Saturday, July 20, 2013

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy - The Wonders of Science

Those hormones which are similar to the bodily hormones on the molecular level are commonly known as the bioidentical hormones. They may have been extracted from plants or some other sources. It is quite a nascent term in the lexicon of modern medical science, but its effectiveness has greatly helped it to grow rapidly. Instead of suggesting the purely synthetically produced hormones, the physicians have started suggesting bioidentical hormones as, although there are no clinical studies to prove it, they have very little or no side effects at all.

Although, in this article, we are much concerned with the use of bioidentical hormones therapy but let us first briefly view the role the hormones play in determining certain primary functions within our body. For instance the proper release of hormone is responsible, in men, for the deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair and the development of testes and the maturation of the spermatozoa into the sperm. And in the case of women the hormones are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as the size of their bust, pubic hair.

The men and women are mere mortals and when they reach they cross over to the senior citizen category their hormones and this leads them to certain disturbing situations or conditions such as weight gain, osteoporosis, memory impairment and hot flashes in the night. But the human race has a proven record of beating the hazards of nature every time around so this time too it is has succeeding in replicating the hormones which are very much similar to the naturally occurring ones in the body on a molecular level. No wonder why so many anti aging societies have been quick to enlist them as potentially the most reliable way of preventing the aging related health care problems.

The use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is not just limited to the elderly alone. The contemporary football legend, Lionel Messi, was diagnosed with rare hormone growth deficiency and now, with the help of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, he stands tall along with the great giants of the arena such as Pele, Maradonna and Zidanne. But before you make up your plan to get bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, it would be advisable for you to consult your family physician and ask him for a referral to the urologist. Since urologists are usually the people who are trained in the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. He would be in a best position to offer you a sound advice after salivary testing and the blood testing for measuring up your testosterone levels. Here it must be remembered that owing to a lack of research, the FDA is still musing over whether to approve them or not.

How Do You Become a Compounding Pharmacist?

Everyone responds to substances that they inhale, ingest, or receive via injection or through the skin, differently. When it comes to medications, not everyone responds the same and achieve the same results. The purpose of pharmacy compounding is to meet the needs of people who are unable to take medication in the commercial form.

Compounding pharmacists customize a patient's medication prescription for the specific needs of the patient. As the demand for compounded medications increased, the pharmacy industry realized there was a need for a national set of standards so that compounding pharmacies could test their quality practices. There is now a big demand for compounding pharmacists.

Compound pharmacists are pharmacists who are specially trained. In the U.S., all licensed pharmacists are capable of performing some type of compounding. Compounding is taught in pharmaceutical programs in pharmacy school. Every pharmacist are required to have these basic skills in order to graduate and become licensed. The level of continuing education one obtains and years of experience coincides with how specialized one becomes in the compound pharmacy field. Pharmacists are trained in pharmacy school to compound and the amount of training one receives is dependent upon the particular pharmacy school they attend. As the medication preparations become more complicated, the amount of training that is needed increases. There continuing education programs are available for those who want to keep their training and experience current.

All licensed pharmacies must be able to provide some level of compounding. However, some compounded prescriptions have to be referred to specialty compounding pharmacies. The average chain pharmacy compounds 1-3% of total prescriptions. Compounding is regulated by the individual state pharmacy boards and manufacturing is regulated by the FDA. Besides working in a compounding pharmacy, if you are interested in pharmaceutics, working for a drug company in the drug production department is often recommended in order to get more experience to become a compounding pharmacist.

In 2004, major pharmacy associations joined with the U.S. Pharmacopeia to form the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB). This is a voluntary accreditation organization whose purpose is to assure the quality of compounded medications that patients are prescribed. PCAB Accredited compounding pharmacies are required to have specific training in the methods of compounding.

To become PCAB-accredited, compounding pharmacies are tested against 10 strict standards. These standards include: "regulatory compliance; personnel; facilities and equipment for both sterile and non-sterile compounding; chemicals and the compounding process; beyond-use dating and stability; packaging, labeling, delivery for administration and dispensing; practitioner and patient education; quality assurance and self-assessment."

With so many pharmacies across the country that have already been accredited and so many pending applications, obtaining a position in one of these accredited pharmacies is becoming much easier. The PCAB is already providing patients with a way to select a compounding pharmacy that meets very strict and high quality standards.

The importance of compounding pharmacies is now being realized as the demand for these pharmacies grows. Because of the increasingly different requirements for individual patients, compounding pharmacies are now an important part of the pharmacy industry.

Biomimetic Hormone Restoration Therapy For Women in Menopause

If you are debating hormone replacement therapy, you're not alone. Women everywhere are looking for answers and when they can't find them, they look to their doctors and pharmacists for help. According to the US Census Bureau, there were an estimated 78.2 million baby boomers, as of July 1, 2005, and over 47 million of them are women experiencing discomfort from menstruation to menopause, to loss of libido and beyond.

For those who still do not use any Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), the idea of anti-aging and bio-identical hormones has become intriguing. A myriad of products on the market make the right choice difficult.

People have become accustomed to talking about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in menopause and anti-aging medicines versus synthetic big pharmaceutical products like Prempro from Wyeth. Bio-identical hormone products are usually created from natural sources of plant hormones which match the chemical structure of hormones produced by the human body. The premise is that the body can't distinguish created bio-identical hormones from the ones the female ovaries produce naturally.

The term bio-identical has basically become a catch all phrase for anything that is not a synthetic hormone. Bio-identical hormones can only be truly accurately bio-identical if the hormones for replacement mimic, not only those found in the body, but the natural biological process too.

Natural plant derived hormones can accurately be termed bio-identical only when they are dosed in a Biomimetic way; that would be in a rhythm. Biomimetic hormones, the scientifically accurate term, are derived from plant sources and mimic in the body the natural undulating or wavelike rhythms of the hormone blood levels in a normal menstrual cycle in a healthy young woman. This is the natural rhythm that's missing from other bio-identical and synthetic hormone replacement therapies. It is the absence of this natural rhythm, according to T.S. Wiley, who developed the Wiley Protocol, that is responsible for the side-effects in both camps.

This is the natural rhythm that's missing from other bio-identical and synthetic hormone replacement therapies. It is the absence of this natural rhythm, according to T.S. Wiley, who developed the Wiley Protocol, that is responsible for the side-effects in both camps.

So what exactly is meant by "the rhythm"? The body has rhythms that are governed by a master clock that works much like a conductor. It strikes up one section of the body's orchestra as another quiets down, taking its main cue from light signals in the environment to stay in sync with the 24-hour day. Our body's hormones surge and ebb to this maestro's baton, controlling all endocrine function, predominantly a woman's health for reproduction.

It is the circadian clock in our cells that measures one 24 hour spin of the planet. For 28 days the moon adds its light to create the menstrual rhythm for the body. The Wiley Protocol uses these natural rhythms in nature to establish the proper doses of estradiol and natural progesterone that mimic the natural hormones which would be produced by your body if you were young. The amounts of the topical creams vary throughout the 28 day cycle to restore the hormone levels of youth because young women typically don't have heart attacks, breast cancer, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes or Alzheimer's,.

Questions about HRT began when The National Institute of Health (NIH) sponsored the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). This study of more than 161,000 women was designed to identify the benefits and risks of using hormone restoration therapy to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Even doctors did not realize that the results of WHI Study dealt with only women over 65 who were taking only synthetic hormone replacement therapy which consisted only of the drugs PremPro and Premarin. The study was ended mid-stream in 2002 when, WHI investigators found that the risks of this approach using synthetic therapy exceeded the safety limits established at the beginning of the study. They never looked at compounded bio-identical hormones in static doses because they are prescribed and dosed too many different ways.

Women deserve something proven to be safe and reliable. A new study, Bio-identical Hormones On Trial, or B.H.O.T., will soon begin at the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Texas, Tyler. The principal objective of the study will be to examine clinical outcomes and quality of life indicators of patients receiving BHRT at 10 to 12 primary care provider's practices. This study will be the first of its kind to track and quantify outcomes based on dosing and patterns of administration of BHRT.

In 2030 there will be 57.8 million baby boomers living with many of the health issues that we may suffer between the ages of 66 and 84. There's a chance that those who choose Biomimetic rhythmic replacement, could age to a healthier more graceful tune. Think about it.

Top Tips For Anti Aging Treatment For Men

Women aren't the only ones who want to look good, you know! At one time, anti aging treatments were all targeted to making the female population look good. Men were largely ignored. But, these days, all that has changed, and how! Today, the new age man wants to look and feel young - that means great looking skin, no wrinkles or black marks and plenty of vitality. Most men would also love to enjoy the normalcy of youth as far as their energy levels are concerned. After all, the 40's are the new 30's and the 50's are the new 40's!

Signs of aging in men:
As men age, they too reach a stage very much like menopause in women. The male menopause is characterized by wrinkles, pale and dry skin, decreasing muscle mass, fatigue, irritability, weight fluctuations and low sex drive. In general, hormone levels drop by the age of 42 and this continues at the rate of 1% every year, in the absence of medical intervention.

Hormones are powerful little guys. They are in charge of controlling important body functions and keep the body in full balance. So, when there is a hormonal imbalance, metabolic functions also experience a slowdown. This is when aging sets in. Men who lived a life of vigor and strength will now experience their energy levels and physical performance going south. Testosterone levels which were already sinking from the age of 25 begin depleting faster. The result is aging skin and body.

Anti aging therapy for men:
Studies reveal that hormone replacement therapies can delay the male aging process as this helps get rid of hormonal imbalance. But, what kind of hormone replacement therapy is the best?

In the past, synthetic hormones were mass produced and they were the most popular anti aging treatments around. However, these hormones also had a devastating side because they were not natural and couldn't quite 'fit' into the human body. Hormones are like keys. To carry out their functions most effectively, they must fit in their lock just right. Synthetic hormones are exogenous to the body and may not fit in just right. This in turn leads to unpredictable results in different people. That is why some people developed dreadful side effects from these hormones, including heart problems and cancer.

