good health should be a continuation of pre-menopausal strategies, i.e. a nutritious diet containing calcium-rich foods and a regular routine of weight-bearing exercise. Continuing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or natural remedies are recommended for any lingering menopause symptoms, and getting regular Well Woman exams, including checking bone density and heart health.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), also called natural hormone replacement therapy, is the supplemental use of Bioidentical hormones (estrogen, progesterone and/or testosterone) to replace and balance one's hormones to help relieve menopause, perimenopause or post menopause symptoms. Bioidentical hormones are exactly the same, "identical" hormones, molecule per molecule that the body produces. They come from plant sources, but are still considered natural to the body because they are identical biologically to female hormones and so they help women rebalance hormone levels in a safe and natural way.

Imbalanced hormone levels can become increasingly complex, because sometimes the level of a hormone is not as important as its ratio to the other hormones. This is why conversations with a healthcare practitioner will be about "balancing" hormones rather than merely increasing them. Conversely, synthetic hormone drugs do not mimic your body's natural hormones. They mainly turn off menopause symptoms rather than rebalancing hormone levels and recent studies have shown synthetic hormones can significantly increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

The Three Steps in the BHRT Process

Step One: Get a Hormone Analysis.
The first visit usually lasts an hour or so. The healthcare practitioner will (a) discuss with the patient what they are experiencing and answer all questions, (b) do a full review of the medical history and (c) order a hormone analysis in the form of a Lab Test to learn hormone levels. (This test may be from a blood, saliva, or urine sample). The hormone test results will give the precise measurements of the following types of hormones; estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenals and thyroid. Depletion of, or an imbalance between any of these hormones can result in many menopause symptoms and balancing the levels results in their relief.

Step 2: Receive Your Prescription and Program
After reviewing the test results, the healthcare practitioner will review the results with the patient and discuss the choices available so that she can make informed decisions about her hormonal requirements. Ideal hormone levels depend on your height, weight, genetic inheritance, diet, metabolic rate, daily stress, body composition, exposure to environmental toxins, protein synthesis, and other factors - all of which vary from woman to woman. An individualized program is then created. If the patient chooses BHRT, the program will include a prescription with individualized compounded doses of bioidentical hormones rather than "one dose fits all" approach of conventional hormone replacement therapy. It will be tailored specifically to fit you. Although Bioidentical (natural) hormones are not drugs, the prescription will need to be filled at a compounding pharmacy.

Step 3. Track the Results and Continue To Communicate with Your Healthcare Practitioner.
Many women find they get relief from their symptoms almost immediately and it is important to track progress and work closely with your healthcare practitioner. After three months, one makes a return visit to once again measure your hormone levels, moving closer toward your ideal balance.

For the best results, it is recommended that a woman get a baseline hormone level test when she is younger and in peak health. This provides a benchmark and greatly assists in rapidly balancing a patient's hormone levels later in life when symptoms start to occur.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Let Go of Judgment and Be Happy

Let Love in Your Life in Every Moment

What's the most important thing to remember?

For me it's: Let go of judgment and cynicism!

Sounds easy? No, yet it can be done and it will support you in letting love in your life.

Having been brought up to be a logical thinker and discerning about everything, this lesson has been especially helpful for me. Thinking too much is highly overrated. Have you noticed that some people are boastful and others tend to belittle themselves. We do the same thing to ourselves in our head. At first blush, these seem to be polar opposites of each other. The truth is, both ways of being are showing us an underlying truth that deep down inside we do not feel good about ourselves. I am learning to have compassion on these parts of myself. When we notice that we feel less than someone else or better than, there it is! Clearing these scenarios out of my head is the key!

When I find myself judging (whether it be myself or someone or something else), I say a magical affirmation which I learned from the book Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len Ph.D. This wonderful book describes how these words transformed an unbelievably difficult situation. The words are simple yet profound: I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me and thank you. Who do I say these words to? I say them to myself silently. An example: You are at work and someone appears to be putting you down with their tonal quality. Say to yourself "I love you". (People can sometimes trigger parts of ourselves that resonate with their feelings of not loving themselves. So I remind myself that I do love me). Then say silently "I'm sorry". (I say this to myself, because I am sorry I have created this experience to wake me up to the 'now' moment or however you choose perceiving it) Next is "please forgive me". (I'm asking myself to forgive some unconscious part of myself that does not totally love me). And finally I say "thank you" to myself. (I am grateful this was brought to my awareness for my growth). I may say it hundreds of times to myself before I feel clear. Or I may say it once or twice. Or journal about it! It does get easier!

Whenever I feel triggered by someone else, I say these phrases to myself. Or I can say it silently to the other person. It supports me in staying out of judgment and out of my ruminating about it. Peacefulness is what I feel, when I do this.

This works in traffic, at work, at home, with family, with those little things people do that we choose to let get us off our peaceful center point. It is really our 'response' to outside experiences, that creates the frustration, not the experience itself. It is always a choice, for me to experience this moment fully here and now.

When I love me, it is much easier to love others, even when they are doing their own stuff to themselves. I can then express my true feelings in a compassionate way to them. "I" sentences, about how I feel. For instance: 'I feel frustrated when we are not able to communicate with each other in a way that supports us both'. It can be challenging, yet doing the best to share feelings without pointing the finger at the other person, is a powerful, loving experience. It may not come out the way you want it to, so remember to not beat yourself up about it. Another opportunity to say the magic words!

It can be pretty funny after awhile. I keep going deeper and deeper with forgiving myself and I realize, I can drop the 'I'm sorry" and 'please forgive me' and say to myself simply: 'I love you' and 'thank you'.

Try it, you will be amazed! The 'aha' moments will come at an alarming rate. Enjoy! Keep me informed on how this supports you in your life.

Wishing you the best, joyful life possible in every moment!

Bioidentical Hormones Side Effects

Bioidenticals have grown in popularity due to the horrific findings related to HRT (hormone replacement therapy). It has been five years since the Women's Health Initiative Estrogen plus Progestin (WHI) arm of this in vivo trial was stopped early due to the alarming number of test subjects who had begun to develop various types of heart disease and cancer.

Convincingly, the WHI showed the opposite to be true. Instead of simply relieving hot flashes and night sweats Provera (estrogen plus progestin) caused heart disease, breast cancer, as well as blood clots and strokes. Simply put, this compound not only did not add to the quality of life, it threatened it as well.

With proof positive that Provera (along with other drugs of its ilk) are harmful, why are women still taking them? There are many reasons for this antiquated thinking and a reluctance to stop taking something that could be so potentially hazardous to one's health. Even though conclusive proof exists that perimenopause and menopause are a natural phenomenon, many still consider menopause as a disease and as something that should be treated. Additionally, the large pharmaceutical companies even now push HRT and bioidenticas as the most appropriate choices, even though there are extensive elevated risks associated with these treatment plans.

Pharmaceutical companies only fund laboratory concocted drugs which can be patented. While more natural hot flash and night sweat remedies may be available, research funds for these curatives is severely lacking.

Recently, well-known celebrities have begun to endorse "bioidenticals", going so far as to launch a movie extolling the virtues of bioidenticals. Contrary to what we might have heard, bioidenticals are not a safe and effective alternative to HRT.

The Mayo Clinic is one of the few "not for profit" hospitals and research facilities in the country. They don't worry about what large commercial pharmaceutical companies think, nor are they concerned about the statements made by scientists working for research firms owned by these big conglomerates.

