Saturday, May 25, 2013

Relieve Breast Tenderness and Get Peace of Mind

Breast tenderness, or any kind of breast pain, tends to frighten women because we immediately think the big "C" word. But doctors report that more often than not, it's not cancer, but some other cause such as water retention or benign lumps that enlarge during menses and shrink afterward.

Some women don't mind this symptom so much because it creates a 'womanly' feeling that they enjoy. But chronically tender nipples and breasts get old quick when experienced month after month.

Typically there isn't one cure that will get rid of all of the symptoms of sore breasts, but there are many simple and alternative methods that do offer relief over time.

Fibrocystic breasts or that thick and lumpy feeling, are typically a sign of relatively high estrogen and low progesterone levels. Research has shown that progesterone cream can significantly reduce this symptom, as well as other supplementation such as with magnesium, Vitamin E, a high-quality omega 3 and Vitamin B6. Increasing fiber and eating dark green leafy vegetables can help flush out excess estrogen. Consider a short fast or detoxification.

Because estrogen may dominate and progesterone not be produced enough during menopause, symptoms such as breast tenderness are exacerbated. Stress seems to be a factor adding to this symptom and exercise can reduce the effects of it.

What are my other options

Do the Basics

Start with you primary care physician and make sure you've had a mammogram. For those of you concerned about radiation, have your doctor order thermography. If you have lumps, you probably need to know that they are benign to obtain peace of mind.

Improve your Diet

Your diet can have a significant impact on breast tenderness. Eliminate caffeine rich foods such as:

  • coffee

  • colas, and

  • black tea

These kinds of stimulants have a significant effect on breast tenderness and women report almost immediate relief when they stop using them. Salt works the same way for other women.

Try Massage

This one probably sound too good to be true, but the truth is massage stimulates the lymphatic system and gets necessary fluids moving throughout your body again. It's also great for elimination and things like cellulite.

Take Time for Yourself

There's no business like the "self" business. It's critical that women find time for themselves. To relax and splurge and just enjoy life. Take a break often and do something you love! It's the best therapy around.

Loss of Libido During Peri-Menopause: Get Your Sex Drive Back Naturally

Loss of libido or low sex drive may affect up to 40 percent of women and is actually very common during peri-menopause. For a woman who is experiencing a lack of sexual desire during peri-menopause, this article may set her mind at ease in knowing that she may be helped and that she is not alone. By understanding what her body is going through, this article may offer some natural solutions. It is very important for a woman to understand an open, honest dialogue with her partner may help. Other signs and symptoms of menopause are vaginal dryness as well as irritation. These symptoms maybe linked to loss of libido.

The Cause of Low Sex Drive
Like most menopausal symptoms, a lack of sexual desire is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. A reduction in the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone may be responsible for a reduction of a woman's sexual drive as well as loss of energy. Other factors may also be responsible for this common symptom of peri-menopause. There may be a physical cause such as sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness or a hysterectomy. A psychological cause may be from stress or concerns about growing older. It may be that relationship problems, such as a lack of any meaningful intimate communication may contribute to or exacerbate the situation.

How to treat low sex drive naturally is a personal choice. Loss of libido may be treated with various methods. Lifestyle changes including diet as well as exercise may help, not only for loss of libido, but also for anxiety and stress as well.

Recommended Treatments:

  • Bio-identical Hormone-Natural Progesterone Cream

  • Acupuncture

  • Herbal Remedies

Recommended Foods:

  • Kidney beans, liver, red meat and oysters (zinc)

  • Buckwheat, almonds, leafy greens (magnesium)

  • Dairy, nut, fish (protein)

  • Soy milk, tofu (soy products for vegetarians)

Recommended Exercises:

  • Yoga for relaxation and flexibility

  • Kegel exercises strengthen the vaginal muscles

  • Aerobics for circulation and heart health

  • Stretching for stress relief, relaxation and improved muscle tone

Boost your libido with Progesterone

Progesterone is an important hormone in maintaining the sexual health of a woman. The levels of progesterone significantly decline, as women transition into menopause. This decline of hormones causes fatigue, irregular periods and other symptoms of menopause. Loss of libido or low sex drive is probably the most difficult symptom for a woman to deal with during her change of life. An unpleasant drawback is it may cause relationship problems, unless each partner understands the cause may be a decline of progesterone. Bio-identical natural progesterone is the choice for many women and men. The woman's partner may feel rejected. The woman may feel unattractive and withdraw. Talking to each other and discussing anxieties and fears may ease the emotional side effects. Counseling may be beneficial to both partners.

Natural Ways For Treating Low Libido or Loss of Libido

Three approaches should be considered when treating low libido or loss of libido. These are lifestyle changes, natural progesterone cream or drug therapy. Naturopathic doctors recommend a stepladder approach to all health issues. It is always recommended to start with the safest option before progressing to the next level of treatment. Lifestyle changes involve minimal risk but a lot of self-discipline. Simple lifestyle changes have been proven to improve your health. Treatments such as herbal remedies, natural progesterone cream along with diet and exercise, is the safest initial approach before using prescription drugs. Always start with one safe natural treatment and see how effective it is before you use HRT drug therapy. An alternative approach involves no risk and a very effective way in treating lack of sex drive. It might involve a few different therapies.

A popular approach is herbal remedies and bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical Natural Progesterone Cream with Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry is very popular with health care professional and is used by women of all ages. Alternative remedies may be effective, safer than drugs and a valuable option. A natural progesterone cream is the only practical option for treating a hormonal imbalance right at its own source. Natural progesterone cream is the only natural remedy that addresses the cause of hormone imbalance. The source of hormone imbalance is the ratio of estrogen to progesterone and the general decline of all hormones.