This led to the development of bioidentical hormones. These are similar in structure to the natural hormones produced by the human body. Because these are an exact match with human-made hormones, they are easily absorbed by the body and they have no undesirable side effects either. These hormones are also more effective because they are administered as patches or as injections transdermally.

Bioidentical therapy is custom made to suit each individual. Before treatment begins, current hormone levels are measured. Dosages are then decided depending on individual needs. Through the timely use of this anti aging therapy, men can arrest the degeneration and deterioration that is normally associated with aging. They can hang on to their vitality, youth and vigor for a lot longer.

Can Bioidentical Therapy Help Me Look Younger, Feel Better and Live Longer?

Many women have asked the question, can bioidentical therapy help me look younger, feel better and live longer?

If you listen to Oprah and the actor, Suzanne Somers, the answer is a definite "yes."

In fact, in her book, Ageless, Suzanne said. "Bioidentical estrogen has numerous benefits. First and foremost, your menopausal symptoms go away. Your sex drive comes back and your memory and mood improve. Your fatigue dissipates, and your skin elasticity improves. You have a reduced risk of heart disease and bone loss. Your depression is relieved, and estrogen supports your immune function."

Does this mean that bioidentical therapy in the form of bioidentical estrogen will do the same thing for you?

The answer to this is a definite maybe.

Many women have switched to this natural form of estrogen and have seen these same results. However, at this point, there is no scientific study proving that all women who switch to bioidentical estrogen would see these same changes.

In other words, at this time, the answer to the question can bioidentical therapy help me look younger, feel better and live longer is anecdotal.

Why might bioidentical hormone replacement therapy be better than conventional therapy?

Conventional hormone replacement therapy relies on synthetic hormones. In fact, the popular synthetic hormone, Premarin, is actually made from the urine of a pregnant mare.

Why is bioidentical hormones more natural?

It's because a bioidentical hormone such as bioidentical estrogen is molecularly identical to your own hormones.

Almost all bioidentical estrogen begins life as a wild yam plant. It goes through four conversions in the laboratory before it emerges as all-natural estrogen.

You can buy bioidentical estrogen online but many women prefer to get a prescription from their healthcare provide and then take it to a compounding pharmacist. These pharmacists are licensed just like normal pharmacists but have also been trained in herbs and herbal supplements and how they can be compounded to fit a person's specific needs.

The final answer to the question, can bioidentical therapy help me look younger, feel better and live longer? is that it has for many women.

Progesterone Cream Treats Panic Attacks - The Truth Or Just Wishful Thinking?

Many people wonder if progesterone cream treats panic attacks. Progesterone cream has become very popular in recent years with the marketing of wild yam creams and even bio-identical progesterone pills and creams that a woman can get in a compounding pharmacy with a prescription.

When I went through my horrific bout of panic and anxiety, I was willing to try just about anything to rid myself of the fear, dread and doom that I felt on a daily basis. When it feels like your life is going to end at any moment because you fear everything, you are willing to consider any possible options for treatment.

Progesterone cream was one of the last things I tried, but was one of the quickest acting things that worked for me.

At the time, I used a very well known cream that was available at the health food store. I did not use the wild yam versions because I had heard they were not working as well as this other cream.

When a woman is low on progesterone cream, her body is literally starving for it. Progesterone is a natural sedative and is necessary to a woman's good health. If she is very low in it, that can certainly be a contributing factor to her panic and anxiety issues.

Within 30 minutes of applying my first dose of progesterone cream, my anxiety lessened to the point that I felt calm for the first time in months. I have continued to use progesterone since that time 7 years ago. Now I take a pill version prescribed by my doctor, which is a bio-identical hormone made just for me.

It is highly recommended that you get your blood checked before taking any hormonal supplements as you can make things worse if you start messing with hormones without knowing what you are low in first. Get your doctor's advice first!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Success With Pre-Menopause Weight Gain Treatment

Weight gain is something women fear. We even can be kept awake at night worrying about how we will fit into our new evening dress or what we will look like in a swimming suit this year at the beach. Gaining weight can be a death sentence. As your middle begins to expand and you push harder at the gym to lose those added inches around your waist you find yourself running out of steam as you crumble at the thought - are you getting old? You have heard of perimenopause is this the same? You're too young for menopause but you know it's time to find the right pre-menopause weight gain treatment to keep the pounds off and you feeling - looking great.

Daily your thoughts are filled with "You can't go up an other dress size you just bought these new jeans the ones that make your "tummy flat." Yet you feel like your thighs are expanding at night while you try to sleep even though you're doing more tossing than slumbering. Let's not mention you just don't feel 'like it' when the man in your life mentions sex. Your guy says he understands and you tell yourself it's because you look and feel fat but deep down inside that is only part of it. You really aren't interested in intimacy, in fact your libido is low.

When Does Pre-Menopause or Peri-Menopause Start?

It's hard to admit it but you sound like your older friend or mother but you are only in your forties or perhaps early fifties can it be menopause? It likely is something that gets little attention it's pre-menopause. This is the time between peri-menopause when you found yourself in your late thirties to mid-forties usually. You first had something cause a hormone imbalance like having a baby or just 'hitting' thirty-five seemed to make a difference. Your symptoms included low energy, adult acne, and if your hormones are way out of whack you are irritable and have trouble losing weight already.

Then somewhere about 45 you notice more gray hairs, flabby abs, and your skin over night seems to have a dozen more fine lines or dark spots. Your other symptoms may be increasing too. Your anxiety is at an all time high only challenged by your insomnia, and the irritability has turned into mood swings. The biggest worry is still the weight gain and how to trim the pounds before it's to late.


As we age our hormones change in our body. We make less and sometimes we get out of balance as we continue to make more of one hormone than another. You likely have heard of estrogen and progesterone but many people don't know that women also have a fair amount of testosterone and DHEA not to mention thyroid and adrenal hormones just to name a few. So lets take a look at how some of these play a roll in our weight gain.

DHEA The Age Gauge is nicknamed the 'mother of all hormones' as it has the ability to convert into estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. In 1984 Dr. Norman Orentreich proved that DHEA declined with age. DHEA is one hormone we should never let slow to low levels. Research has shown that low levels of this substance contribute to obesity and even high blood pressure or diabetes.

Melatonin we don't often think of this as a hormone but it is and is produced by the pineal gland. It not only includes youthful sleep patterns it aids our body defenses so that toxins that can make us sick or make us hold on to fat and stop us from winning the age battle. Many alternative practitioners consider Melatonin to be part of the list when it comes to essential hormones you must have to lose weight.

Natural estrogen is so important that drug companies have tired to make synthetic estrogen so they can make money but be cautious when looking at this. You only want to take bio-identical estrogen. When you do you will be happy you did as you experience better muscle tones, less wrinkles, better hair texture, and yes a reduction in your flabby abs or as the medical community calls it abdominal fat loss. This is because Estrogen lowers cortisol which in turn reduces abdominal fat per Female Patient April 2001, 26:18-24

Next Natural Progesterone flat out helps pre-menopause weight gain according to Female patient 2001 Oct, 19-23.

What if we kept going through the list of hormones and looked at adrenal gland, testosterone and thyroid not to mention the actions they all have on anti aging. Pre-Menopause Weight Gain doesn't have to be in your life even if you have put on a full dress size or two already. Losing weight once you are over forty becomes harder as your metabolism wanes due to these changes. Simple working with a natural herb and nutrition specialist can help you find the right pre-menopause weight gain treatment for you.

Progesterone Hormone - Facts, Function, Warning

Progesterone is considered as "the mother of all hormones." This hormone is one of two main female hormones, the other being estrogen. (Actually, men have progesterone too.)

Function of Progesterone:

  • Progesterone main function is to prepare and maintain the uterus for pregnancy. Every month, progesterone levels rise in anticipation of pregnancy, stimulating the thickening of the uterine lining. If pregnancy does not occur, progesterone (and estrogen) levels drop-off abruptly and menstruation begins; leading to a renewal of the entire menstrual cycle.

  • Progesterone is an important precursor hormone for the synthesis of other hormones (estrogen, testosterone and corticosteroids).

  • Works to maintain a balance with estrogen to regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent side effects related to "estrogen dominance," a condition caused when estrogen levels are too high relative to the progesterone levels.

  • Protect against fibrocystic breasts.

  • Natural diuretic; it helps the body rid itself of excess water.

  • Helps turn fat into energy.

  • Acts as a natural antidepressant.

  • Normalizes blood clotting.

  • Help normalize blood-sugar levels.

  • Progesterone has a thermogenic (temperature-raising) effect.

  • May help slow the advance of osteoporosis.

  • Helps relieve menopausal symptoms.

  • Helps relieve fatigue, and joint pain.

  • Progesterone is an excellent anti-inflammatory as it is the precursor to cortisone.

Natural versus Synthetic Progesterone:

  • Natural progesteronerefers to progesterone that is identical to what you find in the human body (termed as bio-identical).

  • Synthetic progesterone also calledprogestin refers to progesterone that is synthetically created and is not identical to the progesterone in the human body. Progestin is a synthetic hormone found in most pharmaceutical products for menopause and for PMS. They're also in birth control pills. They are known to cause many different side effects.

Causes of Low Levels of Progesterone:

  • Since progesterone is released when women ovulate, those women who don't ovulate regularly have low levels of progesterone.

  • Progesterone levels drops dramatically than estrogen levels during menopause.

Progesterone Cream Application:Progesterone cream is easily absorbed where the skin is thin and soft, such as the face, neck, upper chest, breasts, inner arms, backs of the knees, palms of the hands and tops of the feet. Just be sure to alternate sites so that the progesterone is absorbed into the fat layer under the skin. If you apply it to the same spot all the time, the fat will become saturated in that area and you won't get optimal absorption.


  • The dosage and scheduling of natural progesterone varies depending on what condition is being treated.

  • Natural progesterone is a natural hormone that is currently being derived from the plant extract - stigmasterol, found in the soya bean.