When asked if bioidenticals were safer and more effective than traditional hormone replacement therapy, Mary Gallenberg gynecologist, obstetrician, and research fellow at the Mayo Clinic answered: "No, they aren't."

Conversely, and according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and several medical specialty groups, bioidentical hormones may be riskier than standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and there's no evidence they're any more effective.

Coincidentally, The Mayo Clinic (in trials run in 2007) investigated the merits of flaxseed in effectively controlling common symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, with promising results.

Straight Answers to Some Tricky Questions

The following discussions are provided to help clear up some of the most glaring (and potentially dangerous) misconceptions women may have about menopause and hormones.

Q. I'm only 42 but have symptoms. Can I be going into menopause this soon?

A. Yes. About 25% of us enter menopause before age 47. Almost all women (95%) are menopausal by age 55.

Q. What's the difference between "natural" hormones and those "bio-identical" hormones I've heard about? And can I buy them at the store?

A. Bio-identical means that a hormone is exactly the same, chemically, as the hormone nature produces in the human body. That's why people often refer to them as natural hormones.

The bio-identical hormones (BIHs) used for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are manufactured, typically from substances in certain yams or soybeans.

Drug manufacturers may mix these BIHs with other ingredients (including other hormones that may or may not be BIHs) or package them in certain forms (pills, patches, creams, etc.) that are sold to pharmacies under brand names.

The generic pharmaceutical-grade (USP) hormones may be sold to "com-pounding pharmacies" who can mix up custom hormone products prescribed by your doctor.

Some of the USP hormones may also be sold to supplement manufacturers for over-the-counter (OTC) products like those you find in a health food store.

However, not all OTC "hormone" products contain hormones the human body can use. Those that do are much weaker than prescription products.

Q. If I want bio-identicals do I have to go to a compounding pharmacy?

A. Not necessarily. With a doctor's prescription you can get brand-name BIHs from almost any pharmacy.

You DO need to use a compounding pharmacy when the brand-name product's hormone type, dosage, combination or delivery media (pill, patch, cream, etc.) do not meet your personal needs and you want a custom BIH solution.

Q. I took Prempro before that study came out saying it's bad. Am I in danger? Should I file a lawsuit?

A. Not necessarily. First, the overall risks observed in the WHI Prempro study were very tiny. Even in the most extreme example (blood clots) the risk increased from less than one-fourth of one percent to double that, or less than one-half of one percent.

Second, you can't sue unless you have been diagnosed with one of the diseases (heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, blood clots) the study found to be negatively influenced by Prempro.

Third, while there is always a chance you can win the case if a jury is manipulated properly by a clever legal team, the fact is that the data fluctuated on both heart disease and breast cancer during the 5.2 years of the study, with the Prempro group being more at risk sometimes and the placebo group being more at risk at other times.

Fourth, if it's breast cancer you've got, you'll have a hard time proving a causal connection. (See below.)

Q. Did the WHI study prove that Prempro causes breast cancer?

A. No. It only indicated that Prempro may accelerate the growth of an existing breast tumor. The study was too short to determine whether Prempro causes breast tumors, since breast cancer takes 7 to 10 years to grow to a detectable size. The fact is that any woman diagnosed with breast cancer during the study al-ready had it when she enrolled.

Q. Is it true that since I'm past the hot flashes I don't need any treatments?

A. No. The hot flashes, night sweats and heart palpitations are symptoms primarily of abrupt withdrawal of estrogen. Once your brain realizes that your estrogen supply is not going to be raised to previous levels, no matter how loud it yells at your ovaries, things usually calm down and those symptoms fade.

However, those obvious and annoying symptoms are only the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to what's happening inside your body as a result of having chronically low or imbalanced hormones (usually both).

Without the right treatment, you will remain at higher risk for heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, osteoporosis and memory loss.

You are also likely to continue experiencing any other symptoms you currently have, including: dryness (eyes, skin, mouth, vagina), mood swings or depression, insomnia, urinary tract infections, thinning or unwanted hair, high cholesterol, worsening allergies, weight gain and sexual problems.

In some cases, diet and herbs or vitamins may be effective in helping re-uce symptoms and certain disease risks.

Q. Is it safer to take regular drugs for things like hot flashes, cholesterol, osteoporosis and moods/depression, since the FDA says all hormones are just as risky as Prempro?

A. No. But let's address the second part first. The FDA's advice that all hormones should be considered to have the same risks as Prempro and Premarin is a precaution. In the past 60 years, only Premarin-based hormones have been tested in large studies; no other HRT products are nearly as well researched.

It can be argued that the safety of our native hormones has been proven by the many thousands of years human bodies have been making and using them. However, it is also true that the chemically identical (bio-identical) pharmaceutical counterparts to those native hormones that we use for HRT have never been comprehensively studied to see if they work just as well or are as safe.

But don't hold your breath waiting for those BIH studies. Since nature's formula cannot be patented, few (if any) drug companies will be eager to fund expensive research on products that they can never claim exclusive rights to sell at a premium price.

So the FDA's advice is sound: until proven otherwise, assume that all hormone products have about the same risks as Premarin and Prempro. (Just remember that even their risks were not as scary as the news made them seem.)

Now to address the first issue: using non-hormonal drugs instead of hormones. Realistically, the FDA's advice about hormones should be extended to include all drugs. Only a rare few drugs have been studied for 5+ years in over 10,000 people like Premarin and Prempro have. That means the risks of those drugs you take for your heart, bones, bladder, mood, insomnia and "personal summers" are at least as unknown as those of bio-identical hormones.

Each drug has its own side effects, and there may be interactions between one drug and other drugs (or with foods) that enhance or diminish the impact of one or more of the drugs you're taking.

Then there's the complexity of taking several drugs on different schedules, with different rules for each.

Multiple conditions that arise from a single cause should, logically and most simply, be treated by addressing that single cause-in this case, low or imbalanced hormones. The logical, simple answer would be to replace and/or balance the right hormones. But if hormone re-placement is not an option you're comfortable with, don't assume multiple "regular" drugs are any safer.

Q. The new FDA guideline says that women should take the "lowest effective dose" of hormones for the shortest possible time. Is Prempro the only product available in that strength? And is it safer than the Prempro they used in the WHI study?

A. "Lowest effective dose" means what-ever amount is appropriate for your body to solve the targeted problems. Each woman is different; therefore, no product can realistically offer a universal "lowest effective dose," though many products offer low-dose options.

The fact is that even Prempro's lowest dose may be too strong for some women, while its highest dose may be too weak for others.

Since only one strength of Prempro was used for all women in the WHI (0.625 mg Premarin + 2.5 Provera), and the low-dose product has not been studied to the same extent, there is no proof that the low dose is any safer than the higher dose. The new option merely ad-dresses the belief that less of something risky is better for you than more of it.

Q. Did that big WHI study really prove hormones don't make you feel better?

A. No. The WHI's Quality of Life (QOL) study was so poorly designed that its conclusions are downright laughable.

First, women with severe symptoms were discouraged from participating or were encouraged to drop out, leaving mostly "happy campers" in the study.

Second, even the researchers said their tests were "too crude" to really track important factors like memory.

Third (and most importantly), the majority of the subjects scored high on the initial baseline QOL tests. So when later tests showed their happy campers weren't any happier after taking Prempro, they merely proved that "if it ain't broke, Prempro won't fix it."