Hormone estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), is another option for women who are suffering with a low sex drive. There are certain risks involve with estrogen hormone replacement therapy such as an increased chance for developing certain cancers in women. Now, there are clinically proven options for HRT that are safe and effective. Natural progesterone cream is a bio-identical hormone cream that gently balances hormones and provides relief from many menopause symptoms including loss of libido. A woman does not have to feel that a low sex Drive and loss of libido is a problem that is going to stay with her for the rest of her life. By understanding that this is actually a very normal condition that happens in every woman's life, she may relax in the knowledge that she has help and options. The milestone stages of ever women's life begin with the start of her menstruation, childbearing years, perimenopausal years and they end with Menopause. Each stage needs to be embraced and empowered. Natural progesterone cream helps women restore their natural balance and restore their libido, increase desire and increase happiness.

This is for education only. It is not intended to treat, prevent or cure a medical disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult a health care professional.

Are the Risks of Taking Menopause Hormone Replacement Therapy Real?

Menopause - a time of hot flashes, poor sleep and mood shifts - can be a difficult time for any woman.

Menopause is a normal and natural stage of life that is as automatic as puberty, and programmed into every woman's body. However, a question many women have on their mind as they are entering menopause is how to safely and effectively manage menopause symptoms, go natural, try hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or do nothing.

My personal undertaking with Solutions for Women has been to help women better understand confusing information about hormone replacement treatment options including bioidentical hormone therapy.

I was recently asked this question:

Are the risks of taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause real?

The answer is yes and clinically proven many times over to harm to a women's health.

Taking hormone replacement therapy has been associated with increased rates of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and memory loss. Most recently HRT has also been associated with lung cancer.

These risks were revealed with the sudden closure of the 2002 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study. In 2008 the WHI also reported on a study that confirmed that the risk for developing breast cancer doubles after 5 years of taking HRT.

After the WHI results were released to the public in 2002, prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy decreased by over 60 percent. Two years later there was a dramatic decline in the number of new cases of breast cancer reported. This drop in breast cancer was seen in women over 50 who are the candidates for hormone replacement as a treatment for the symptoms of menopause. Many experts account the unforeseen change in the numbers of women developing breast cancer to women refusing to take artificial hormones (HRT).

The FDA and the WHI both agree the health risks of HRT outweigh any possible benefit.

It does not appear that HRT in any form is safe for women to take for menopause symptom relief, or any other reason. There also is no evidence that Bioidentical Hormones are any safer than traditional HRT.Many doctors still prescribe low-dose HRT only for women with severe hot flashes and only for a short period of time, approximately one year. The problem is that most women who stop taking HRT find that their hot flashes return and typically will be more severe.

You should not ever feel forced into taking hormone replacement therapy of any kind.

Dr. Susan Love, Breast Cancer Research Foundation states: "We need high levels of hormones to reproduce, and then, when we reach menopause, our hormones shift down to a safer level. The bottom-line has been reinforced: Artificially maintaining higher levels of hormones is not good for our health. This is true regardless of whether the hormones are "bioidentical" or not."

Herbs for Endometriosis Treatment - Essential Herbs To Control Endometriosis Symptoms

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial cell grows and implants on other tissues other than the uterus. These implants can grow in any part of the body such as in the pelvis, fallopian tube, bladder, bowel and ovaries. In rare cases, they can also grow in the lungs, thorax and armpits. As in normal menstruation wherever these implants grow, they respond to hormonal changes and bleed. But when they grow in other parts of the body apart from the uterus, there is no exit for the blood to get out of the body and therefore they are trapped inside the tissue. This can cause severe pain as the blood dried up and form cysts.

For treating this health condition, doctors normally prescribe synthetic hormones, oestrogen, usually in the form of birth control pills. But this approach does not always produce the desired outcomes for certain groups of women that are taking this kind of medications. In some instances, there were reported cases of side effects by the women using these synthetic hormones.

Therefore, to treat this health condition, herbal remedy should also be considered. The reasons being that these herbs are readily available in most health stores, they are inexpensive and most importantly they do not cause any side effects. Certain medicinal herbs can be used to control the symptoms of this condition. Some of these herbs contain natural elements which are similar to the synthetic hormones used for treating endometriosis.

The followings are some of the herbs which can be used to control the symptoms of endometriosis;

1). Dandelion Tea

This herb is very important because it helps to suppress the pelvic pain normally experienced by those suffering from endometriosis.

2). Colic Root

This herb helps to suppress the pain originating from bowel movement. It also reduces the painful cramps associated with menstruation, particularly for women suffering from endometriosis.

3). Vites Agnus Castus

This particular herb performs multipurpose function. It helps to treat various kinds of reproductive problems in women, and also helps to reduce the pain and cramping symptoms that normally accompany endometriosis.

4). Black Cohosh

This herb can help with endometriosis. They are useful for maintaining the oestrogen level. This is a hormone which causes endometriosis when it is abnormally produced in the body.

5). Flaxseed

This herb is very rich in lignans which are believed to help control endometrial cancer.

In addition to herbs for endometriosis treatment, you should also maintain a proper intake of nutritional supplements such as vitamins B, C and E, zinc, iron, magnesium and folic acid. They can help to improve the symptoms of endometriosis.

How to Prevent Osteoporosis - The Importance of Bone Density

Bone density, otherwise referred to as bone mineral density, is the amount of matter in the bone per cubic centimeter. As one grows old, the density of the bone reduces, and this may lead to osteoporosis. Men and women alike lose bone mass at the same rate,  yet women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis because they have lower bone density to begin with. 

What many do not realize is that osteoporosis can be largely prevented by the intake of good nutrients. One has to be careful about building bone mass right from birth. Bones build mass and strength as one grows up. By the time one is 20, then your bones have 98% of bone mass. They are at their strongest when one is thirty. After this, bones naturally begin to lose density, making them more prone to breaks and stress fractures.

Calcium is the most important nutrient needed to maintain the bone strength. Calcium can be taken in by drinking milk, eating dairy products, and eating whole foods.

Another vital nutrient is magnesium. It is difficult to get magnesium in our diets these days due to depletion of soil magnesium. Also, processed foods and drinks have to be taken in moderation.   Excessive consumption of the preservatives in such foods make the body less able to absorb magnesium.

Other vitamins and minerals important for maintaining bone mass include potassium, manganese, copper, boron, phosphorous and zinc. 