  • Natural progesterone will easily convert into testosterone and estrogen if required by the body.

  • Natural progesterone comes in different forms, but the most popular and effective by far are the ones that come in cream form. The other forms such as tablets, capsules, oils, sprays, injections and suppositories either give a quick release of the hormone and are therefore not suggested for long term use.

Buying tip:Progesterone is an important hormone so make sure to only buy natural progesterone from a trusted manufacturer.

Warning: Do not use during pregnancy or during menstruation if you typically have a heavy menstrual flow.

Menopause - Why Neither Synthetic Nor Bio-Identical Hormones Meet the Dynamic Hormone Needs

During menopause, although the hormonal fluctuations are gradually reducing, the production of hormones is still a dynamic process, which is constantly responding to changing body needs. Hormones are action messengers for an interrelated, ever-changing network of organ-system commands. So, they must be continually produced for moment-to-moment situational needs.

However, hormone therapy for menopause is to take a synthetic or bio-identical hormone pill every day to mask menopause symptoms. The chemical structure and amount of hormones are precisely fixed. The body is dancing with "a wood stick" which can not change structures and quantities. It is a very poor choreograph of the dance.

Conventional medicine is a mechanistic medicine which takes the body apart and analyzes it down into a small unit. It assumes that every illness is caused by one unit, so a single-chemical drug is used to target the unit linearly. Obviously, this model fits perfectly for acute diseases, but fails for chronic problems which the majority of us suffer.

Menopause is a chronic disorder caused by aging of multiple systems. Estrogens have effects on many organs, such as the breasts, uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina and bones. When synthetic or bio-identical estrogens are added to the body during menopause, they don't know where the target is. They shoot all targets and stimulate cancers.

While Western medicine of a linear approach is good at acute diseases, Chinese medicine of a multiple-target approach has advantage on chronic disorders. They are complementary to each other for health. Like the black and white keys on a piano, both are necessary for music.

Side effects are "crying" voices from your chemically abused body systems. To the body, no matter West or East, no side effects show the best treatment.

Is Pregnancy and Menopause Possible?

Have you started menopause? Perhaps you`ve been suffering from hot flashes, excessive wind and bloating for quite a while. How do you think this affects your fertility?

If you are under the assumption that you are now infertile and that it is impossible to become pregnant during menopause - you`re wrong.

On the other hand, if you believe that fertility does indeed decrease as we progress through menopause but that however unlikely, menopausal pregnancy is possible - you`re spot on.

Unfortunately, many women believe that menopause is a process that has a start and a finish and on the day that the first symptoms appear, her childbearing days are over. But, that is simply not true and our menopausal term can last for ten years or more. Usually beginning in our early fifties - although there are women who experience premature menopause many years prior to their 50th birthday - as long as there is still a monthly period, a woman can theoretically become pregnant. All that the symptoms mean is that our hormone levels are becoming unbalanced, but this does not mean that we are unable to conceive.

If you`re wondering how pregnancy can possibly occur at the same time as menopause, it`s because eggs are still being released and, providing there is an adequate supply of the necessary hormones such as estrogen, the lady in question can indeed become pregnant. Quite often, the signs of early pregnancy have been confused with menopausal symptoms. After all, when you`re in your 50`s and experience bloating, weight gain and erratic periods, the chances of it being due to menopause are a lot higher than the chances that you are pregnant.

Now apart from the emotional and psychological challenges that a menopausal pregnancy would inevitably bring to the table, the physical risks cannot be ignored. Pregnancy puts an enormous amount of strain on the body and medical research has shown that with every passing year over the age of forty, the risk of complications increases.

Possible health considerations are:

* An increased risk of infection
* Higher chances of suffering a miscarriage
* Possible bleeding
* plus several other potentially dangerous medical conditions.

Of course there will always be some older ladies who would love the chance to become pregnant - whatever her age. Perhaps she is with a new partner or maybe she feels that she would like to extend her family. Whatever the reason, every good wish to those ladies.

But for most women who are about to start menopause or already going through it, a late addition to the family would not be the most welcome news.

Menopause often signals the time that women and their partners have brought up their families and are looking forward to spending quality time together.

If you would not welcome the idea of a newborn baby to your family, it is advised that you continue with your birth control until there has been no sign of blood for twelve consecutive months. After this time, it is safe to discontinue the birth control. There is now no chance of becoming pregnant naturally.

Progesterone Cream Pros and Cons

Progesterone creams, synthesized from a number of phytoestrogen producing substances like wild Mexican yam, soy, legumes and certain herbs, balance out the progesterone and estrogen levels in the body reducing menopausal symptoms and reducing the chances of breast cancer in women and prostrate cancer in men. It is easy to apply and does not cause any pain. As progesterone is extremely fat soluble, it gets easily absorbed by the body. Using progesterone cream has a number of advantages other than just the prevention and reduction of menopausal symptoms. It works as an anti-depressant. Use of progesterone cream also helps in normalizing the levels of zinc and copper in the body, normalizing blood sugar levels and normalizing blood clotting.

The cream also obliquely aids the prevention of other diseases to which women become extremely susceptible to at the menopausal stage. As progesterone cream helps in the building of bones it also prevents osteoporosis.

Progesterone creams have for long been seen as viable alternatives to other modes of treatment such as Hormone Replacement Therapy. Though the former is a better form of treatment than the latter yet, it is not completely void of disadvantages. It has been scientifically proved that all bioidentical hormones which are artificially synthesized are toxic to some degree. Due to this reason, prolonged use of this cream can result in a number of adverse side effects like growth of facial hair, fatigue, weight increase, depression and hair loss.

Thus, as the product cannot be used for long, it is not particularly helpful in preventing the effects of aging in the long run. The other danger that using this cream may have is the fact that as the progesterone hormone is extremely fat soluble, a large percentage of it tends to dissolve itself with the body fat instead of entering the blood stream. This may hinder the growth of other essential hormones.

Did You Know That Your Thyroid Can Affect Your Hair?

Most people lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair daily and think little of it. The loss is normal and barely noticed as new hairs grow in. If hair production slows then the loss of hair may outstrip replacement and the thinning of one's hair may become noticeable. Thyroid disorders are a possible cause of slowed hair production and hence hair loss, since the thyroid gland is important in controlling the body's metabolism.

If the thyroid gland is not functioning properly it can affect every aspect of your health, particularly weight, mental outlook, body temperature, and energy levels. The thickness and quality of skin and hair is also dependent on adequate thyroid function. By far the most common thyroid disorder is hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid. This condition seems to be more common in women, and can affect up to one in five at some point in their lives. Because it produces a gradual change in various aspects of body function, hypothyroidism often goes unnoticed for a long time. The symptoms include:

Fatigue- If you feel tired when you wake after a night's rest this is cause for concern.
Depression and apathy
Weight gain or inability to lose weight.
Intolerance to cold.
Heavy or irregular menstrual periods.
Dry and coarse skin.
Poor memory.
Immune system problems
Hair loss.

If you think you might have a thyroid problem then do see your doctor who can arrange a blood test.

Research has demonstrated that thyroid hormones T3 and T4 have a significant effect in promoting hair growth and hair pigmentation. Low levels of thyroid hormones lead to decreased metabolism in hair follicles and hair becomes brittle. The normal growth cycle of hair is upset and hair is lost prematurely.

Thyroid deficiency is treated by administering a thyroxine replacement, usually a synthetic form of T4, sometimes with the addition of a synthetic T3. Some doctors may not bother with the T3 as the body can normally convert T4 to T3. This assumes the body is up to the conversion, which it may not be however. Some experts have questioned the use of synthetic thyroid hormone replacement drugs and prefer the use of natural thyroid hormone derived from pigs. The pig hormone is bio-identical to the human and contains both T3 and T4. The most popular brand available is Armour.

Untreated hypothyroidism increases the risk of other serious health problems developing so the condition cannot be ignored. Since the condition is slow and gradual in onset it will take time to correct, and hair that has been lost will take time to regrow. Treatments to the scalp such as minoxidil can help to encourage new hair growth. Hypothyroidism in women can be complicated in its management by the interplay between other hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

Hyperthyroidism or an over active thyroid, also occurs more commonly in women and also can cause hair loss. It seems to predominantly affect women in their twenties and thirties for reasons not understood. The extent of hair loss is usually more limited than that observed in people with hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland is intimately involved with hair function, and indeed sometimes premature greying or loss of hair can be the first indication of malfunction. Correct diagnosis and proper treatment can restore function and re-establish hair growth in most cases.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back - I Want to Get Pregnant Now!

There is not any one magic food recipe that will guarantee conception, but what you eat can increase your chance for conceiving. One thing you have to do is start eating healthy. Start by eating less meat and more vegetables. You should be eating a lot of green vegetables. If you are not big on vegetables, you can chop them up real small and add them to your meatloaf and you probably won't even taste them.

Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back

It is good for you to drink plenty of green tea and Vitamin C too. Studies have shown that women who make these a part of their diet are more likely to become pregnant. Trans fat is something that you want to avoid whether you are trying to get pregnant or not. Trans fat is found in all kinds of foods. Here is a list of the top seven Trans fat foods.

1. Margarine - is loaded with trans fats and saturated fats, both of which can lead to heart disease. Look for soft-tub margarine because it is less likely to have trans fat.

2. Packaged foods - Cake mixes and other mixes have several grams of trans fat per serving. Look for reduced fat mixes.

3. Soups - Ramen noodles contain high levels of trans fat. See if you can find fat free or reduced fat soups.

4. Fast Food - Fries, chicken, and other foods are deep-fried in partially hydrogenated oil.

5. Frozen Food - Those delicious frozen pies, pot pies, pizzas, and waffles hs trans fat. In frozen foods, baked is always heart-healthier than breaded.

6. Baked Goods - More trans fat are used in baked products than any other foods.

7. Cookies and cakes from your local grocery have plenty of trans fat in them.

If you and your partner are really trying to get pregnant you should consider the importance of a healthy diet. Making small changes in what you eat and drink can make the difference between conceiving or not being able to conceive.