Somehow, that bit of useless information has since been translated into the completely unfounded claim that "if it IS broke, the right hormones won't fix it."

What you won't hear in the news is that despite the claim that hormones won't improve anyone's QOL, the study did show that among the 12% of subjects with moderate to severe symptoms, QOL improvement was 77% (vs. 52% for those taking the dummy pills). Now that's a significant difference!

Q. My sex drive is gone. Can Viagra work for me?

A. Maybe. There are Viagra-like products for women available now or on the horizon, but the truth is they can't improve your libido (sex drive). What they can do is draw blood to your genitals to make that area more sensitive and, presumably, more responsive during sex.

But if you have no sexual desire, those drugs won't solve your problem.

Testosterone is the hormone of desire in both women and men. And when we are deficient in it, we can lose not only our sex drive, but muscle tone, bone density, memory, energy, creative passion and fantasies as well.

Unfortunately, there is only one testosterone product currently available for women (Estratest) and it's not a BIH.

Intrinsa, a new bio-identical testosterone patch for women, passed all the standard tests for FDA approval, but was sent back for additional testing in light of the controversy over hormones in general, and over using testosterone for women, in particular.

Women can use certain products de-signed for men, though many doctors are hesitant to prescribe them. And because of the potential for abuse, these steroids are closely regulated.

Q. I'm told I don't need to take progesterone with my estrogen since I've had a hysterectomy. Is that good advice?

A. No. Unless the surgeon also removed your brain, bones, muscles, breasts and just about every other organ in your body, you still need progesterone to sup-port normal physiologic functions.

Most importantly, you need progesterone to counteract potentially harmful effects of the estrogens remaining in your body. Even if you have no ovaries and have never taken estrogen, your body still makes estrogens in fat cells and in your adrenal glands.

But at menopause your body produces almost no progesterone, which creates a dangerous "estrogen dominant" condition. So even if you don't take estrogen, you probably still need progesterone to restore hormonal balance.

Q. Isn't breast cancer the greatest disease risk women face?

A. No! Women are 9 times more likely to die of heart disease than of breast cancer! Plus, doctors are more likely to misdiagnose heart disease in women or to treat it less aggressively than in men.

Q. Isn't lowering cholesterol critical for preventing heart disease?

A. No. At least half of those who suffer heart attacks have perfectly normal cholesterol levels!

In fact, cholesterol is not bad for you. All your hormones are made of it. Only oxidized cholesterol is bad for you. (Which is why we take antioxidants like vitamins C and E.)

It's far more important to test for chronic inflammation as reflected in C-reactive protein and homocysteine levels, which are much more reliable predictors of heart disease than cholesterol.

Happy Family Life - Facts and Myths

It is not easy to be a married couple. People always try to give you advice about something. Of course it is always done out of the best and noble motives. Naturally, it is all useless. Throughout the years of living together the couple inevitably breaks all the rules and taboos at least once. So how does it affect their life?

It is time to crush the most popular myths about family life. We have decoded the secret meaning of all the advice that husband and wife hear from the very first day they tie the knot.

So myth number one: you should not go to sleep without making up after a fight. Well, it sounds quite reasonable - why risk it, what if overnight the fight that has started over something trifle will only flare up and become a real problem? It is better to make up and go to sleep with a clear conciseness and have a fresh start the following morning.

Our opinion: just make a deal with your other half to postpone the continuation of the fight till the morning - especially if it is past midnight, you are exhausted, and there is no foreseeable end to the fight any time soon. After all, not every argument can be limited by time restrictions and unfortunately not all of us can stop at the right time.

Of course it is bad to go to sleep feeling irritated after the fight. But there are certain pluses to it too, even if sometimes you sleep on opposite sides of the bed or separate bedrooms, you will be OK - just as your marriage will be OK also.

The second myth is that the birth of the child makes you even closer with your spouse. Very often after the baby is born (especially if it's the first baby) the spouses gain a countless number of subjects for conversations. Although all of them are connected to the baby one way or the other...

It seems like the relationship has risen to a new level, but then the husband leaves to work and the baby starts fussing or gets sick. The joy and amusement that this tiny being has aroused at first are gradually replaced with tiredness and irritation - what else can you expect after sleepless nights, nonstop breastfeeding, and diaper changes? Naturally, not a single decent mother will take her frustrations out on a baby, and the righteous anger falls on the one who happens to be nearby. And most often it is the beloved husband.

Our opinion: the birth of a child is above all a test of your relationship. Is there a solution? Yes. You should just accept the fact that all married couples go through a crisis and usually at the time when they expect it the least of all.

Furthermore, a woman needs help taking care of the baby - it is impossible to manage it on your own. The help and support of the loving husband do help a woman to not forget about the roles she has besides being a mother such as a role of a wife and a business woman. If a new mom still cannot even think about going out or is afraid to leave the baby with the dad, other family members, or a nanny, then do not rush things, let everything follow its course.

Another myth: a husband and wife should not only be in a romantic relationship, they should also be friends. It sounds great, doesn't it? After all, a wife knows her husband better than anybody else, so why not consider him the best friend?

Our opinion: romantic relationship is different from a friendship. Do not have illusions that one person will manage to become a personification of both passionate love and fond friendship. It simply does not happen like that.

In other words, do not blame yourself if you do not feel a friendly attachment to your spouse - this is what you have your girlfriends/guy friends for. The important thing is to keep that connection with each other, and what you are going to call it is up to you. Always take an interest in your spouse's life. When leaving in the morning, ask about your spouse's plan for the day and when you see each other in the evening make sure to inquire about how the day went and how successful they were with their to-do-list.

The next myth is that unsatisfactory sex life is not a problem. The first few months after the baby is born, the hormones, exhaustion, and excessive irritability do not contribute to the improvement of your sex life, therefore you should not force things to happen. A husband should treat the situation with understanding and store up on patience.

Our opinion: at the risk of causing many young moms dissatisfaction, we strongly declare that it is exactly after the baby is born that sex is extremely important and even necessary to preserve your relationship.

When you are constantly busy, suffer from lack of sleep and chronic stress, when you see your husband only in the morning and late in the evening, sex is the quickest and the most effective way to strengthen your relationship, even if you do not any more feel that wild attraction that you used to feel when you first got married.

Also, do not think that good sex requires particular conditions such as romantic dinner, special atmosphere and privacy, otherwise you will wait for this "ideal moment" forever, which will serve you as one more cause for disappointment and stress. Do not wait for ideal circumstances, but rather use any opportunity you get. Learn to appreciate quick sex, it liberates and drastically broadens your sexual repertoire.

Another myth: do not fight in front of the kids. The sight of the parents fighting is awful and can traumatize the child's nervous system. Small children unmistakably identify when you are irritated and angry (your mood transfers to them), and older kids watching their parents fight are scared that they can get a divorce.

Our opinion: watching the parents resolve a family conflict can actually be even useful for a child since he or she finds out that even the closest people sometimes cannot reach a mutual understanding. It is impossible to avoid conflict. If your family life is not clouded by disagreements then you have found your ideal partner. But ideal is so boring...

In other words, watching the parents fight is okay for kids and even useful. But there is one condition (as always). If your fight is taking place in front of the underage witnesses, you should fight by the rule. Instead of calling the spouse names, just express your concern to them in a civil way. Condemn the action (or the lack of such) and not the person. If the fight is too heated and solving it peacefully is not possible then try to make sure that the kids are not in the room.