Everyone over the age of 65 should get a bone density evaluation. Postmenopausal women especially need to take the test, because they are at the highest risk. This test will help you find out whether you have osteoporosis and your doctor can then decide whether you need to be treated for it. It may also help prevent fractures or at least alert you to the fact that you are susceptible due to thinner bones.

Light weight training will help the bones retain calcium. Many women are hesitant to work with weights because they afraid they will "bulk up," but this exercise actually leads to a lean and toned body.

A study showed that women who did weight training for a year increased their bone density by 1% while women who did not exercise lost 1.8% to 2.5%. The women who did not exercise lost muscle mass and gained fat. 

Alternately you can also take up running or jogging. It will help the bones in the spine to become strong. As you place more demands on your bones, they will increase in overall strength. The more you exercise, the better your bones will be able to withstand mild pressures that could result in fractures in weaker bones.

How to Know If You're a Candidate for Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone is essential for feeling healthy, upbeat and sexually active. Like any other hormone, testosterone is best in moderation. Too much creates feelings of angst, anger, and aggression. There are many testosterone therapy options for men who feel they are lacking motivation and a healthy sexual appetite. If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, you can explore many types of testosterone therapy after you learn if you are a candidate for therapy.

How do you know if you are a candidate for testosterone therapy? You may feel anxious or tired. Men who are typically active and maintain a healthy mental state the majority of the time can see significant changes when testosterone is lacking. Low testosterone results in feeling lethargic, angry, and short-tempered. You are more likely to lash out at someone quickly, and jump to conclusions when you normally would not do so. Sleep patterns are important to watch in males forty and over. Sleeping too much or suffering from insomnia are signs of low testosterone levels. Some signs are similar to those women experience when going through menopause or pre-menopause. You may have hot flashes, lose your hair more than normal, and feel depressed.

Depression is the most common sign a man has low testosterone levels. A man may lose interest in things he previously enjoyed such as playing recreational sports or working out. His appetite may also change, resulting in overeating or not eating enough. Men tend to fall on extreme sides of the spectrum when facing depression. They often sleep a lot and seldom eat, or get very little sleep while binge eating or drinking. Erectile dysfunction is another common sign of low testosterone. A healthy man can become erect well into his fifties and sixties. For those who have fewer spontaneous erections or see a decrease in sex drive, low testosterone is often the culprit.

If you feel you have low testosterone, the first thing you should do is make a doctor's appointment. The doctor will be able to monitor your testosterone levels and find out if you are a candidate for testosterone therapy. There is no one type of therapy that works for every person. Your doctor can suggest which type of therapy is right for you. If you do not feel the doctor's treatment plan is right for you, consider getting a second opinion. It is your body and it is important you feel confident about the plan of action you take to start feeling your best.

Friday, May 24, 2013

How to Balance Hormones Naturally

More and more doctors are learning about nutritional and environmental medicine. If you speak to one they'll often tell you that addressing underlying factors rather than using hormone replacement therapy (synthetic or bio-identical) achieves better results with fewer side effects, sustained symptom relief and overall improved health. Naturopaths are happy to see our colleagues starting to appreciate the benefits of the therapies we've been using for decades - dietary and lifestyle modifications, supplementation and herbal medicine where applicable, while addressing the whole person and not just one system or organ.

For many women and men, hormonal imbalances are a real hazard to their health and fertility. To name just a few; diabetes, hypo/hyper thyroidism, PCOS, luteal phase defect, endometriosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy can be successfully managed with natural medicine. For many women low progesterone or excessive estrogen pose a real barrier to a healthy pregnancy, while for men testosterone imbalance can disrupt healthy sperm generation.

Let's have a look how hormones are made at the cellular level, to help you understand how diet and lifestyle tie into hormone production

For production of steroidal hormones the body needs:

- Cholesterol
- Protein
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Iodine
- Vitamin C
- B group vitamins (esp. B6 and B3)
- Iron
- Selenium

That's a long list of some pretty important nutrients. Most people are zinc and selenium deficient. Zinc requires an acidic environment for optimal absorption and competes with many nutrients. Selenium is simply not present in the abundant amounts it used to be due to soil depletion. Selenium is a crucial antioxidant important for cancer prevention. Constant stress, frequent colds and flu, alcohol, smoking and coffee will deplete vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin B stores. Iodine is abundant in seafood and sea weed and sea salt. However many people don't eat seafood and fish much anymore, and most tend to use salt sparingly. As you can see it's very easy to develop a hormone imbalance just from a nutrient deficiency resulting from poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle choices, inability to digest and absorb nutrients (due to gut inflammation from food intolerances and allergies).

Here we didn't even look at further factors such as toxins from the environment, commercial cleaning solutions and personal care products, radiation from frequent flying, laptops, TV, mobile phones etc...

Sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG) are required for production of estrogen and testosterone. Studies have found that SHBG levels are influenced by insulin resistance (diabetes) and thyroid hormone imbalance (hypothyroidism).

Gut and Liver Function and Excess Estrogen

Our liver not only makes hormones but also breaks them down and is in charge of getting them into a state in which they can be excreted from the body. However if we don't have enough friendly bacteria in our gut (probiotics: acidophilus, bifidus, bulgaricus etc...) than the not so friendly bacteria will take over - this is called Dysbiosis. Flatulence, diarrhea and constipation are just some of the symptoms of Dysbiosis, or overgrowth of bad gut bacteria. These bacteria produce an enzyme which converts the estrogens prepared by the liver for excretion, back into a form which can't be excreted, so they end up circulating in the body creating an estrogen excess.

The liver uses two steps to detoxify and clear toxins and excess hormones from the body. They are: Phase I and Phase II. Not to bore you with technical terminology, I'll explain the function of each phase in very simple terms. Phase I converts toxins and hormones into very toxic substances and Phase II makes these substances water soluble so that they can be excreted with urine.

Many drugs interfere with either of the two phases of detoxification. Vegetables which have been shown to promote estrogen clearance and Phase one liver detoxification, are cruciferous vegetables such as; broccoli, Brussel sprouts and cabbage. For Phase two among other things, the liver needs lots of folic acid and B12.