You don't have to drastically change your diet to improve your chances of fertility, but one easy thing you can do is to drink more water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water daily will help to increase your fertility levels. Also, you should be eating high-fiber low-fat foods. This will improve your hormonal balance which will help your chances to conceive.

Add Color to Your Diet

You should eat more brightly colored fruits and vegetables. These foods are nutrient rich and have plenty of vitamin B and folic acid. These foods are essential for healthy sperm and ovaries. Fruits and vegetables also have plenty of vitamin C and iron. Both enhance the quality of sperm and improve the immune system. It is a good idea to include plenty of fruits in your diet.

Wholesome Grain Foods

Another food that you need to include for a healthy fertility diet are nutrient rich whole grains. These include brown rice, corn, whole wheat bread, millet, pasta, and oats. Whole grain foods are rich in vitamins E and B which are essential for the production of healthy eggs, hormone balance, and sperm.

Eat lots of Nuts!

Nuts contain natural plant proteins. Nuts and whole grains also contain vitamin B6 and folic acid which raise your fertility levels. Here are six of the healthiest nuts to eat.

1. Walnuts are a great source of healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids which have been found to protect the heart, promote better cognitive function, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis.

2. Almonds contain almost 25 percent of your needed daily value for the important nutrient magnesium plus is rich in potassium, manganese, copper, the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, and calcium.

3. Cashews are a lot lower in fat than most nuts, and 65 percent of this fat is unsaturated fatty acids. 90 percent is folic acids, which is a heart healthy fat found in olive oil.

4. Pecans are a great source of over 19 vitamins and minerals including vitamins E and A, copper, manganese, potassium, zinc, folic acid and calcium.

5. Brazil Nuts are very nutrient-rich and contain protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and Selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that works to neutralize dangerous free radicals. Studeis have shown that high amounts of selenium in Brazil nuts could help to prevent breast cancer.

6. Macadamia Nuts are high in protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium.

Fish in your diet

Omega 3 which is mostly found in fish oil helps fertility as it linked to healthy hormone function. Good sources of iron and selenium are seafood, meat and poultry.

A good well balanced fertility diet should include five servings of fruit and vegetables, two or three servings of protein and dairy products, and five to six servings of grains. This diet will ensure you have all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Try to eat smaller meals because three full meals can cause constipation, bloating and pre-menstrual syndrome troubles. These are the Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back.

Ease Menopause Symptoms With Bioidentical Hormones

For women experiencing menopause, bioidentical hormones are the key to a better way of life. Perhaps you are a young woman approaching mid-life years and are afraid of what is to come, or maybe you are already in the fall of your life and are experiencing the sheer agony that menopause brings. You might be grateful to hear that this new treatment can be a lifesaver for you and greatly ease the symptoms of menopause.

Regardless of your case, it is clear that finding treatments to cure menopause are essential to the productivity of every woman approaching the middle of their lives. With women gaining ground in the job market faster than ever before, it is an unfair distraction to have to deal with menopause while trying to run a business or to be an effective leader.

Menopause is a condition that occurs in women approaching their middle years which is indicated by a pause in periods or menstruation. Menopause occurs when the ovaries run out of eggs or are unresponsive to the body's natural hormonal signals. Menopause can occur prior to middle age if the ovaries are damaged or removed. Unfortunately for those who experience it, menopause brings with it a bevy of symptoms that are distracting and many times unbearable.

Women experiencing menopause deal with hot flashes, depression, mood swings, palpitating hearing beat, anxiety and feelings of dread or hopelessness. You can see how these intense and sudden emotions could hamper the productiveness of a business woman or even a woman who lives a simpler life.

It is for this reason that bioidentical hormones can be a great benefit. Bioidentical hormones are substances created to mimic a woman's natural hormones, thus tricking the body into thinking that the natural hormones are there when the body isn't producing them. These are different than synthetic hormones because synthetic hormones are purposefully intended to be varied and are less likely to be absorbed into the body.

Most offices that offer bioidentical hormone therapy take an individualized approach. Many tests are run to determine hormone levels, and then the hormones are injected in small doses over a long period of time. Repeat office visits are necessary to weigh the reduction of symptoms versus the lowest possible dose. This allows the body to easily adjust to the therapy while keeping any side effects to a minimum.

Although there hasn't been enough research done on bioidentical hormones, it is generally safe to say that they are absorbed into the body more easily than synthetic hormones. Some side effects have been noted with synthetic hormones, and the documented reports of side effects with the natural bioidentical hormones has been much less to date. This only makes perfect sense although more studies must be done.

If you are suffering from menopause and are having intense mood swings, depression and other physical ailments, then seek the advice of your doctor as soon as possible. Bring up bioidentical hormone treatments as an option and see what your doctor has to say. You may be quickly on your way to menopausal relief.

Your Hormones Effect Your Yeast Infection

For many years Candida suffers have reported that their symptoms will worsen during periods of stress. Women typically will report having more vaginal yeast infections during stressful times. Candida suffers notice that skin problems, digestive problems, allergies, ear, nose and throat problems, chemical sensitivities, fatigue, itching, and loss of memory and poor cognitive function and white coating of the tongue all worsen during times of stress. For years this has been observed by doctors and agreed upon, however no one has been able to give a satisfactory theory or explanation. A recent review of patient findings and records have led me to the following the conclusion. Candida worsens during periods of stress due to the adrenal hormone Cortisol! Over the last 10 years I have always observed that patients who were under great stress would not respond to a candida program the way others would. When these patients did improve they would also be the ones most likely to relapse. They always seem to end up being the "failed cases". I now feel that there is hope for this type of patient to be able to recover. If the cortisol level is very high we must first lower the level so that the candida program has a chance to work. In a case where the cortisol is moderately high we may begin the candida program while we lower the cortisol.


When under stress the adrenals glands will produce the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol. The physiologist Hans Selye has mapped out for us different stages of stress and how the body chemically responds to them. In one of the stages of stress cortisol is secreted This hormone breaks down tissues in order to release proteins, sugar and nutrients so that the organs and muscles that are working during the stress have nourishment. This action then is balanced by another hormone Dhea. Dhea is secreted in an effort to balance cortisol. As Dhea is released the Cortisol release slows and body starts to build tissues back up. If stress is prolonged however cortisol will continue to be released. Cortisol can also lower the immune system and raise blood sugar. Both of these actions can increase in candida. If the immune response is decreased it will allow the candida that may be occurring in normal amounts to begin to overgrow. There is also some evidence that state that cortisol may inhibit or kill friendly bacteria such as acidophilus our protector against candida. As mentioned cortisol can also raise glucose levels. Candida is notably persistent in diabetics for the reason that they have higher glucose levels. Candida can quickly and easily feed on the elevated sugar levels caused by cortisol and naturally spread.


The easiest way to detect an increase in cortisol is to perform a saliva test. Saliva testing measures the level of the hormone that is active in the body more easily then blood work. If the cortisol is found to be elevated several nutrients can help to lower it. Gaba is an amino acid like substance naturally produced by the body. It has a calming effect and helps lower cortisol. It is available to take as a supplement. Phosphadtlyserine is another substance similar to Gaba that may help lower Cortisol. Your doctor must determine the dose. Reducing the stress must also be done. In some cases these nutrients will not be able to lower the cortisol if high stress continues.


Several medical texts including the Merk manual warn that hormone therapy can cause vaginal yeast infections in women. Most noted would be estrogen therapy. In my research I have found that any imbalance between estrogen and its partner hormone progesterone may cause candida. Some time ago we believed that too much estrogen would cause candida. They we found some women who would get candida from progesterone. After studying hundreds of cases I have concluded that it is an imbalance between the two that cause the candida overgrowth. It does not matter which is in excess, although it is more common to find estrogen excess in candida. Recently it has been found that the body pulls hormones out of the blood and stores them in the intestinal tract. It does this in effort to adjust the amount of hormone in the blood that can go into the cells and target sites throughout the body. Imbalances between estrogen and progesterone have been found to have a negative effect on the friendly protective bacteria. This in turn causes the candida to overgrow. As in the case of cortisol, both estrogen and progesterone if in excess or out of balance with each other, will have a direct effect on causing candida to grow as well as destroying friendly protective bacteria.


As in the case of cortisol I favor saliva testing for estrogen and progesterone. When the levels are found imbalance we would recommend only the natural form of the hormone. The natural form of the hormone is also referred to as bio-identical. This means that the hormone is biologically identical to the one the body itself makes. Because of this it is safer and tends to work more naturally then the common prescribed hormones. Bio-identical hormones do not the side effects that the synthetic ones derived horse urine do. These are usually made from wild yam or soy.

Your doctor must be very careful to repeat the hormone testing after you have begun the treatment to insure that your level comes up to normal. We do not want the level to exceed normal either. Too much hormone will just create another imbalance. Proper testing is essential to fix this problem. When addressing the hormone imbalance great care must be taking not to give the patient any hormone therapy which will worsen the Candida. Standard hormone replacement therapy is usually in the form of a cap or tablet, which is taken orally. These then pass through the intestines and are released. The Candida is also sitting in the intestines and gets hit in the face by these hormones. The bad news is that the Candida eats up these hormones like Pop eye downing a can of spinach and becomes just as strong. Therefore we have developed a special technique of delivery these hormones in a way that will not worsen the Candida.

This is a very important breakthrough as it solves another part of the mystery of why some will not be able to clear their yeast problems.

Male Menopause and Irritable Male Syndrome

Dr. Fred: Jed, your book, Irritable Male Syndrome opened up my eyes to what I'm dealing with as a man. I can identify with the "irritable male" and have recommended the book to many of my clients and associates.What had you choose males as a focus for your writing and clinical practice?

When I began working in the field 44 years ago, most of the focus was on women. I felt the field of men's health needed a champion.

Dr. Fred: Especially as they relate to the Third Age (45 to 75 years of age), would you summarize what are the key issues that men are dealing with?

