Those hormones which are similar to the bodily hormones on the molecular level are commonly known as the bioidentical hormones. They may have been extracted from plants or some other sources. It is quite a nascent term in the lexicon of modern medical science, but its effectiveness has greatly helped it to grow rapidly. Instead of suggesting the purely synthetically produced hormones, the physicians have started suggesting bioidentical hormones as, although there are no clinical studies to prove it, they have very little or no side effects at all.
Although, in this article, we are much concerned with the use of bioidentical hormones therapy but let us first briefly view the role the hormones play in determining certain primary functions within our body. For instance the proper release of hormone is responsible, in men, for the deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair and the development of testes and the maturation of the spermatozoa into the sperm. And in the case of women the hormones are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as the size of their bust, pubic hair.
The men and women are mere mortals and when they reach they cross over to the senior citizen category their hormones and this leads them to certain disturbing situations or conditions such as weight gain, osteoporosis, memory impairment and hot flashes in the night. But the human race has a proven record of beating the hazards of nature every time around so this time too it is has succeeding in replicating the hormones which are very much similar to the naturally occurring ones in the body on a molecular level. No wonder why so many anti aging societies have been quick to enlist them as potentially the most reliable way of preventing the aging related health care problems.
The use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is not just limited to the elderly alone. The contemporary football legend, Lionel Messi, was diagnosed with rare hormone growth deficiency and now, with the help of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, he stands tall along with the great giants of the arena such as Pele, Maradonna and Zidanne. But before you make up your plan to get bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, it would be advisable for you to consult your family physician and ask him for a referral to the urologist. Since urologists are usually the people who are trained in the bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. He would be in a best position to offer you a sound advice after salivary testing and the blood testing for measuring up your testosterone levels. Here it must be remembered that owing to a lack of research, the FDA is still musing over whether to approve them or not.