Pesticides and some plastics in our body will mimic estrogen and dock on the same receptor sites, reserved for the real oestrogen. This is another way in which excess estrogen accumulates in the body resulting in fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, benign prostatic hypertrophy, menstrual migraines and endometriosis.


Excessive stress combined with ovarian decline results in poor luteal phase function and progesterone deficiency. High doses of vitamins B, C and magnesium are useful for adrenal function to help your body cope with stress better.


Diets high in saturated fats and low in beneficial omega 3 and 6 result in excessive production of pro-inflammatory hormones and not enough anti-inflammatory hormones. This can result in period cramps and predisposes the body to inflammatory conditions.

In conclusion: as you can see, your diet and lifestyle are of utmost importance. And it's impossible to isolate just one system when treating hormonal imbalances as so many organs from different body systems are involved in 'hormone management'. What you put in your mouth will be broken down into individual units and used by the body for creation of hormones and cells. If what you eat is unhealthy, processed, full of chemicals, artificial sweeteners, saturated fat, pesticides and herbicides you shouldn't be surprised if you have sub optimal health and hormonal imbalances. Harsh but true. You are what you eat, so make wise choices, you health is in your hands. Make healthy choices based on common sense and do your own research. My recommendation to all my clients - eat as fresh as possible, organic where possible, in small amounts every three hours.

© 2009 Iva Keene and Natural Fertility Prescription

Symptoms of Low Estrogen Levels Associated With Menopause Affect Many Systems of the Body

The primary symptoms of low estrogen are irregular or missed periods, as occurs in the years leading up to and during menopause. Estrogen's primary role during a woman's reproductive years is to prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg, but researchers have shown that estrogen has other effects on a woman's body as well, which is why estrogen replacement therapy is sometimes recommended to relieve unwanted symptoms associated with menopause and aging.

The Skin

According to the North American Menopause Society, hormones play an important role in skin health. The symptoms of low estrogen following menopause that relate to the skin include a decline in collagen and thickness, particularly in the years immediately following menopause. Some women notice that their skin is dryer; others develop acne, particularly if they had acne during adolescence. Estrogen replacement therapy may have beneficial effects on the skin, but is not recommended solely for this purpose, because of the numerous health risks with which it is associated.

Researchers at the University of Melina in Italy, investigating alternatives to estrogen replacement therapy that would counteract the effects of decreased estrogen production following menopause believe that isoflavones from red clover may be effective. Isoflavones are a type of plant estrogen and there is evidence supporting their use to treat other menopausal symptoms, so these scientists decided to investigate their effects on the skin. They concluded that supplements containing red clover isoflavones increased skin elasticity, collagen content and thickness, reducing the signs of skin aging associated with the symptoms of low estrogen following menopause.


One of the best known symptoms of low estrogen is bone loss or osteoporosis. Until studies linked estrogen replacement therapy to serious health risks such as blood clots and strokes, it was often recommended to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Lack of estrogen inhibits the body's ability to absorb calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to effectively absorb calcium. Sun-screen which is necessary to protect the skin may also inhibit the body's ability to activate vitamin D found in food. For this reason the North American Menopause Society advises that a vitamin D supplement may be necessary. The latest USRDA suggests that vitamin D supplements are probably necessary for anyone over the age of 50.

The body is able to absorb calcium most efficiently when iron, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium and vitamin C are present as well. Thus, a daily multi-vitamin containing adequate amounts of all of these nutrients, as well as vitamin D, provides the best insurance that a woman's bones will continue to receive necessary amounts of calcium. Specialized health supplements designed for women containing plant estrogens, as well, may be even more effective, as the increase in dietary estrogenic compounds may counteract the symptoms of low estrogen caused when the ovaries stop functioning.


There is no evidence that estrogen replacement therapy alone can increase a woman's sex drive or libido. Combination type hormone replacement therapies that include testosterone and other sex hormones appear to be more effective for this purpose. Vaginal dryness and thinness are believed to be symptoms of low estrogen levels following menopause, since the skin on other parts of the body loses elasticity and thickness. Since vaginal dryness and thinness can cause painful intercourse, women may experience a decreased sex drive as a result. This can create a kind of "vicious circle", because lack of sexual stimulation may cause a decrease in vaginal health, once again decreasing desire.

Many women have found that they enjoy an increased sex drive following menopause. They feel an increased sense of freedom, because there is no longer a risk of pregnancy. For women who have the desire, but are bothered by dryness, any of the K-Y lubricants can help and there are some that are specifically designed to act on vaginal tissue to relieve dryness. Herbal sexual stimulants including ginseng and tribulus terrestris can increase libido. Tribulus may also increase levels of circulating hormones, thus counteracting other symptoms of low estrogen, including vaginal dryness.

The Brain

No one is sure if mood swings, depression, anxiety, memory problems, trouble concentrating and other symptoms noted during menopause are symptoms of low estrogen, another hormone, other brain chemicals or simply part of the aging process. At least one study has shown that estrogen improves the ability of the receptors in the hypothalamus to receive and transmit signals. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain in which memories are stored, is important in regulating mood, sleep and sexuality, among other functions. Autopsies have shown that the hypothalamus is smaller in people suffering from major depressive disorders, possibly inhibiting its ability to function properly.

Women who have experienced anxiety or depression prior to menopause seem to be more likely to suffer from depression during or following menopause. It is important to seek treatment for depression, particularly if suicidal thoughts are present. Studies have shown that low-dose estrogen therapy is fairly effective, as are the newer antidepressants, known as Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors.

If depression is mild or emotions seem to swing from one extreme to another a natural antidepressant like 5-HTP or St. John's Wort. 5-HTP may be harder to find, but is not associated with the health risks that may accompany the use of St. John's Wort. Gingko biloba may help problems with memory. Black cohosh has been shown in clinical studies to relieve not only hot flashes, but some of the emotional symptoms associated with menopause. If these are symptoms of low estrogen, then dietary supplementation with plant estrogens may be effective.