There are issues that both men and women must deal with as we age: Aches and pains, illness, dying parents, young-adult children, etc. But there are also issues that are unique to men such as Male Menopause (Andropause), Irritable Male Syndrome, and male-type depression that I discuss in my books.

Dr. Fred: Much of what we offer our readers has to do with debunking the myth of midlife crisis and relating to midlife as a transition. What is your view on this subject?

I see mid-life, in many ways, as similar to adolescence. At both times of life we are making a major transition. In the case of adolescence, we are moving from childhood to first adulthood. In the case of mid-life, we are making the transition from first adulthood to what I call superadulthood. For the first time we have a chance to be truly who we were meant to be.

Dr. Fred: In the products and services you offer, you write on depression, menopause and irritable male syndrome. How are they related?

I think of these issues as three separate but overlapping circles. Male Menopause affects all men, sometime between the ages of 40 and 55, though it can start as early as 35 or as late as 65. Irritable male syndrome affects a smaller, but still significant number of men(perhaps 60-80%). Male-type depression affects a smaller number of men. We've assumed that women suffer depression at rates that are twice the rate of men. But my research shows that many depressed men are underdiagnosed and undertreated because we use the wrong criteria for diagnosis.

Dr. Fred: How would you distinguish or differentiate (key aspects) Irritable Male Syndrome from similar syndromes?

Irritable Male syndrome has four key causes: Hormonal fluctuations, changes in brain chemistry, increased stress, and changes in male identity. It takes a skilled practitioner to distinguish IMS from such things as depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD and other disorders.

Dr. Fred: You say that "IMS is ultimately about violence." Would you elaborate on this?

We live in a world that is violent. We see it expressed in childhood where children are mistreated (including being circumcised, which I believe is a form of child sexual abuse). As we get older this destructive childrearing expresses itself in irritability,hypersensitivity, anger, and rage. When it is turned inward it can lead to suicide. When turned outward it can lead to violence and war.

Dr. Fred: What is it about men that has them be susceptible to IMS?

Some is our inherent hormone complement. Having testosterone makes us vulnerable to aggression. Many are familiar with the rage that results from taking anabolic steroids (so called 'roid rage). We would see that in football players or weightlifters. Though it is a problem, it has really been overhyped. The real problem it turns out is not too much testosterone, but too little. When males lose their testosterone, they become more restless, irritable, and angry. Changing exercise patterns and dietary changes can be helpful. So can testosterone supplementation for some men.

Dr. Fred: Why is it important for women to be aware of this syndrome and Male Menopause?

IMS may be a problem going on within men, but it often impacts women. Many women have told me that their husbands irritability, anger, and withdrawal is undermining their marriage and causing problems within the family. They seek help for the man, but also for themselves.

Dr. Fred: In our culture, men tend to have a "lone ranger" mentality. They're not overly communicative and often in denial about issues like depression and IMS. What can their female partners do that would assist their male partners in coming to terms with these issues?

Men are often afraid to seek help. They see it has unmanly. This includes even going infor their annual medical checkup. As one male client put it. "I go in for my annual check-up maybe once in 10 years." Women are often the ones who gently, but firmly tell the man that he needs to get checked out. I have a whole program I've developed for women on how to help themselves while they are helping the man in their lives.

Dr. Fred: What in your view would most contribute to Third Agers experiencing authentic happiness?

We need to accept who we are and that includes the different changes that men and women experience as we age. Becoming an older man poses different challenges than becoming an older woman. We can learn a great deal from each other. But to do that we have to be willing to let go of "right" and "wrong" and seek ways to communicate and heal.

Dr. Fred: What new projects are you working on?

I have a new book: "Mr. Mean: Saving Yourself and Rescuing Your Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome" and I am working on a new book that I target for release by the end of the year titled, "Tapping Power."

People can receive my Free E-Book: Andropause (Male Menopause) What Is This Crazy Thing We Are Going Through? by visiting my website

The Vitex Fertility Solution - How Does the Vitex Fertility Solution Work?

A well known herb called Vitex or Chasteberry is said to have a lot of ingredients that can correct a lot of hormonal imbalances in women. One of the most important factors in attempting to conceive is a regular menstrual cycle. Can the Vitex fertility solution help with this?

It has been proven time and again that Chasteberry or Vitex can correct problems including insufficient progesterone. If a woman has insufficient progesterone, she may be susceptible to ovarian cysts, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. So how does Vitex work, exactly?

1. This herb increases lutenizing hormone (LH) production and reduces or inhibits the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are produced in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. This causes a change in the ratio between estrogen and progesterone, increasing the progesterone.

2. High levels of prolactin can be a barrier to fertility. Vitex works to reduce the high levels of this particular hormone.

3. If a woman is not having regular periods, or has no periods at all, the increase in progesterone should cause her to begin menstruating, naturally. If a woman lacks progesterone, the egg may not be released, and, of course, if the egg is not released, there is no chance of conception.

4. A daily dose of 60 drops of a tincture containing vitex or 175 mg of an extract is recommended as a vitex fertility booster.

There are some known drug interactions included with hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives, and dopamine agonists. Of course, if you are trying to increase fertility, you are likely not taking any oral contraceptives. In order to get the best results from this course of treatment, you will need to take vitex for a minimum of three to six months. Most women report noticeable results around the fourth month or menstrual cycle of taking this supplement. Vitex can be taken for up to 18 months continuously.

It is important to obtain Vitex in a supplement that is as close to natural as possible. Many so called supplements on the market contain very little active ingredient or actual herb extract, so you will need to examine and read labels very carefully.

Working towards a better hormonal balance and eventually, inducing ovulation can be achieved, with this supplement. The key to becoming pregnant is ovulating and having a regular monthly period and menstrual cycle. You can achieve this regularity with the vitex fertility treatment option.

What Can I Take to Make My Hair Stop Shedding So Much? Advice That May Help

I sometimes get emails that ask for advice on "what to take to stop hair shedding."  Specifically, people want to know if there's a shampoo, pill, herb, essential oil, or vitamin that can stop or diminish their hair shedding.  The answer is going to depend on the reason for their shedding in the first place.  I'll elaborate more in the following article.

Can You Take Or Use Something To Stop TE (Telogen Effluvium) Shedding?:  That depends on what is the cause of the TE.  I'm sure you know this, but telogen effluvium is caused by some abrupt changes in the body (changing medications, illness, giving birth, having surgery, new scalp issues, etc.)  In some instances (like pregnancy), you can take biotin and a multi vitamin to support your hair as it is regrowing, but this isn't going to stop the shedding by itself.  Time is just needed for that.  Your body will adjust as your hair follicles reset to growing rather than resting - and this will happen in a few weeks or months.

If the TE is caused  by a medication, you can likely try something new to see if it is more hair friendly.  If you're suffering from a medical issue, you can work with your doctor to come up with a solution.  Very often, effluvium is caused by hormonal fluctuations.  I realize it can be tempting to try new birth control pills or bio identical hormones or even things like premarin.  But sometimes this backfires.  Women who get TE are often hormonally vulnerable, so changing hormones AGAIN may just kick off a new TE. Use caution and go slowly. I think that it is preferable to try topicals or natural herbs first.

Androgen Related Shedding: What Supplements Or Vitamins Help With This?: Genetic thinning or shedding that occurs because DHT or androgens are choking out healthy hair is another story.  You need to get this substance off of your scalp before the shedding can slow and regrowth can start.  Of course, many people will turn to propecia or spiro because they don't know what else to do. Again, though, these cause hormonal changes that could cause a worsening shed.  You really have to work with your doctor if you're going to go this route to make sure this is the right treatment at the right time. Again, maybe I'm very conservative, but I prefer topicals first, herbs second, and medications last.  Saw palmetto and beta-sitosterol can be applied topically before it is ingested internally.  Making internal changes run the risk of more loss.  Sure, sometimes you do have to resort to internal treatments, but I believe you should try other things first. 

Scalp / Yeast Issues And Shedding: If you have a scalp or dermatological issue, then you must treat the scalp instead of going internally.  There are a lot of natural substances that can help with this including tea tree oil and herbs that reduce or fight candida. Severe dandruff and / or psoriasis can also cause inflammation followed by loss in some instances.  Many conventional treatments for this dry the scalp even more and worsen the problem.  Often dandruff is tied into sebum which is tied into DHT.  So in these cases, it doesn't hurt to look both at the scalp and at the androgens.

Autoimmune Shedding: When most people think of autoimmune hair loss, they think of AA and patchy loss.  But there are several autoimmune conditions that can cause more diffuse patterns.  Examples are lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and even some conditions that are thought to have an autoimmune component like interstitial cystitis, Epstein Barr, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. Sometimes a progressive dermatologist will agree to give steroids to try to stop the autoimmune response, but there have been some promising results from an overseas study that concentrated on essential oils.

I hope this article has shown you that what is going to help your hair is going to depend on what is causing the hair loss in the first place. It really does no good to focus on taking biotin if DHT is miniaturizing your follicles in the same way that taking saw palmetto isn't going to help if you have TE due to a thyroid problem.  You must pinpoint the cause first and focus on the treatment second.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Truth About Thyroid Disease - Natural Options Your Doctor Won't Tell You About

Addressing Thyroid Disease Naturally

Classic signs of thyroid hormone deficiency include fatigue, memory loss, cold hands and feet, muscle and joint pain, depression, high cholesterol, and constipation. Over the past 2 years, I have seen a large influx of patients that had been placed on thyroid hormones to treat the above symptoms. Many of these individuals responded well to thyroid hormone initially, but were no longer receiving as much benefit from its use. Furthermore, many of them continued to develop additional symptoms such as dry eyes, dry and bleeding nasal passages, and dry hair and skin. Most of them were also experiencing greater loss of hair.