And the last myth: do not take your other half for granted. This is the secret to happy and strong marriage, isn't it? Once you start taking your spouse for granted, you stop appreciating them.

Our opinion: taking the other half for granted means trusting them completely, relying on them and believing that he or she will be there by your side when you need them.

It also means that you have taken on certain responsibilities and roles in your family. When you have a family and kids, being a absolutely sure in your partner only provides support and gives strength to your relationship. However, do not forget that taking the other half for granted and taking all the sacrifices for granted are two different things. A simple "thank you" works miracles.

How To Have A Healthy Prostate

It is advisable for all men to have regular prostate check ups once they are over 40 and to do all they can to maintain a healthy prostate. This is even more true for men with a history of prostate cancer in their family as 40%s are linked in this way and the risk doubles if a brother is, or has been, diagnosed.

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system and its main function is to produce seminal fluid for semen. The first symptom men notice is when the prostate begins to enlarge and there is usually an inability to pass urine. This occurs when the growth presses on the urethra, the tube that carries urine, and blocks the flow. The doctor will usually carry out a test for prostate specific antigen (PSA), a substance present in the blood that is used to identify men at increased risk of prostate cancer.

Many men over the age of 45 experience some amount of prostate enlargement, but may live symptom free though with some resulting in urinary difficulties. If left untreated it can result in urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones, incontinence and cancer.

Simple Tips to Keep The Prostate Healthy

Regular annual checks are a must and adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in unsaturated fats, sugars and processed foods is a sensible strategy. Avoiding chemical exposure where possible by eating an organic diet will also help as research has flagged up a warning on pesticides and growth promoters in agriculture from as early as 2007. Although these tests were on animals the first series indicated "alterations in the structure of the testis and epididymal (a part of the male reproductive system) region as well as in the serum levels of testosterone and estradiol, with changes in the expression of androgen receptors restricted to the testis." Current French research has found that, even at very low levels, exposure to the Monsanto's herbicide formula Roundup was responsible for causing severe endocrine disruption that reduced testosterone levels by 35 percent.

A simple and effective tip to maintain prostate health is to perform Kegel exercises to improve circulation and this is done by pulling up all the muscles around the scrotum and anus. Repeat this movement 10 times and at least 5-6 times daily - no one will know you are doing it!

Herbal help has been used for centuries for men suffering from prostate enlargement and there are many combinations but the most popular include saw palmetto to relieve testicular inflammation and inhibit oestrogen, the hormone responsible for prostate enlargement

The herbs nettle, pygeum and hydrangea have also been show to be effective for relieving symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Damiana has a long history of helping balance the body's hormones, nettle is a natural diuretic and hydrangea supports the urinary system, where it is know to promote the overall health of the prostate gland and help to reduce inflammation and swelling. Antioxidants are also helpful, particularly the A.C.E combination of vitamins A,C, E with selenium as they help to protect these sensitive tissues from oxidative damage.

The Role Of Progesterone

An essential hormone for both men and women, its levels remain constant in men until they are over 60. Men produce it in their adrenals and testes and it is the precursor of adrenocortical hormones and testosterone. As they age, men's progesterone and testosterone levels drop and oestrogen levels rise and they normally produce 5-15 mgs of progesterone a day. This is secreted on a regular basis, unlike in women where it is cyclical and related to the menstrual cycle.

Men as they get older have a tendency to produce less testosterone and more di-hydrotestosterone, which seems to have an over stimulating effect on cells. Progesterone could have the effect of neutralizing the di-hydrotestosterone, which would thus help to maintain testosterone levels. It is also thought that progesterone may have an effect on the genetic coding of some cells, and in this prevents the development of abnormal cells.

The drop that occurs in progesterone levels in men is important, as we know it has a protective effect against the stimulating effects of oestrogen and testosterone. It does this by first acting directly on the progesterone receptors that are present in almost every tissue of the body and secondly by competing for receptors with testosterone.

Although very little research has been done into the effects and role of progesterone in men, it is clear that a whole range of health problems can be addressed using this hormone and specifically in helping to maintain a healthy prostate. Research is lacking in this area, but there are interesting anecdotal reports of reports from patients with prostate cancer which has been diagnosed both by blood test and biopsy. These patients have found that, as a result of using natural progesterone for about a year, the levels of PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen) in their blood have decreased to normal levels.

Keeping a healthy prostate requires an all-round approach in which diet, exercise, lifestyle and good hormone balance all have a role to play.

HRT: An Option With Caveats

There was once a time when doctors helped women deal with menopausal symptoms with a universal easy answer. That answer was hormone replacement therapy, or, HRT. It was considered a safe and reliable way to replenish the diminishing levels of estrogen in menopausal women's bodies. Things changed, however, when it was discovered that for some women, HRT posed a serious health risk. HRT is still used today, but the way in which it is administered has evolved.


Researchers have discovered that extended exposure to HRT consisting of doses of estrogen and progestin increases the risk of cancer, strokes, heart disease, and blood clots in some women. For this reason, many doctors no longer prescribe HRT for longer than two and sometimes three years, and then only in women with the most severe menopausal symptoms.


Since HRT replaces the hormones your body no longer produces, it can help ease the symptoms caused by a lack of hormones. This means relief from hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, and many of the additional symptoms of menopause. It can also help with other problems associated with estrogen leaving the body, such as osteoporosis and colorectal cancer. HRT can also promote sexual health by offering relief from vaginal dryness and the burning and itching during sexual intercourse. Generally, taking estrogen seems to help a woman look, and therefore often feel, younger, so estrogen replacement was widely accepted by millions of women until reports of serious side effects surfaced.

Alternative Forms of HRT

One alternative form of HRT is bioidentical HRT. This method is different in the fact that the medication itself is derived from plant-based materials instead of synthesized in a lab. The end result is hormones that are chemically identical to the ones that occur naturally within your body. Potential users should be aware that bioidentical HRT products are generally not approved by the FDA. Another way of administering HRT is through the use of topicals, which are designed to deliver hormones directly to a specific part of the body. They can be applied using sprays, creams, patches, lotions, and gels and are primarily used to alleviate the vaginal dryness so common to menopause. One advantage is that the medication is absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the skin, thus bypassing the GI tract and liver. The result is a diminished risk of blood clots and the avoidance of the ingestion of the additional materials that oral medications must contain in order to be absorbed by the body. Estrogen cream applied directly into the vagina should not be used just before intercourse, since repeated exposure to estrogen is not recommended for men. Vaginal tablets with low-dose estradiol are also available and are inserted into the vagina twice weekly.

There are also low-dose estrogen "rings," which are inserted into the vagina the same way you would insert a diaphragm and have approximately the same diameter as a diaphragm. The ring is fairly stiff, with just enough flex to allow insertion. It releases a low dose of estradiol daily for three months, at which time you would discard it and insert a new one. There does not seem to be the same risk of estrogen exposure to men as the cream has if their partner uses one of these. The good news about these alternative methods of estrogen administration is not only the low dose of drug they provide, but also the localized effect of the estrogen, which is only absorbed into the bloodstream in very small amounts. Yet there is no guarantee that any estrogen product is without side effects. Before considering or pursuing any form of treatment for your symptoms of menopause, schedule a visit with your doctor. Every woman is different, and there is no single medication, method, or therapy that works best for everyone. Estrogen products are sold by prescription only, and only your health care provider can evaluate the needs of your body and prescribe an appropriate, safe, and effective plan for treating your condition.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Bioidentical Hormones

Biodentical hormones have a mixed reputation. While some individuals claim to have found great success with this treatment, others report unpleasant side effects. Hormone replacement therapy can be an effective treatment for many problems when you understand how to use this treatment properly.