To learn more about dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbs and other plant components
that can relieve the symptoms of low estrogen and may be effective alternatives to estrogen replacement therapy, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

Natural Options For Ovarian Cysts

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is possible you may be suffering from cysts on ovaries, (commonly misspelled as syst or cists).

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs which often times cause severe ovarian pain. Cysts on ovaries develop when the sacs or follicles on the ovary containing an egg mature but do not release the egg into the fallopian tube. In some women, ovarian cysts don't show any symptoms, and can be completely harmless and often times require little or no treatment. Unfortunately, some cysts on ovaries cause a lot of problematic symptoms, such as those listed above, and can actually be cancerous. It is extremely important to get an actual diagnosis if cysts on ovaries are suspected.

It is unfortunate that the above listed symptoms are often considered a normal part of a woman's menstrual cycle or period. There is evidence to suggest that the cause of cysts on ovaries and accompanying ovarian cyst pain may be due to excess estradiol. Excess estradiol can actually in part lead to more serious conditions such as endometriosis, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer or uterine cancer.

The standard method of treatment in Western Medicine is to prescribe oral contraceptives (birth control pills) to help establish normal menstrual cycles and decrease development of functional ovarian cysts in the future. Simple cysts that are larger than 5 centimeters as well as complex cysts on ovaries are generally surgically removed through laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy.

Some of the following more natural and alternative options have been effective in eliminating cysts on ovaries as well as ovarian cyst pain:

1. Avoid taking estradiol-containing hormone replacement in the form of Premarin, oral contraceptive or birth control pills or postmenopausal hormone replacement.

2. Decrease your consumption of fat.

3. Try and eliminate sugars and refined white flour products in your diet.

4. Increase your intake of fiber foods.

5. Increase your intake of soy and fish.

6. Increase your intake of ground flax seed oil.

The following supplements have shown to be effective in eliminating cysts on ovaries as well as ovarian cyst pain:

1. Soy isoflavonoids

2. Chasteberry

3. DIM (indole-3-carbinol and/or diindolylmethane)

4. Chrysin

5. Quercetin

6. Calcium D-glucarate

7. Vitamin B6

Some women have had great success eliminating cysts on ovaries and ovarian cyst pain simply by taking natural progesterone. However, a complete hormone profile would be necessary prior to treatment, and should be followed by an experienced health care practitioner in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

How to Minimize Hot Flashes

One of the most common symptoms in menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes generally signal the start of menopause and usually remain for a few years. For most women hot flashes are not severe. Some unlucky women may develop severe hot flashes. Hot flashes also occur in the middle of the night - known as night sweats. One may suddenly feel a sensation of feeling warm and sweaty. They can be very unpleasant. Instantly one feels warm, the face and upper body becomes red and one may develop an itchy sensation. Another embarrassing symptom associated with this symptom of menopause is profuse sweating. This symptom may only last a few minutes but some can be prolonged.  When it is over, one develops a transient cooling feeling or shivering. The problem with hot flashes is that they are unpredictable and can occur at any time. They are often triggered by anxiety and stress.  The cause of hot flashes is related to declining levels of the female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

Over the years, there have been many types of treatments advocated including herbs, oils, mineral and pharmaceutical medications. The majority of these treatments generally only work in a few women and the relief is only partial.

In some individuals, the hot flash episodes are rare and do not affect lifestyle. In these individuals, herbal supplements are adequate. However, in other individuals hot flashes can be severe enough to affect life style. For individuals whose sleep is affected or there is excessive sweating, there are treatments available. Besides herbs, one can take bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical hormones are available with a prescription and come in various formulations. These hormones are naturally occurring and come as a cream, patch, gel, tablet or an injection. The levels of estrogen and progesterone can be individualized to get the maximum benefit to an individual.

To control or reduce sweat, one should be prepared and carry napkins or a dry cloth. Drink lots of water and avoid applying any creams or lotions. Many of the skincare products have synthetic chemicals and can aggravate the situation. There are many herbal and nutritional supplements available to help reduce hot flashes. Some women do respond to these supplements but most do not. The commonly used herbal supplements include Black cohosh, soy and red clover, isoflavones and Vitamin E.

Further, women who suffer from hot flashes should also undertake life styles changes to compliment the bioidentical hormones. One should eat a healthy diet, refrain from taking too much alcohol, avoid smoking, resume an exercise program, join some type of support network and maintain an optimistic outlook.  Menopause is a physiological process which affects all women but is not forever.

Natural Progesterone and Estrogen as an Alternative to HRT

A Dec. 30, 2003 Associated Press article stated that about one quarter of women who stopped taking hormone replacement therapy because of its risks wind up resuming HRT because of menopause misery.

This article verifies what we have been saying all along; "No treatment is NOT an option." Women need an alternative treatment to hormone replacement therapy. Otherwise, their lives can be quite miserable.

Almost daily we receive an email, phone call or forum post from a cranky, depressed, sleep-deprived and/or over-heated woman in a desperate search for something - anything - that will put the brakes on menopause symptoms without the use of synthetic hormone replacement therapy.

We not only advocate staying away from synthetic hormone replacement therapy, we advocate finding healthy, effective alternative treatment options to hormone replacement therapy. We advocate bringing your hormones in balance by using estrogen-building nutritional support and progesterone cream treatment as an alternative for hormone replacement therapy. In this newsletter we provide a step-by-step guide to getting off hormone replacement therapy without making your life miserable. This plan as outlined is near foolproof. Of course, you should discuss medication alternatives with your regular health care provider.

In the first month you will begin to slowly wean yourself off synthetic hormones while introducing the hormone replacement therapy replacements. The purpose behind slowly tapering off hormone replacement therapy is two-fold. First, you can avoid drug withdraw by taking the slow approach. Second, slowly weaning yourself off hormone replacement therapy provides the necessary time for the alternatives to take hold. It typically takes a month or two for the natural alternative elements to solidly work through your body.

Below the following schedule is a description of each product listed:

Month 1:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half. You can do this by requesting a new prescription from your physician or by physically cutting the pills in half.