What you should know about Thyroid Hormone Production:

Thyroid hormone production is under the influence of a chemical called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH is made by the pituitary gland. When circulating levels of thyroxine (T-4) are low, TSH sends a message to your thyroid gland to start producing more T-4. The building blocks your body uses to make T-4 come from food constituents that we obtain from the diet (tyrosine - an amino acid from protein and certain minerals - iodine, zinc, etc). Once your body makes T-4, it must be activated by other nutrients (vitamins and minerals) into something known as T-31. T-3 is the active form of thyroid hormone that works to increase the body's metabolism. However, certain nutrient deficiencies and stress can lead to a reduction in T-3 and instead the production of Reverse T-3. This form of T-3 is not as effective and leads to symptoms of hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, Reverse T-3 is cannot be distinguished from T-3 in traditional thyroid lab reports and this is a common oversight by many physicians. Once T-3 is made it will attach to the nucleus inside your cells and increase the body's metabolism appropriately. Once again, however, certain nutrient deficiencies can decrease the responsiveness of our body's cells to T-3, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism. For these reasons lab reports commonly performed by physicians that look at TSH, T-4, and T-3, can be misleading. A simplified diagram of thyroid hormone production is listed below:

TSH Stimulates the thyroid gland to make T-4. T-4 Converts to either T-3 or Reverse T-3 (RT3). RT3 is inactive. Normal T-3 attaches to the cell nucleus. Once attachment of T-3 occurs the body's metabolism increases.

As if the above information were not complicated enough, there are also environmental factors that can also effect thyroid hormone production. Oral contraceptives and estrogen containing medications have been shown to reduce the conversion of T4 to T3. Many herbicides and pesticides contain estrogen mimicking compounds known to effect thyroid hormone production. Soy foods and sodas can cause a reduction in thyroid hormone. Certain food allergies and selenium deficiency are linked to autoimmune thyroid dysfunction3,4. Heavy metal exposure through air, water, dental fillings etc. have been linked to poor thyroid function.

Remember that thyroid disease is never just as simple as taking a medication whether it is bio-identical or not. Thyroid dysfunction has a cause. An astute physician will take an active roll in care and seek to perform a comprehensive exam and laboratory work up that will identify the cause. Keep in mind that your body has the ability to make its own thyroid hormone providing that all the essential nutrients necessary are present in the diet or through supplementation, providing that the environment is conducive to the expression of good health, and providing that the individual is properly educated in the care of his/her body. Many patients that come to me initially are taking some form of thyroid medication. Many were instructed that the medication was a life long necessity. And in many it is very common that the medication becomes unnecessary.

1. Moncayo R, et al. The role of selenium, vitamin C, and zinc in benign thyroid diseases and of selenium in malignant thyroid diseases: Low selenium levels are found in subacute and silent thyroiditis and in papillary and follicular carcinoma. BMC Endocr Disord. 2008 Jan 25;8:2.

2. Pansini F, et al. Effect of the hormonal contraception on serum reverse triiodothyronine levels. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1987;23:133.

3. Mazokopakis EE, et al. Effects of 12 months treatment with L-selenomethionine on serum anti-TPO Levels in Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Thyroid 2007 Jul;17(7):609-12.

4. Negro R, et al. The influence of selenium supplementation on postpartum thyroid status in pregnant women with thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Apr;92(4):1263-8. Epub 2007 Feb 6.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy - A Gift From Mother Nature

The bioidentical replacement therapy or BHRT is actually a part of the Hormone Replacement Therapy. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) means that the molecular structure of the hormones which are being replaced is similar to the ones being produced by the body. There are two types of bioidentical hormones: naturally occurring and the synthetic. Unfortunately, many doctors are unaware of the bio-identical hormones. Since natural hormones can not be patented, manufacturers lack financial motivation to fund research and development expenses to commercially market these substances, and physicians receive little information on bio-identical hormones like, estriol, and androgens.

Now let us see how important a role the bio identical hormones play in the overall modus operandi of Hormone Replacement Therapy. The bioidentical hormones are extracted from the naturally occurring sources such as the urine of a pregnant women, yams and soy. It is a well known fact that not all the types of hormones can be prescribed to a patient since the patients have different hormonal needs. So in order to make the Hormone Replacement Therapy more effective and less abrasive the bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is suggested. This is why they are gaining popularity in the Northern America and the Western Countries. The synthetic hormones are quite contrary to the natural ones. They are one size fits all type and that is why the synthetic hormones are sometimes hard to metabolize.

In case of naturally occurring hormones the physician is at the liberty of compounding various dosage forms in order to meet the needs of each individual. And relying on the methods such as Transdermal or Tran mucosal dosage forms such as gels, troches, or suppositories. Non-oral absorption avoids first pass liver metabolism, providing a more reliable extent of absorption which is independent of liver function. Another form of administration of hormones is in the form of the Capsules containing micronized particles for enhanced oral absorption. Other methods include the unique formulations to meet each woman's specific needs.

The bio identical hormone replacement therapy or simply the BHRT is definitely a blessing for hundreds of thousands of women who are suffering from the menopause and for the men who are suffering from the Andropause. It has re-defined the term aging once and for all. Besides giving fresh hope to the rapidly aging population of the Western World, it has opened up new vistas of medical research and development in the field of naturally occurring hormones as well.

5 Risks Associated With Getting Pregnant Over 40 - Important Things to Know

There are many instances today of women getting pregnant over 40 years of age. This is because of women's growing financial independence as well as the high standard of healthcare available these days. In fact, lots of women prefer to have their babies in their 40s and sometimes even their 50s after they have consolidated their careers and built a sufficient amount of wealth.

If you have held off having a baby till the time you've turned 40, then you do have to consider a few important risk factors:

- High blood pressure that can sometimes lead to a life threatening condition called pre-eclampsia. This condition can damage internal organs both of the mother and the unborn child and is one of the major risks involved with pregnancy in older women.

- Placental problems such as placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix partly or fully leading to bleeding and cramps) and placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the uterine wall leading to death of the mother or baby)

- Pre-term birth at around 7 to 8 months of the pregnancy. The babies thus born tend to have low birth weight and also have respiratory problems.

- Higher incidence of birth defects caused due to chromosomal abnormalities. Down's Syndrome is a very common problem.

- Gestational diabetes. The mother's raised blood sugar levels generally subside after the baby is born. However, the child tends to become very large in these cases, leading to very difficult births.

These are just risks that women who plan to get pregnant after 40 years of age should be aware of. This does not mean that every woman who delays getting pregnant will necessary suffer from these or other problems. However, women who get pregnant over 40 should be extremely careful about what they eat and do.

If you are a pregnant woman in your 40's you just need to watch your diet very carefully. You need to cut out all foods that contain refined sugars and flour. You should also stay away from saturated fats. Exercise is very important during any pregnancy, but more so in your case. You should also get regular medical check-ups done in order to ensure that both you and your unborn child are doing well. As long as you are careful then there is no reason why you can't have a safe and enjoyable pregnancy over 40.

Tinnitus and Menopause - What Experts Know About the Ringing in Your Ears

Menopause is a point in a woman's life when she stops menstruating for a full year and this can be overwrought with many symptoms, some bearable and some discomforting. Menopause symptoms like mood swings, loss of libido, extreme fatigue, hot flashes and weight gain are a cause of concern for most women. However, less common symptoms like Tinnitus- ringing or buzzing in the ear- change of body color and sometimes a sensation akin to electric shock under the skin may be worrisome.

Medical opinions associate Tinnitus with menopause. According to many studies, this ringing in the ears is a physical condition that can take place due to other reasons as well. Medicines like Prozac and regular aspirin may cause Tinnitus and research is underway to establish the role these medications play in causing hormonal changes during menopause.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Causes

Many women may opt for an HRT, (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) as a treatment for early menopause, hysterectomy and peri-menopause or because their physician recommended it. Certain studies point a finger at HRT aggravating Tinnitus, as it uses artificial progesterone to ensure regular cyclical bleeding.

Most people experience Tinnitus as age sets in and menopausal women are not the only sufferers, though they seem worse affected than men. The onset of Tinnitus in menopause can make the best of us complain of fluid retention, depression, headache, dizziness, insomnia, raised blood pressure and migraines.

This ringing in the ears can be linked with both peri-menopause and menopause for women in their forties, fifties and sixties more, as compared to any other age group. Another theory links menopause symptoms of sweating, hot flashes and mood changes to side effects of Tinnitus. Circulating hormone estrogen and progesterone can lead to or aggravate Tinnitus during menopause.

Menopause and Tinnitus: BHRT

Modern times have seen medical developments leading to Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy that has gained more popularity than HRT. This is mainly because BHRT consists of plant compounds, is identical in structure to human hormones, and therefore found more effective than HRT. This news brings hope for women going through menopause and putting up with Tinnitus as it may relieve them of the side effects associated with traditional HRT.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Effects

Menopause brings with it other issues like emotional stress and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which can be common antagonists leading to Tinnitus. Nutritional deficiencies of B Vitamins, zinc, folic acid, antioxidants that are crucial in maintaining the overall health of women, may bring on Tinnitus or worsen the existing condition.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Treatments

Hope springs eternal and women's health experts offer simple solutions to the problems associated with menopause and Tinnitus. The first step is exercise and good nutrition, as these are beneficial for overall general health and bring relief from the persistent ringing in the ears. To make that annoying buzz go away, it is important for all menopausal women to take sufficient rest, particularly when stressed out or fatigued.

Seeking medical advice from an expert can clue you in about metabolic disturbances and provide necessary guidance about specific diets that could help. There are nutritional supplements like Arches Tinnitus relief formula, Tinnitus stress formula and Tinnitus B12 formula available for women undergoing menopause and suffering from this pain in the ear.

An Overview of Sermorelin Acetate And Human Growth Hormone

Sermorelin is a substance known as a secretagogue, meaning it causes the release of a hormone in the body. In this case, it causes the pituitary gland to increase human growth hormone production. Therefore, it is a veritable "growth hormone releasing hormone" (GHRH). It stimulates the pituitary gland to naturally make more HGH.

Once the increased growth hormone comes from the pituitary gland, it stimulates the liver to convert it into insulin growth factor (IGF-1). This results in an increase in metabolism and new cell growth within the human body's bones and organs.