What are Biodentical Hormones?

Biodentical hormones are hormones that have been derived from plant chemicals and formulated to mimic the effects of the human body's own naturally produced hormones. Some of these hormones have been approved by the FDA for various types of therapy. There are no biodentical hormones that have been approved for weight loss as of yet. When biodentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is used as a tool for weight loss, it is being used off label.

What are the Benefits of Biodentical Hormones?

Hormone levels play an important role in the way the human body functions. By working with an experienced doctor, you can tweak the levels of certain hormones in your body with BHRT. Some benefits that you can experience include:

  • Increased energy

  • Decreased risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack

  • Reduction in wrinkles and other signs of aging

  • Increased libido

  • Better cognitive function

  • Lowered risk of broken bones from osteoarthritis

  • Decreased risk of Alzheimer's

  • Better mood and sense of vitality

  • Weight loss

How to Lose Weight with Biodentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you're looking to lose weight with BHRT, there are a few important points that you should know. First, you should never attempt any type of hormone therapy without the supervision of a doctor. A doctor will help you target the specific hormones that your body needs.

Even with successful BHRT, you won't get the weight loss results that you're after if you don't pursue a comprehensive weight loss plan. You should carefully monitor your diet and reduce junk foods while increasing your intake of vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Exercising regularly will have a major impact on your weight loss efforts. With the triple threat of diet, exercise, and BHRT, you may see some stunning weight loss results.

Side Effects of Biodentical Hormone Use

Biodentical hormones are touted as an all natural treatment, but patients should understand just what this term means. In regards to these hormones, "natural" indicates that they are taken from plants, animals, or minerals rather than laboratory chemicals. These hormones may be extracted from a variety of sources including yams and soybeans. They are similar to the hormones found in the body naturally, but they are obviously taken from a very different source.

Some hormone replacement therapy trials, such as the Women's Health Initiative, which was stopped in 2002, found that the use of hormone treatments increased the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, heart disease, and stroke. Since BHRT is not FDA approved as a treatment for weight loss, the side effects of this treatment are not well documented.

Talk to your doctor about whether BHRT is the right treatment for you. Used with proper medical supervision, you may find very satisfactory results.

How to Make a Beautiful Woman Fall in Love With YOU!

Knowing how to make a beautiful woman fall in love with you is nothing at all like making her want to be your friend. If you are going to end up making beautiful girls feel more than just platonic friendship with you, then you have to drill that into your mind. Too many guys grow up with the idea that they should try and be a girl's best friend and that alone will make her fall in love with them. And time and time again, they end up being nothing more than just a friend to them.

Look, you could spend all of your time doing her favors and always being there for her, and she will appreciate that. However, she will not appreciate it in the way that you would like her to. Instead, she will cherish your friendship and not want ANYTHING at all to come in between that bond. And that means NO DATING her.

Here are some tips that can help you to make beautiful women fall in love with you FOR REAL:

1. You have to know where to draw the line between nice guy and push over. There is a fine line between being a good guy that is genuinely trying to respect her and being a push over that will do anything that he can just to spend time with her. Doing things like being her taxi ride or her shopping buddy are not really going to make her fall in love with you. If you do not want to do something for her, man up and say NO.

2. She has to feel like she has to impress YOU in some way. Don't assume that it is always your job to impress her. Not all of the time. She has to feel the same way. If it's not a two way street, then what do you really have? If you want to make her fall in love with you, then you have to make her feel like she has to win you over and that she has to do things to impress you as well.

3. If there is no sexual tension with a woman, then there is going to be NO funny business. I think you know what I mean by the funny business. It's the good stuff, the physical things that you want to do with her. Well, to get to that point, then there has to be some sexual tension in the air when you are around her. Don't assume that she is going to fall for you because you are always just so nice to her. You have to be a challenge and make her feel that sexual tension.

How to Make Her Want You Without Smothering Her With Attention

Quite frequently, when a woman meets a nice guy and despite all of the positives that she sees in him, she still does not want to date him... it usually boils down to the fact that the nice guy ends up smothering her with too much attention. Yes, there is such a thing as giving a woman too much attention, as hard as that might be to believe. And if you have been guilty of giving way too much attention to women in the past, only to see that her attraction for you died out, then this is a mistake that you do not want to make again.

Some guys come to the conclusion after getting rejected for giving a woman too much attention, that they should act completely opposite and start being kind of a jerk, but that is not always the best course, either. Extremes can be a good thing at times, but this is not one of them. If you want to make her want you, then you have to know how to do this without smothering her with too much attention.

Here's a little advice on how to make her want you without giving her so much attention it makes her lose any attraction towards you:

One of the easiest things and also one of the most effective things that you can do is to maintain your own lifestyle, no matter how much you like being around her. You might feel like you want to be around her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but you need to be able to shake off that feeling and do your own thing. Get up with the guys once in a while, hang out with the fellas from work. Show her that you are not going to be all over her and smothering her with your attention.

The other thing, and a really common reason why guys feel like they need to give a woman too much attention, comes from insecurity. If you really like a woman, and there is a part of you that feels like maybe you are not good enough or that you might lose her, it's going to be hard to resist the temptation to shower her with attention. This is something that can easily be remedied.

When you know how to use things like sexual tension and the power of being mysteriously tempting to a woman, you don't have to worry.

The reality is, if you feel like you might lose her and that is why you give her so much attention, chances are you will lose her and it will be because of all of that attention. Instead, working on using sexual tension to your advantage to make her want you and the power of being a 'mystery' to keep her thinking about you. It works.

Is Stress Taking Its Toll on You? How You Can Control It

In this bustling 24/7 world today, it is difficult to carve out some quiet space. As working women (a category that includes mothers working at raising their children), each of us has too many lists, too many tasks, too many requests from others, too many expectations and not enough time or energy to meet our own standards of perfection or self-expectations. We fail to cut ourselves some slack as the calendar fills up. We try to be everything to everyone - except oneself!

We schedule, juggle and run through each day and well into the night, we tell ourselves we are coping and have it under control. We are convinced we can live on little sleep, caffeine, grabbing a morsel of food here and there and multitasking - even our conversations. We are aware of the silent enemies of our health: heart disease, various cancers, exhaustion, etc. We tell ourselves it won't happen to us - or when the thought of the mere possibility of one of these knocking us down comes to mind, we shake it off and say we don't have time for that!  

There is a very sneaky condition that is quietly working against us: stress. Oh sure, we feel the stress. We hear ourselves lose our tempers, raise our voices at the ones we love, forget where we parked the car or why we are even in that parking lot. Certain times of the year such as back-to-school, holidays and family vacations add extra stress even though they are supposed to be fun and special family times.  

What we are not seeing is what stress is doing to us. Stress is the body's reaction to the demands of life. There is good stress; it motivates us and is necessary. There is bad stress to which we react in a variety of ways - both outwardly and inwardly. The real culprit is chronic stress, which can leave us with a persistent feeling of anxiety, anger or frustration and keeps our bodies in a "crisis mode" for long periods of time. It wears us down, interferes with sleep or digestion, and makes us irritable and prone to headaches and other muscular tension.  