  • Begin using an organic, natural, USP progesterone cream like Return to Eden progesterone cream.

  • Begin using a nutritional menopause support product like Preserve.

Month 2:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half again. Again, you can either request a new prescription or cut the pills in half yourself.

  • Continue your new regime of menopause nutritional support products and progesterone cream.

Month 3:

  • Decrease your dose of hormone replacement therapy by half again or stop altogether.

  • Continue taking menopause nutritional suport products and natural progesterone cream.

Month 4:

  • If you still experience menopause symptoms, begin taking the Return to Eden estrogen cream. Although most women find that their menopause symptoms are adequately addressed with progesterone cream and nutritional support, this option usually knocks out any remaining menopause symptoms in women who do need supplemental estrogen. Using a natural estrogen cream like Return to Eden's Triest cream is safe and effective because the estrogen is bioidentical to what a woman's body naturally makes. You will use the estrogen alongside the progesterone for balance and to avoid estrogen dominance.

For an in-depth view of the benefits of natural progesterone, read "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone" by the late John R. Lee, M.D., an international authority and pioneer in the use of natural progesterone cream and natural hormone balance.

Diet and exercise also play an incredible crucial role in how well your body fares through the changes of menopause.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Get Women to Sleep With You - 3 Tips For Getting Women in Bed

Surprise, surprise - you are a guy who wants to know how to get women to sleep with you. That's not really anything shocking at all. Most men would love to be able to get a woman into bed with them and most men experience far too many rejections and disappointments in that regard. If you are going to become one of those men who knows what to do in order to get a woman into bed with you, then pay close attention. You might be surprised at how easy it can be, if you know the right things to do.

Here are 3 tips for getting women in bed with you:

1. If you want to get women to sleep with you, you can't have a foul smell.

While this might seem like really basic advice, it matters. Lots of guys don't realize how off putting their scent may be. If you want to know the truth, get a woman you are friends with to smell you and tell you what she thinks. If the reaction isn't good, then you know what you have to do. Get a better cologne, make sure that you keep breath mints on you at all times, that kind of thing. It's not going to be fun if you end up getting close to getting a woman into bed and then turn her off because of something like a bad smell.

2. Get yourself in the best shape that you can be in.

You don't have to have 6 pack abs, although that isn't going to hurt you any if you do get them. However, you don't want to be bloated and out of shape if you can help it. And you can help it. While women are not nearly as superficial as we are, it still does matter when it comes down to turning on a woman sexually. The look on a woman's face when she sees that you are in good shape is priceless and it definitely DOES help to seal the deal if you know what I mean.

3. Women are more likely to sleep with you if you are able to talk sexually to them.

Talking sexually doesn't mean that you want to talk so dirty it seems like you are reciting dialog from a cheesy adult movie. It means that you want to be able to talk to her in a way that gets her turned on and her mind tuned into thinking about sex. Sometimes, even the subtle things can go a long way towards turning her mind onto the subject of sex and that is going to be a GOOD thing if you want to end up in bed with a woman.

Avoid the 'Middle Age Spread' - How to Lose Abdominal Fat

A most common and saying that most middle aged people don't want to be associated with is the "Middle Age Spread" - a term referred to picture fat deposits formed around the body's mid-section as we hit the middle aged mark. It isn't a desired look some might want to reveal with the shirt off. Years ago this was just believed to be a normal indicator of sedentary mid-life phase that goes along with a more stable career and a relaxed family lifestyle. However this is now a mistaken theory as we now have a better understanding how excess storage of abdominal fat can cause all sorts of health problems as a person gets older.

Extensive medical research concludes that there is definite linkages with excessive abdominal fat and diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, Diabetes (Type 2) and even various forms of cancer along with several types of internal organ function issues.

So taking this all into account, we should be using the above as very good motivators to go along with improving appearance when trying to reduce body fat. There are two types of abdominal fat: Subcutaneous, the fat type you can grab around your waist (love handles) just under the skin line and the type referred to as Visceral - the fat surrounding the intestines and abdominal organs. Visceral is a lot more damaging to your body and the causes many diseases as listed above. So the excessive fat around your waist is usually a good indicator of excessive internal fat - Visceral.

Luckily, fat loss in these 2 types can be achieved quite easily with the proper diet and a good fitness program. Simply by changing what we eat and how much of it we eat, our bodies will begin to make a transformation in burning up the excess fat stores.

Add to this exercise will do two things increasing abdominal fat burning - 1. Speeding up our metabolism (i.e. starting using more fat to burn as energy) and 2. Develops, grows more muscle tissue which also needs more energy to function which triggers more fat burning. So you can see exercise plays a major role to losing both types of abdominal fat.

Dieting to Lose Abdominal Fat

One of things many people do by mistake is go on an excessively reduced calorie diet plan, thinking this is the fastest way to lose weight and keep it off for good. This is not the case it's actually counterproductive. What happens when we eat much less than normal is the body replies to this reduction by going into a state commonly known amongst diet experts as the 'Starvation Mode'. So what this mean is that our body goes into a responsive state which reduces calories expenditure by slowing down the body metabolism and then storing more fat because full starvation may be very close - think of it as like a 'back up' for the body.

Keeping the above in mind, it's much smarter approach to reduce your calories to just below maintenance levels. On average this reduction of calories is normal between 1,800 and 2,000 calories. It's vital you keep a diet log or diary so you keep track of your eating - it's the only way for sure to keep a precise record to see the measure the intake of calories. To prepare yourself for this, make up a log say a week out from your fat loss diet, then reduce calories according to a level just below the minimum needed for your own personal maintenance level.

Another important habit to start developing is not eating 'bad' carbs or oils. Simple carbohydrates such as refined or processed sugars, starches and grains will hinder your diet plans and slow down losing weight. Avoid flour based bread, pastas and white process rice. Stay clear of eating of prepared/processed foods, i.e those foods which can be re-heated or warmed before eating. These types of foods are 9 times out of 10 full of artificial preservatives, which in a lot of cases contain corn syrup - which is a main fat burning blocker.