Sermorelin Acetate GHRH has been approved for increasing growth hormone levels in children who are deficient in its production. It is an on-label indication and FDA approved for this indication.

In adults, using it to increase growth hormone and IGF-1 levels is an off-label use of the drug. This means it can be prescribed by physicians who determine an indication to be appropriate, but it was not cleared by the FDA specifically for this purpose.

In adults, what effects does Sermorelin treatment have on the body?

繚 Increases lean body muscle mass development through new muscle cells. It doesn't just hypertrophy existing muscle cells, it actually helps make new ones.

繚 Reduces bodyfat

繚 Increases vitality and energy

繚 Increases human endurance

繚 Increases strength

繚 Speeds up wound healing

繚 Strengthens the cardiovascular system

繚 Makes sleep quality better

繚 Benefits the immune system

繚 Ramps up IGF-1 production

繚 Increases and strengthens the mineralization of bones, hence improving bone density.

繚 Stimulates the growth of all internal organs (not the brain)

Interestingly, Sermorelin essentially performs the same function as treatment with HGH itself, just as a production stimulant. Sermorelin is on 29 amino acids, while HGH is larger with 191 amino acids.

So why is Sermorelin preferable? The reason is cost. It's less than one half the cost of treatment with Sermorelin as it is with Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Therapy. Also, Semorelin can be prescribed for unlabeled use, but recombinant HGH can not be prescribed for any unlabeled indication.

Some health food stores will try and sell different secretagogues over the counter, but they are typically just a few amino acids with unpredictable and intermittent release of HGH. There is no specific receptor process in the pituitary gland. There can be kidney problems with high doses. Sermorelin starts its action in a highly specific manner with receptors on the pituitary.

Treatment with Sermorelin is regulated at the level of the pituitary by negative feedback so that it is very difficult to overdose on it. HGH treatment, on the other hand, is not subject to this feedback and may have significant complications. Sermorelin is administered by subcutaneous injection. Typically it's administered once a day prior to bedtime. The time of dosing is important. The duration of treatment will vary depending on what it's being used to treat.

Natural Hormone Replacement - The Safest Way to A Safe Future

Hormones enter into all the 100 Trillion (approx) cells in our body. After entering into the cells hormones start a flow of reactions which causes the "target cell" to perform the intended functions, to produce energy, to enhance memory, to boost the sex drive, to help in the muscle development, and to strengthen bones.

Without this action by hormones the above bodily functions start to decrease in their frequency - to the point of complete stoppage. That is called menopause in women and Andropause in men. Though the effects of Andropause in men are quite gradually felt by men as compared to the sudden hormonal imbalance disturbances commonly found in men.

When hormones begin to decline this is a sign of the beginning of the dying process. Our bodies cannot function at all without these hormones - they are truly the life givers to us. When the process of aging starts the hormones start depleting within our bodies year after year. This is why it is crucial to replace these lost hormones. But the key is to replace them (estradiol, progesterone and testosterone) with hormones that are an exact duplicate of those we had when we were 25 year old. We have learned from years of using the synthetic hormones that these can cause many negative side effects. There are a number of studies which indicate that the usage of the synthetic hormones not only increases the chances of breast cancer but also can cause prostate cancer - not to speak of cardiovascular and valvular problems. As compared to the synthetic hormones the natural hormones.

Most of the problems that women experience are more or less because of hormone imbalance. These problems include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, depression, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, and other symptoms which are associated with the fall in hormones. Many health professionals have started encouraging the use of natural supplements that safely control the symptoms associated with menopause, hysterectomy and help against the osteoporosis. Many health professionals now encourage the use of natural bioidentical hormones and other natural supplements that safely control the symptoms associated with menopause, hysterectomy and PMS, as well as help with bone loss or the bone decay.

It is very imperative to have blood tests done to check whether you are deficient in hormones before beginning therapy. It is significant to balance essential hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen, to have optimal health. Without blood testing one can never be sure as to how much hormones are needed to revert the balance back to the normal levels. Many of the people have been enabled to quit antidepressants and pain medications and sleep medications. The natural hormone replacement is the best technique to delay the time of your death by many years, and, I guess, no one would like to not have that done to him.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Female Hormones and Their Influence on Eczema

I have written before on skin care for eczema and what I have found to work best for me after 40 years of personal 'research'. This article must by its very nature be directed towards women who suffer with eczema and for that I apologize to my fellow sufferers who are men.

Many years ago I began to notice a pattern. It took me quite awhile to really understand the connection but eventually I understood that for me, the changes in the female hormones in my system that happen naturally throughout the month have an effect on my eczema. The pattern became pronounced in my early thirties and has persisted for nearly 10 years now, the pattern becoming more consistent and identifiable as time goes on.

The pattern is that somewhere around day 15 to day 21 of my cycle each month I notice an increase in the itching and irritation associated with my 'normal' locations of eczema. Armed with this knowledge I can work proactively to balance my hormones and reduce the eczema before it flares badly.

Anyone who has read any of my articles knows that I am a proponent and user of natural health therapies whenever possible and effective. The methods I have found to work best in this case are energy balancing techniques for women as found in Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine for Women, Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patches and natural bio-identical progesterone cream when appropriate. Also appropriate is to watch your intake of refined sugars (including alcohol) as these can also cause eczema flares.

The most effective manual energy balancing technique for Female Hormones is an exercise Donna Eden calls the "Hormone Hook-up" which is simply holding 2 points on your head simultaneously for 15 to 30 seconds or so. The points are held with the tips of 3 or 4 fingers and are the very top of the head (may be a tender point) and the base of the occipital bone of your skull, just above where your neck meets your head. Also helpful is tracing the Triple Warmer energy meridian with your hand to balance the Triple Warmer meridian.

Balancing female hormones with the Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patch is perhaps the easiest route of all, as your body decides what it does or does not need. The Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patch, like all AE Patches is not chemical. It is the energy signature of balanced female hormones and it works for many of us.

For more information please read my other articles on managing eczema. Good luck!

It Doesn't Have to Burn - Eliminating Acid Reflux, Naturally

Heartburn, gas and bloating- these are all common symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux, also known as acid reflux.

It is commonly assumed that a person who suffers from these symptoms produce an overabundance of acid in the stomach. He or she is then placed on a Proton Pump Inhibitor (also known as PPI). PPI drugs reduce the production of acid by blocking enzymes in the wall of the stomach.

If the cause of acid reflux is physiological, from an over-production of stomach acid, PPI drugs may be effective. As it turns out, only a very small percent of patients seen for acid reflux are actually producing too much stomach acid. More commonly, its a mechanical issue and is the result of food not being properly moved through the stomach and sitting on the lower esophageal sphincter. The food pushes on this valve, causing acid in the stomach to leak back into the esophagus, and creates a burning sensation.

When food hits the stomach, hydrochloric acid begins to break it down immediately. Enzymes are then released to break down remaining food before it is moved to the small intestines for absorption.

When a person suffers from acid reflux due to low stomach acid, the food comes into the stomach and does not get broken down. A PPI works to treat the symptoms for a time because it lowers acid in general, but within a year or so the drug backfires because the cause was not addressed. Other symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea begin to develop as a result of too little stomach acid and enzymes. A shortage of stomach acid may also lead to more serious problems such as gall bladder issues, rashes, eczema, psoriasis and acne.

A naturopathic doctor treats acid reflux by finding the reason food is not being moved through the stomach. This may be caused by a genetic disposition, blood type, stress, chronic dieting, chronically skipping meals or food allergies.

Treatments usually begin by taking a patient off of PPI drugs. While on the drug, the body suppresses the production of stomach acid. When coming off the drug it responds by producing too much acid. This is why it is important to wean off of it. A naturopathic doctor will administer pancreatic and gall bladder enzymes until the effects of the drug wears off. The patient will then be given acid to help in the breakdown of food. After this treatment, an acid reflux sufferer will find that the burning, gas and bloating disappears.

To prevent acid reflux, it is important for a patient to find possible food allergies and minimize stress. Some common food allergies include wheat, dairy, eggs and corn, but can be anything. Many gastrointestinal doctors tell patients to avoid tomatoes, citrus and spicy foods. But in in many cases, these foods actually aid in digestion because they aggravate the hydrochloric acid used to break down foods. Eating smaller meals and taking time to chew thoroughly is also important.

A person who has suffered from acid reflux for an extended period of time is often suffering from chronic inflammation. Here are some herbs and nutrients that can help alleviate this inflammation:

L-Glutamine: L-Glutamine is an amino acid that repairs mucosal surfaces. If the inflammation is caused from lack digestion due to a lack of acid, it can repair the esophageal and stomach lining.

Slippery Elm: Slippery elm has significant mucilage, which coats and protects the GI tract and decreases intestinal inflammation.

Deglycerized licorice: Deglycerized licorice has been used for thousands years to soothe heartburn, acid reflux and other GI problems.

For patients suffering from gastrointestinal reflux, there may be a number of causes. Finding the root cause
is crucial to finding the right treatment plan. Due to possible side effects, it is always important to seek the health care advice of a naturopathic physician before administering herbal remedies.

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Affects Of Low Testosterone And And Its Therapy Over Transgender Men

Testosterone - male sex hormone affects greatly the overall health, whether found in abundance or in reduced quantities. Various diseases from heart to lungs are caused due to disturbances in the level of hormones, naturally happening with age.

Heart and testosterone levels - How It Affects Heart?

Low testosterone level or above normal is a major reason of many heart issues.

  • Androgen therapy lowers the good cholesterol and increases the level of low-density lipid that is also termed as bad lipid. This also improves the quantity of triglycerides in body.

  • More fat is accumulated in the abdominal area as compared to lower portions that poses a serious cardiovascular risk.

  • Weight gain is common with testosterone therapy that lowers the sensitivity toward insulin. It allows more chances of getting Type II diabetes.

  • High testosterone levels in some men result in lowering the associated risk of heart disease.

  • Abusing levels of androgen have some clear connection with strokes and cardiac arrest.