Chronic stress can exhaust our adrenal glands and throw off the body's chemical balance. It can cause a drop in melatonin, the sleep hormone, and a rise in cortisol, the stress hormone. This sets us up for what we may think is an "unexplained weight gain."  

Actually, the explanation is stress: the kind of stress we have been pushing down inside because we don't have time to deal with it. The longer we put off taking steps to manage stress, the more serious the problem becomes. The more we diet and fail to see the pounds dropping, the more frustrated we become, which increases the stress. Now we are caught in the vicious cycle. In the meantime, our bodies are suffering. Our relationships begin to suffer. We don't even like ourselves. And it goes on and on ...  

It is time to listen and abide to the old adage: Women, take care of yourselves first so you can take care of the other important people in your lives.  

As an over-achieving perfectionist and breast cancer survivor with depleted adrenal glands and digestive distress, I encourage you to:  

  • simplify your life,

  • carefully consider the impact of saying "yes" to often, and

  • take care of yourself.

You cannot outrun the odds, so slow down and catch up on caring for yourself. Take time for yourself - now !

Do Bio-Identical Hormones Cause Toxicity and Side Effects?

Bio-identicals, or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), has become a popular way to combat hormonal problems in women. It is the replacement or replenishing of hormones to the body using synthetic hormones (produced in a lab) or sometimes natural hormones. Women that experience hot flashes, hair loss, low sex drive, uterine fibroids, wrinkly skin, depression or fatigue, allergy problems and other symptoms are often diagnosed with a hormone imbalance. Then medicines are prescribed that contain these "natural hormones" to help replenish the body's hormone deficiency. Unfortunately, new evidence reveals that both synthetic and natural bio-identical hormones can be toxic and may even pose a cancer threat. They may actually hinder the body's own hormone-producing capabilities.

Many consumers of HRT are simply not educated about bio-identicals and how the process of hormone replacement may affect their body. In more than 1000 saliva tests (used in traditional Chinese medicine), natural estrogen, progesterone and wild yam creams caused extreme toxicity in the subjects' hormone levels. Hormone replacement is based on the idea that as the body ages, it becomes unable to produce the appropriate number of hormones necessary for good health. Though the body does change the process of hormone production somewhat, hormone problems arise due to the body being unhealthy no matter a person's age.

Toxicity Discovered in a Number of Bio-Identicals

Natural hormone replacement medicines must be absolutely fresh to be truly bio-identical. This is difficult to achieve with manufactured products. It is also difficult to provide an exact match for hormones that are produced naturally by the body. The toxicity levels of testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone are well documented; however, these are often prescribed by doctors casually without a thought of toxicity.

Insulin is prescribed for many diabetic patients, but is toxic and always has some side effects. Physicians are well aware of the extreme care that must be used to avoid insulin shock, which can be fatal. Although it's up to the patient (not the doctor), many diabetics can correct their insulin problems through proper diet. There is, however, a need for insulin replacement in extreme cases until the person's body is able to produce its own insulin.

Another very toxic bio-identical hormone is estrogen. It is considered by many to be the primary carcinogen. Yet, natural and synthetic estrogen is administered to many menopausal women and others with hormone imbalances without restraint.

HRT and Breast Cancer

Another concern of HRT is the risk of breast cancer. In 2002, a study was documented that involved a randomized controlled trial with the Women's Health Initiative. The study found that users of HRT had a 26 percent higher risk of breast cancer than non-users. The increased risk may occur after only three years of using hormone replacement therapy.

What are other Solutions?

Women that suffer from a hormone imbalance should consider the risks carefully before using a bio-identical hormone replacement medicine. Though there are some instances where HRT may be necessary such as in the case of complete organ failure or life-threatening diabetes, many hormone problems can be solved using homeopathic means. First and foremost, a saliva test should be taken to pinpoint hormone problems. Before moving forward with any treatment or program, you'll need to know where your body is deficient when it comes to hormones.

Secondly, take control of diet and nutrition. Incorporate foods that are natural antioxidants. Avoid caffeine, which dehydrates the adrenal glands, as well as sugar. Opt for a diet that helps build the endocrine system. A doctor that specializes in homeopathy, such as Dr. Theresa Dale, can help you find a viable solution of diet and exercise to fit your lifestyle. Dr. Dale helps women realize their hormonal problems through saliva testing, and then offers a complete program to rejuvenate hormones, not replace them. She helps hormone imbalance sufferers through natural products such as EndoPure Hormone Rejuvenation, solutions to eliminate and cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, and even homeopathic products to relieve flu symptoms, such as All Flu.

Take care of your teeth and gums. Poor dental health can cause hormonal imbalances as well as accelerated aging. Minimize stress in your everyday life by participating in relaxing activities, enjoying your family, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep each night. Stress causes the body to overproduce its natural hormones, which can lead to endocrine organ failure. If you often suffer from depression, it may very well be because excessive stress in your life has caused a hormonal imbalance.

Use these tips to combat hormone problems as soon as they arise without bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Isn't your health worth the effort?

Learn Ovulation Symptoms

If you are wondering what you need to look as far as ovulation symptoms are concerned then worry not since they are easily to detect. Ovulation occurs normally about 12 to 16 days succeeding the first day of your last menstrual cycle. During this period of ovulation you body could bring about many changes, these are changes that could be seen in the vaginal secretions, elevation of your body temperature, cramping and sometimes you might also witness spotting. You might have even come across these changes but have not paid much attention to them since they were quite subtle. However, noticing such changes is not a big deal, but one should pay closer attention to such changes.

When you notice these changes it is important to first know your body, this is normally very simple for a woman as they are born intuitive. One of the first symptoms of ovulation would be secretions or discharge; these will almost have the same consistency as that of a raw egg white, this occurs only because of hormonal changes.

About three days before you ovulate you could notice clear discharge; during these days it is known that you are fertile however you are most fertile only during the last day. This is normally because on the last day of these discharges or even a day after is when ovulation actually occurs. Always remember that sperm could live for as long as five days in a vagina, therefore, even if you have not ovulated, it could be beneficial to have intercourse on the days.

The second common most symptom of an ovulation is that of slight cramping, this pain is caused due to the movement and release of an unfertilized egg down a fallopian tube. This pain could even occur several times in a day. Any pain that is associated with that of ovulation could occur even every month, however for some reason this pain occurs once every three months. This pain in most women normally disappears within eight hours; however it could last for as long as 48 hours. Along with this pain one could also experience urination, nausea, bloating, intercourse pain etc, although this is quite uncommon.
During this time one might also notice a pink tint in your vaginal secretion, this is not something to worry about since it is very normal. These are symptoms that could vary from one person to another, however one best way to tell if you are ovulating is checking with your body temperature. The temperature at this time is at least higher by a degree.

Along with these symptoms listed above, most women have claimed that they have a higher desire to have sex during ovulation. This is because your body makes sure all the hard work is not simply wasted. This is why it takes two to make one.

However, this could be a bit too much to understand for the moment but it is always better to be more familiar with the changes that take place in your body, all this will not just help you know the different symptoms but will also help you get pregnant.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Brain Pharma Happy Dreams - Why You Need To Use This Supplement

The Brain Pharma Happy Dreams supplement is just the thing you need to improve a lot of things in your life. This mainly offers solutions to your sleepless problems. If you are one of those afflicted with insomnia, this supplement might prove to be beneficial. It helps you get deep and rejuvenating sleep and helps you wake up feeling refreshed and happy. Before anything else, get to know the best benefits of this supplement.