A fat burning diet plan ought to contain plenty of fruits and vegetables (both fresh), non-processed meats, poultry and fish. Consuming of Alcohol should be kept to a bare minimum and if your really serious about losing body fat - cut off alcohol all together. At the end of the day alcohol is just empty calories converted to sugar by our metabolism so any chance of you burning fat while consuming alcohol is about zero.

Limit your carbohydrate intake when first start dieting to help your body burn fat and get your weight to start dropping. Usual safe level is approximately 50 to 100 grams per day depending on bodyweight (to assist you buy a calorie and carbohydrate counter). You should then lift back up your carb consumption slowly up to a point where you stop losing abdominal fat. Once your weight gets to your target, you may start to eat the normal levels of carbs. Reaching this target point is an indicator you have reach your maintenance point.

Once commencing an exercise regime, protein intake can elevate to approximately 25% of total calorie intake. Excellent protein-based food sources are: Eggs, organ meats, red meat (unprocessed), chicken, turkey, pork, fish (salmon and tuna are best), beans and other legumes.

In general, soy is not regarded as a good source of protein because it doesn't really match biologically to human muscle tissue. To match it properly would need a massive intake of soy based food sources to collect all the essential amino acids required for muscle tissue building and mobilization of fat stores.

Exercise You way To Lose Abdominal Fat

Weight or resistance training will build muscles and give you the boost in calorie consumption you need to start burning more fat. This is because muscles burn a lot more energy than fat - 3 times more to be precise. A lot of people are scared of putting on too much muscle when starting working out with weights. They think they will get too bulky or 'muscle bound'. Put on large slabs of muscle requires eating massive quantities of food every 3 hours and lifting extremely heavy weights. It takes about 25 pounds of muscle tissue to actually start to look really muscular or bulky (this can depend on your height or natural build) while all you really need is about 5 - 10 pounds of muscle to assist in burning fat. You will get the added benefit of a leaner, toned athletic look with just this amount of muscle growth (which appears once the excess body fat is burnt off).

In general, it's usually better to sign-up at a local gym or fitness center and get a personal trainer to design you a program of resistance training aimed at building enough muscle for enhancing fat burning. Steer clear of cardiovascular exercises while trying to lose body fat since they won't assist you to really burn a great amount of fat, and you'll just end up with injuries along with a loss of valuable muscle tissue. Steady walking of about 30-40 minutes every 2nd day is the ideal (either treadmill or outdoors).

Bioidentical Testosterone Cream For Men and Women

On average, an adult human male body produces about forty to sixty times more testosterone than an adult female body. However, females are, from a behavioral perspective (rather than from an anatomical or biological perspective), more sensitive to the hormone. In men, testosterone plays a key role in health and well-being as well as preventing osteoporosis. In women, testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction.

Testosterone helps induce muscle and facial hair growth. It also improves blood flow, speeds up metabolism, and helps with reproduction. Testosterone is also known to increase libido, stabilize sleeping patterns, prevent cancer and help strengthen the immune system. Men and women, who are experiencing a deficiency in all or most of these functions, should recommend hormone replacement therapy. If you feel that you might be suffering from low testosterone, see your doctor. They will start you on this hormone therapy.

Many researchers are taking "male menopause" very seriously. It involves a constellation of physical changes, including fatigue, depression and drooping libido. They believe that this can be traced to the decline of hormones, including testosterone, in men over 50. "One thing we have to recognize is that the decline in testosterone is also intertwined with changes, such as decrease in blood flow, and psychological and social changes too," says Dr. Kenneth Goldberg, medical director of the Men's Health Center in Dallas. Women going through menopause also need testosterone to help level out their hormones in order for their organs to function properly again. They usually suffer from slow blood circulation which causes a low libido. All women need testosterone and estrogen, for peak sexual wellness and if either declines, sex drive falls and sexual intercourse can become painful.

Although there are many ways that men and women benefit from taking testosterone, there are some problems if it is misused. The major side effect shown in men is that the supplementation of the hormone sometimes tends to slow down the body's natural ability to produce testosterone. Using excess amount of artificial testosterone causes serious allergic reactions such difficulty in breathing, swelling of the tongue, lips, or face. In women, hoarseness, male-pattern baldness, deepening of voice, excessive hair growth, and menstrual irregularities are the main side effects. Prolonged use of testosterone in higher doses for men may result in shrinking of testicles and gynecomastia (breast growth in men).

Despite the risks associated with testosterone abuse, doctors agree that using testosterone cream in moderation can improve the way of life for people with imbalanced hormones levels. Healthy testosterone levels promote optimal mental, physical, and sexual health. You could see improved mood, reduced stress & depression, and increased energy.

Sleep Problems - Can't Sleep - The Over Tired Myth

Sleep problems, the inability to sleep or to get a good and refreshing night's rest, plague millions of people in the United States and many more millions around the world. Children as well as adults are affected by insomnia, in fact, even infants may have sleep problems.

One term that is often used is overtired, or over tired. This is a misleading description, to say the least. Is it really possible to be too tired to sleep? Let's think about that for a minute. First of all, if you were too tired to sleep, if it was really possible to get too tired to sleep, then once you reached that point, it would be impossible to ever fall asleep again.

If being a little tired helps you to sleep, and being a little more tired than that helps you to sleep even more, why wouldn't being very tired help you to sleep? Of course, the answer is that it does. Many times children are labeled as over-tired, but what they really are is over stimulated, or just plain stimulated and therefore, find it hard to relax.

While relaxation and sleep are two different things, it is necessary to relax in order to sleep. It is one of the stages to sleep. Therefore, in order to go to sleep, an adult or child, even an infant, must relax. One part of the relaxation process is physical and one part is emotional or intellectual.

By physically relaxing, it is possible to trigger powerful neurotransmitters that relax the mind. By relaxing the mind, or slowing it down, it is possible to drift off to sleep. That is why relaxation techniques are so beneficial for people who experience sleep problems

Relaxation techniques for adults often focus the attention on different parts of the body or engage the mind in repetitive tasks. Children's bed time stories work well especially those that make use of subliminal suggestions that gently guide a child into sleep.