  • Androgen therapy when used along with smoking and high blood pressure can become a serious threat for a body.

Hair - The Victim Of Low Testosterone

  • Androgen especially DHT is highly influential over hair follicles.

  • Androgen therapy may lead toward male baldness in some cases.

  • Testosterone when converts into DHT is found in two enzyme types. Type 2 is responsible for male baldness.

Gynecological Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

  • Testosterone therapy is used in trans-men to stop menstruation. This therapy works within five months of start and if it does not happen then expert consultation becomes necessary.

  • Clitoris size is increased because of testosterone therapy, a condition known as clitoromegaly. It is advised to stop the use of testosterone if this situation happens.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome may occur after a long-term treatment of androgen therapy. If this condition is left untreated, there are chances of developing endometrial cancer and reduced fertility. Transgender men need to be careful about that.

Determining Endometrial Cancer

The apparent symptoms of endometrial cancer are bleeding in women passing through postmenopausal stage. In transgender men, if bleeding persists after stoppage of menstruation the endometrial biopsy should be the first thing to go for. Following procedures can also help in ruling out the chances of endometrial cancer and affects of testosterone therapy:

  • Ultrasounds of endometrial should be taken after every two years. If endometrial appears thin in ultrasound, a biopsy should be the next step.

  • Expert doctors advise adults who have a cervix or uterus to go through a Pap smear test. This test is helpful in determining the chances of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer actually occurs because of a virus transmitted sexually. There are less chances of developing cervical cancer in men who never experienced vaginal sex.

  • Androgen therapy also results in reduced size of breast in some transgender men. In real, this happens due to fat loss in breast area.

  • Another common thing that happens with women going through androgen therapy is vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy. This condition can be improved with estrogen cream as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Enhanced sex drive is also observed in Trans men who undergo androgen therapy, but this slows down after few years of testosterone therapy.

Balancing low testosterone through natural means may lower the associated side effects.

Understanding PMS and Perimenopause

Not so long ago, doctors believed that women went from having regular monthly periods to gradually ceasing all menstrual cycles. Though some did admit that some women had problems with the transition in between, it was only recently did the entire medical world finally agree that the transition period could pose serious health (both mental and physical) problems towards women. Doctors finally recognized the existence of perimenopause and the number of women it hit every year.

One of the main reasons why perimenopause was ignored for so long is because of another female phenomenon known as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS.) PMS and perimenopause can have really similar symptoms. Many doctors thought that the symptoms we now recognize as perimenopause symptoms were really just PMS symptoms. Since PMS symptoms tend to pass after a week (at the longest), doctors paid little attention to women's complaints.

Why did they get them confused? Probably because PMS and perimenopause both exhibit symptoms like anger, anxiety, bloating, body aches, mood swings, irritability, and loss of libido. These symptoms don't seem like big problems to doctors, especially if a woman admits that she is used to experiencing PMS every month. It was the coming of other perimenopause symptoms that first alerted doctors that something may be different, symptoms like crashing fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia.

So why do any of these symptoms (either for PMS or perimenopause) happen in the first place?

During both PMS and perimenopause, a woman's hormones fluctuate. Usually people assume that her sex hormones fluctuate, but it is important to point out that her stress hormone levels and her blood sugar hormone levels can fluctuate too. For PMS, these hormones fluctuate in order to prepare the body for the housing of a child and (later on) for the secretion of blood. For perimenopause, hormones fluctuate because the systems which prepare a woman's body for reproduction are no longer working like clockwork.

As a result of these fluctuations, a woman's body sends out signals (symptoms) that something is happening internally. Sometimes the only symptom a woman will feel is that "something is wrong" and they can't quite tell why they feel sad or upset.

For women with PMS, the symptoms usually last for a week or so. Women suffering from perimenopause, on the other hand, will find that they may have one or two symptoms present at all times. It is for this reason that most perimenopause experts advise women (usually 35 and up) to start taking notes of any feelings or symptoms they may observe. Taking note of the time of the month a symptom should be observed, as well as frequency in which certain symptoms are present can help both women and their doctors determine what is going on.

When a doctor has determined whether or not you are going through perimenopause or if you are just having acute episodes of PMS, s/he can then prescribe a treatment plan that you can follow. Many doctors recommend mild pain killers, like mefenamic acid, for the body aches you may feel. Other doctors may try to put you on birth control pills or progestin, in order to help regulate your period and alleviate the symptoms of both PMS and perimenopause. Other doctors still may recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT, for perimenopause patients only.)

As the science of both PMS and perimenopause evolve, however, more and more doctors are suggesting more natural methods for dealing with the problems. For example, PMS has been known to lessen when a woman follows a healthy diet, exercises regularly (about 30 minutes a day), and takes up a hobby or a past time she enjoys. These three lifestyle factors can actually make PMS go away!

Because of the success of this natural method of treatment among PMS patients, many doctors are now supporting natural treatments for perimenopause as well. Apart from lifestyle changes, however, herbal remedies or natural supplements are also recommended for women going through perimenopause. There are many natural treatments that seem to work very well for women, and have been proven to have fewer side effects than HRT.

The science of both PMS and perimenopause is still evolving. Now that doctors have acknowledged perimenopause' presence, more help is coming women's way. Keep in mind that if you had very bad PMS during your youth, your chances of having long drawn out and tough perimenopause symptoms are high. However, no matter which one you're experiencing, always opt to try lifestyle changes before going for pharmaceutical cures.

10 Natural Tips For Menopause Symptom Relief

As I made the journey from premenopause to menopause, I was one of the 'lucky' ones to experience dozens of seemingly unrelated symptoms. As I went from one specialist to another, none of them connected the dots, leaving me scared and frustrated. Eventually, after a lot of research, I discovered that most of these symptoms were actually hormone-related. Here are a few simple tips to help you find relief from specific symptoms.

One: Breast Pain- Bras are your friend
Silly though you may feel at first, wearing a comfortable bra that supports the weight of your breasts 24 hours a day will make you a lot more comfortable. Wearing a stretched out bra or one that is the wrong size can also contribute to your pain. Get fitted for a good supporting daytime bra, and perhaps a sports bra for overnight.

Two: Dry Eyes - Keep the fans off
Wind can irritate the eyes. Even while sleeping, a fan blowing on you can dry out your eyes, so you wake up with the lids all gluey.

Three: Back and Neck Pain - Get a Smaller Pocketbook
This is no joke. You may be dragging five to 10 pounds on your shoulder. If you're beginning to experience shoulder/neck pain, try switching to a mini-pocketbook for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference. Whatever doesn't fit can be carried in two hands. You're lugging around way too much stuff anyway!

Four: Migraines - Elimination of Migraine Triggers
Often, migraines are caused by external triggers that, once reduced or eliminated, can provide you with immense relief. This list contains common triggers for migraine. However, you may not be bothered by some of these items, but others not on the list may give you a whopping headache. For instance, I've gotten a migraine after sitting next to someone with strong perfume or even eating salad dressing with vinegar in it! When looking for these triggers, you want to think back over the past few hours before a headache started to figure out what may have triggered the headache. If you find a consistent source, you can then eliminate it. For instance, lanolin in hand cream can trigger a migraine for me.

  • Becoming overtired

  • Missed meals/letting your blood sugar fluctuate

  • Bright lights and/or loud noise

  • MSG

  • Foods

  • Chocolate

  • Red wine and other alcohol

  • Foods with nitrates (bacon, deli food)

  • Moldy cheeses

Five: Skin care - Petroleum Jelly
Use plain, old petroleum jelly as a hand/elbow moisturizer. I'm very chemically sensitive, and after trying skin cream after skin cream, I discovered that plain old petroleum jelly worked wonders on my elbows and hands. People think they have to spend lots of money (for lots of ingredients... many of which do more harm than good), but the simple solutions listed above can really help.

Six: Vaginal Irritation - No perfume
Perfumed menstrual pads, soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener, even dryer sheets can irritate the vagina. Most products have an unscented version. You can find unscented versions of Purex laundry detergent, Downy fabric softener, and All dryer sheets.

Weight Gain (Four Tips)

Seven: Dump the Salt
It makes you retain water, causing bloating, increases high blood pressure, plus it contributes to excessive calcium loss, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, salt is prevalent in so many processed foods. Adding it is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Learn to use spices, instead, to flavor your foods.

Eight: Recognizing the Big Lies
It's a lie that all your problems will be solved if you were only thin. Everyone has problems. Eating over them only distracts you with yet another problem... so now you have two problems. I used to diet and lose weight, only to find that as soon as I got thin, I still had problems. And then, I'd start eating again. All being thin and sane with food with do is give you a level playing field with which to face your life.

It's a lie that if you cannot keep from binging on a certain food today that you will be able to do so tomorrow. OK, maybe not tomorrow. But likely eventually, you will most likely find yourself out of control again.

Nine: Artificial sweeteners make you fat!
First off, look at a packet of Sweet & Low. Notice anything? The second ingredient is dextrose, which is just another name for sugar. Artificial sweeteners seem to be the mainstay of many dieting women. However, it can not only increase cravings tremendously, but can cause bloating. And this is aside from the other horrific health dangers of sweeteners such as Aspartame (NutraSweet), which is contained in many diet products (especially sodas and chewing gum).

If you are having uncontrollable cravings, try giving up artificial sweeteners for two weeks. I must warn you that the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable. Women don't realize how addicting these substances are. While you may feel that you cannot survive without the sweet taste of "something," you will definitely find that foods such as carrots and fruit will taste infinitely sweeter once your palate is cleaned out. If you must have some sweetener, try the herb Stevia, instead. However, as with all non-FDA-approved products, become educated. There is controversy even surrounding this natural sweetener.

Ten: No more alcohol
Alcohol is nothing more than refined flour and sugar. It's either fermented from fruit or grain, or distilled from fruit or grain. It's terrible for perimenopausal skin, not to mention what it does to your liver, etc. During perimenopause, you need to find ways to become more, not less, balanced and focused, which alcohol will definitely impair.