This supplement has been incorporated with the safest sleep-inducing ingredients. Chemical sleeping pills are definitely harmful to your health. There are alternative remedies for this. Use this supplement that has been loaded with more natural ingredients such as melatonin. Melatonin is actually a naturally occurring hormone that plays a major role in summoning sleep. Since the brain cannot always release this hormone, it is best to look for a supplement that can augment it.

This is a natural mood-enhancing supplement. Aside from getting a good night's sleep, you might also want to use this because of its mood-boosting benefits. Sleep and depression often go hand in hand. This supplement boasts of the benefits of Vitamin B6, a vitamin that can help normalize mood and prevent mood swings. You can also find the mood-lifting benefits of GABA and 5 HTP here.

It contains antioxidant benefits. The manufacturing company also included grape seed extract, red wine and resveratrol in this supplement. These are actually some of the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential to keep harmful free radicals at bay. These free radicals tend to damage cells in the body. Using this supplement can stave off aging and can protect your cells from impeding deterioration.

It also promotes a healthy appetite. One of the side effects of lack of sleep is poor appetite. A lot of people often feel cravings for sweets and junk food. This supplement can help normalize your appetite and cravings so you can follow a healthier eating pattern. This will then also help improve your weight. It helps get you back to your original weight.

It is a supplement that fights chronic fatigue. If you are one of those who easily feel sluggish and tired at the end of the day, you would want to give this supplement a go. It actually helps boost your body's countenance. This way, you can have more energy to last longer during the day.

It helps give an air of positivity. Now you can fight depression easier with this supplement. It promotes positive thoughts. Since it can lift your mood up, it works in improving your over-all perception about life.

This supplement is a very ideal one to use. This is what you need to summon sleep easily at night. They also work in getting rid of depressive feelings. This supplement contains antioxidants that can help reduce cellular aging. You would want to use this to prevent cravings and improve your appetite. To get more energy, try including this in your routine. To have a better outlook in life, make sure you try Brain Pharma Happy Dreams.

Learning While Playing for Kids Development

Since birth, children have a curiosity. They want to know everything around them and how their world works. Babies learn by interacting with people around them, using their senses. Since early years are crucial for their brain development, you need to support and guide them. They are learning while playing.

Have you ever watched your baby played? You need to see your baby's learning process and see what they do. See how they try to insert his thumb into his mouth to aspirate. Observe how they tried to be free from the blanket. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that parent should remember.

Children learn through their play. As a parent, you should participate in these games. Toys are not very important because parents are the major toy for children. Did you ever hear a child who said "I do not want toys, I want to play with mom or dad." Do not worry if you cannot buy toys that are good and expensive. You're the one that he needs today.

When you play with your children, there are no rules to be followed, except for safety rules. Be spontaneous when you are with them. Play with them and let them lead. Give a hand only when they need help. Challenge when they are ready. One thing for sure, you need to enjoy every moment. They are learning, through their play. We, as adults, just do not realize it.

For us adults, playing may not seem like learning. Playing with blocks, toys, water and peek-a-boo is very boring for adults. But for children, it is a mean to develop their motor skill. They train their fingers to hold the block, picked it up and make a balanced stand on the other. This is not an easy thing for children.

All children love to play water. They learn that not all matters are solid, there is also liquid. It teaches the concept of empty and full when they are pouring and spilling. Babies and toddlers are delighted with this simple game. Same thing with pick-a-boo, and hide and seek. They learned that even though an object is not visible, it does not mean the object is not there, just hidden. Mother may be hiding behind those hands, but the mother still exists there.

Play with your children until they do not want to play anymore. You can slip over many elements of learning in their game. Introduce your child to books as early as possible. It's never too early to start reading.

Alcohol Magnifies The Symptoms Of Perimenopause And Menopause

Since Perimenopause, the beginning of Menopause, can start at very different ages for different women it is difficult for a woman to recognize new feelings. It is impossible for a woman to know that changes are beginning to happen to her system that will affect the way she feels and thinks. Are you an active social drinker? When you drink have you rarely had problems with becoming overly intoxicated before now? Have you always known your tolerance level for alcohol, and knew when to quit until now?

But, now you are noticing episodes of over intoxication, even unreasonable thinking, anger and behavior that just isn't you. Some of this must sound familiar, because, you are reading this article. I am a man. My perspective is different, but I have gone through this from the opposite side. Perimenopausal symptoms never just pop up and became obvious to women. It isn't just one day and "BAM", hot flashes, moodiness, bloating, fatigue, night sweats, etc.

This Menopause thing is a long, slow and hard process. The changes may occur slowly and be subtle. Anger caused by hormonal changes can feel like the anger you have dealt you're your whole life. "I really am mad about this" is how it feels. But the cause of this feeling is hormonal without your knowing it.

Obviously, all the symptoms don't start at once, but begin to appear over long periods of time and you just don't pick up on it easily. This is why women believe feel like they are going crazy. You feel like you are just, in a "bad mood" today. Then, more symptoms begin to happen more often and you don't really notice that this a change in your body either.

When the frequency of Menopause symptoms, become noticeably closer together, you begin to question what is going on with you. You knew that Menopause was a part of life, but no one starts out with personal experience with what it is like, and what changes the process is going to cause. Sometimes the symptoms of moodiness, depression, insecurity, sadness become very hard to cope with.

Much like any person with anxiety and depression, people sometimes begin to "self medicate" to ease the pain. If you are a social drinker, who knows his or her tolerance for alcohol and your problems cause you to drink more, this could create a cycle of increased drinking beyond the amount you can handle. You are drinking yourself toward problematic results.

Is it the same with a menopausal woman? Yes it is, but worse. Due to new and unfamiliar hormonal imbalances caused by the changes happening in her system, her entire body make up is altering dramatically in inconsistent ways. You can see what might happen here?

The hormones that flow through your body are you. They make up how you think and feel. Hormones are the key to how your mind and body react to everything around and in you. This includes the fact that, as hormonal levels "fluctuate", your tolerance of alcohol can change also. These hormonal imbalances can change from one day to the next., Your system may change from hour to hour. You may logically look for something to slow down the rush of emotions, moodiness and anxiety. A drink seems harmless.

But, without your knowing it, you no longer are aware of what its effects will be. What begins to happen in women is rapid, more dangerous. You may find that on one night you can have social drinks all evening and everything is normal and fine. Two days later, you might stagger and slur your words. You might say things that could never really mean. Later on, the next morning, you may not remember what it was that you said or did. Or, if you had an argument with your husband, or a loved one, you may not even remember the the reason why you were why you were upset. What I have observed, is that as the months and years go by there emerges a pattern.

Women will gulp all drinks when on her period, and then drink more slowly and conservative when not on a period. This cycle was the "aha" moment for me and my wife. Perimenopausal hormonal fluctuations can cause women to think in a totally emotional way, without the balance of intellect. The next day a better hormonal balance can return for you and thought is more correctly a balance intellect and emotion.

This is what you were like before. But, as I said, you have never felt these changes in your life. You certainly are not prepared to deal with them when in a highly emotional state. If you begin drinking alcohol in this state to relax, you will be hit with a double whammy. You are highly emotional and your tolerance to alcohol is lower.

I have observed that different forms of alcohol can affect you more than others. For my relationship, the most damaging form of alcohol is red wine. A favorite of her for many years, it is still very appealing to her, but brings on the worst episodes. This fact makes it important that you keep communicating to the close people around you, such as a husband or a friend, they can can help you watch out for the signs and slow you down on those evenings when tolerance is low. On some nights red wine can just be too hard to tolerate. You may notice that you do not have just "hot flashes" on red wine; but instead you have "hot full evenings".

Red wine is an example. For some women it might be something else, such as gin or whatever. This demonstrates again how important it is to communicate with partners and friends. Be sure that you talk to those around you about all the changes that are going on with you. You can work together to keep life as normal as possible.

As I said, this all moves slowly, but I'm convinced that if you are aware and watch for the changes, then you have an increased chance to concentrate on seeing the changes and dealing with the symptoms. There is a reason that I wrote this article. It is based on my desire to inform others of what we have learned. I have observed what I am passing on to you.. I am a man and I can't feel what my wife is feeling, but I can observe her and see what she is doing. Then I can help her when she needs it.

A friend of ours, who is the same age as Andrea or so once said. "I can't drink red wine. It makes me hate Jim (her husband)". My suspicion is that our friend was in some stage of perimenopause when she said this. It's a funny statement, but a serious subject. I'm not going to moralize or preach against drinking. I'm going to point out that the man and the woman in the relationship need to do their research, communicate. Only by working together can a relationship involving menopausal women (and women will alll eventually be menopausal) be able to thrive.

Warning Signs of Relationship Killers and How to Remedy Them

Many people have blind spots when it comes to their relationships. If you want to save your relationship and keep it from becoming vulnerable to infidelity, a breakup, or divorce, pay close attention to these potential relationship killers:

Taking your relationship or your partner for granted

It's far too easy to take people or things for granted when they are part of our life on a regular basis. But if you do this with your relationship, you may get a rude wake-up call when he's no longer in your life one day. Make it a point to express gratitude and appreciation for your partner on a daily basis. Don't ever let the words "I love you" disappear from your vocabulary. If you become lazy in your relationship, it may atrophy and die.

Remind yourself often of all the things you value about your partner and your relationship. Gratitude is a powerful thing. Your partner will be much more likely to reciprocate and stay faithful if he feels significant, special, cherished and truly loved by you. Don't give your partner any reason to look for appreciation elsewhere.

Neglecting your partner's needs

Relationships develop because they fulfill needs for both parties. Part of your responsibility as a partner is to make sure you aren't ignoring or neglecting your significant other's needs. This is not to say you are responsible for meeting all of his needs, but fulfill the ones you can, and ask your partner to let you know if he feels neglected at any point. If you don't, your partner may look elsewhere for fulfillment.

Lack of sexual intimacy

As addressed earlier in the section on sexless relationships, sexual intimacy plays a powerful and important role in your relationship. If sex is becoming less and less frequent, be proactive and talk to your partner. Communication is vital if your sex life is to thrive and be fulfilling for both of you.

Lack of open, honest communication

Communication problems can slowly tear apart any relationship. Keep the lines of communication open and healthy with your partner at all times. Don't allow anger, bitterness or resentment to fester and grow. And be willing to listen when your partner needs to talk to you. If you struggle with communication, consider seeing a therapist to help you find ways to open up and communicate more effectively. This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your marriage healthy and happy.

Not making time for your partner

Not making time for your partner is a form of neglect. You owe it to your relationship to make time for each other. No matter how busy your schedule, you must find time to spend some alone time with your partner regularly. (Sleeping together doesn't count as "alone time").

You need to make time outside of the bedroom that includes time for conversation as well as fun and relaxation. Remember, we make time for the things that we truly value. If time with your partner isn't on that list, it's time to re-prioritize!

Thinking that your relationship is invulnerable

If you think your relationship is immune to serious problems such as infidelity, it's time you do a reality check. NO relationship is completely invulnerable. Far too many people have naively convinced themselves that "my partner would never do something like that", only to eat those words at a later date.

This isn't to make you paranoid, but is rather a caution to keep your eyes open and pay attention to what's going on in your relationship. If you don't, you may end up blindsided and devastated like so many men and women who think they have a wonderful relationship one minute, only to find out they couldn't be more wrong the next. By accepting the possibility, you are more likely to heed any warning signs before it's too late.

Putting your career ahead of your relationship

If you are merely dating, it makes sense that you might sometimes put your career ahead of your relationship. But if you are married or in a serious, committed relationship, you are jeopardizing your relationship if you put your career first. This includes being a workaholic and neglecting to spend time with your partner. If you want your relationship to be a long-lasting one, it's not likely to happen if your partner must constantly take a back seat to your career.

Granted, early on in a budding career your job may require long hours. Of course, there are times when sacrifices must be made. If your career must be first for awhile in order for you to be able to advance at some point, then make sure the limited time you spend with your partner is quality time. But remember, if you continue to put your career first over the course of several years, or become a workaholic, your partner may begin to resent you, and either leave altogether or become unfaithful.

Reasons to Wake Up Early in the Morning

You must have heard from a large number people that waking up early in the morning is a very good habit which has a number of benefits beyond one can imagine. But at the same time it looks like bullshit because personally I feel it very difficult to wake up early in the morning. Why should one make his simple and easy going life into a difficult routine? Anything which is difficult to perform has its own pros and cons. Now the important factor in waking up early is that it is a dual advantageous habit. Your office, school or business life gets benefited and at the same time your health gets improved to a great extent.

For some people there can be some worries attached to waking up early also like most importantly you have to cut down your night activities up to a greater extent. It's obvious that if one has to wake up early in the morning then he or she must go to bed early also in order to take the complete rest. People know all these facts and no one is actually ready to go to bed earlier because most of us want to enjoy out at nights with friends etc.

Now there are some convincing reasons which I have narrated which certainly are going to convince you to wake up early:

1. Breakfast. Apparently it is a strange reason but late risers generally try to skip the breakfast. It is said that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for your health and if you miss it, you are asking for a lot of health problems. By waking up early in the morning, you tend to take the breakfast in time and keep your health intact.

2. More Time for Work. If there are some important things pending which were not possible to be done in the evening as you were tired, they can be done earlier in the most peaceful environment. The level of your work output becomes more than what you can do in the evening.

3. Exercise. As of now, most of the people are worried about their physical fitness and overweight structure, Now the thing is that we do not get Free time to perform exercises after coming back from job. There is always one after another commitment waiting for you in the evening. This means you have get rid of this routine work early in the morning and then remain healthy as well as fresh through out the day. This point is well convincing as compared to many others and this is the only reason which has also forced me to change my routine. I cannot simply go for exercise in the evening because of many reasons so I started waking up early and later on a great routine was set for me.

4. There will be no Need of Alarm Clocks. Once your natural body clock is tuned with waking up early and provided you do not change it, you will feel that there will be no more requirement of using aids like alarm clock. You will not be dependent upon others at home to wake you up. In other words, you will always feel fresh and fine with a pet routine without dependence on such like things.

5. Life Increases. You know, the life cannot be increased or decreased with a small act. Now suppose a person has to live 60 years whether he wake up late or early. You will have more time for managing your things. It is a natural instinct that you tend to clean up your, room, office or perform some other necessary tasks which cannot be done in the evening. After waking up early in the morning, you feel that you have a lot of time for the jobs which are usually kept in pending for weekends or likewise. So the life increases virtually and you get more time for enjoyment on weekends or holidays.