Whatever method is used to gently guide the mind and body into natural sleep, there is no such thing as being over tired or too tired to sleep. It is possible to be stimulated and therefore unable to relax, but that can be dealt with using proven methods.

Is Natural Estrogen Replacement Available?

During menopause, natural estrogen levels in a woman's body decline causing symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. For many years, estrogen replacement therapy was recommended to relieve menopausal symptoms. As the egg supply in the ovaries is depleted, they begin to produce less estrogen and finally shut down completely. Other organs produce estrogen as well, so even after menopause it is still present in the blood stream, just at much lower levels than when a woman was young.

In the 1930's, scientists found that they could isolate the natural estrogen from the urine of pregnant women, but continued to search for other sources, in order to make mass production possible. During that decade, researchers learned to create estrogen in the laboratory and isolate it from the urine of pregnant mares.
In 1941, estrogen replacement therapy was approved by the FDA for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.

Estrogen replacement therapy was very popular until around 1975 when researchers learned that it could cause endometrial cancer. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. Natural estrogen produced by the ovaries causes the lining to thicken, preparing for a fertilized egg. During a woman's reproductive years, if no egg is fertilized, the ovaries produce progesterone, which causes the endometrium to be shed during menstruation. Estrogen replacement therapy caused the lining to thicken, but since progesterone was not present, the lining was not shed, resulting in cancer of the endometrium in many women.

To reduce the risk of endometrial cancer, doctors began to prescribe a combination of progesterone and estrogen replacement for women during menopause. This "combination therapy" was very popular until 2001, when the Women's Health Initiative found that the health risks associated with this therapy outweighs the benefits. Hormone replacement therapy had been commonly recommended, not only to reduce the symptoms of menopause, but also to reduce a woman's risk of colorectal cancer and osteoporosis.

During the five year study, researchers followed groups of women who were using either estrogen replacement only, combined hormone replacement therapy or a placebo (no HRT at all). Researchers had originally intended to follow the women for several more years, but research was halted because of the number of reported adverse events among women using HRT. The adverse events reported were breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, stroke and pulmonary embolism.

The information collected by the research group indicates that while combination HRT decreases a woman's risk of endometrial cancer, it increases a woman's risk of breast cancer. One group of women in the study was able to use estrogen replacement only, because they had previously had a hysterectomy, thus estrogen posed no threat of endometrial cancer. After comparing the incidence of breast cancer in this estrogen only group to the group using combination HRT, researchers concluded that the combination therapy increased a woman's risk of breast cancer. Topically applied hormones, such as natural estrogen creams, are not believed to carry the risks of orally administered hormones.

Some brands of HRT are advertised as "natural estrogen" because the source of the estrogen is natural; mare urine. Some people refer to bio-identical hormones as "natural", because they are designed to be molecularly identical to the natural estrogen and other hormones created by a woman's body.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is somewhat popular, due in part to a book written by a female TV star, who upon entering menopause was unhappy with everything that went along with it and found a clinic that offers this form of treatment. It is more expensive and not available from all doctors. Basically, bio-identical HRT involves creating hormones in the laboratory that are structurally identical to a woman's own hormones. Compounding pharmacists use plant estrogens from yams and soy, as well as animal estrogens from horses and pigs and "adjust" them, so that they are so similar to the ones produced by the human body, that, theoretically, the body can not tell the difference. To date, no studies have been conducted concerning the health risks associated with the long term use of bio-identical HRT.

Rather than offering the quick fix of estrogen replacement or other types of HRT, some of the best women's clinics begin treatment by counseling women about diet, nutrition, lifestyle and dietary supplements. In many cases, making healthy changes in lifestyle and diet and adding nutritional supplements helps to increase a woman's natural estrogen levels, relieves menopausal symptoms and makes HRT unnecessary. To learn more, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

Can You Manage Thyroid Disease With Alternative Medicine?

Can a person refrain from drugs and rely upon alternative medicine to treat thyroid disease? It may depend upon the seriousness of the disease. If the person has a goiter on their thyroid, they may need and want a plastic surgeon to remove the goiter as part of the treatment. This would be a very rare case. Most cases of thyroid disease can be improved and treated with some form of alternative medicine.

The most serious type of thyroid disease is Hashimoto's disease. This is an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system is in overdrive and attacks the thyroid gland. The natural treatment for this and other forms of autoimmune disease is to take large quantities of the amino acid NAC or N-acetyl-cysteine. It is anti-aging and fights the build up of free radicals in the body. It needs selenium and Vitamin E present for complete assimilation in the body. This amino acid is very good for your liver. Tyrosine is another amino acid that helps your thyroid gland.

Treating and healing thyroid disease with alternative medicine therapy, acupuncture, herbs, Orthomolecular Medicine, animal glandular supplements, and bio-identical hormones is possible. Amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and botanicals are affordable and are used in therapeutic doses much larger than those levels normally found in nature. The concept of orthomolecular medicine is based upon the use of very large doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or botanical extracts for cellular repair. Alternative Medicine encompasses many therapies which may benefit those people with thyroid disease.

Porcine thyroid gland or desiccated thyroid can be found in prescription medications like Armour thyroid, Nathroid, and Westhroid. Enzymatic Therapy makes a product that is organic thyroid glandular supplement. There are several organic brands available and they come in bovine and porcine forms. These are quite affordable and should be taken on a long term basis. Low thyroid can result in other health problems including secondary infections like sinus or bronchitis, brain fog, concentration problems, poor memory, infertility issues, fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and weight issues. Long term thyroid problems often overtax the adrenal glands. There may be a need to support the adrenal function with an adrenal glandular product for three months.

Chinese medicine is very good at treating thyroid disease. Acupuncture and moxa can be used to treat low thyroid. Chinese herbal patent formulas to treat low thyroid or hypothyroid include Tou Gui Wan, Si Ni Tang, and Zhen Wu Tang. This therapy will be required for at least several months to balance your endocrine system. Orthomolecular medicine can also treat hypothyroid with Ginseng, Reishi, royal jelly, peony, ginger, astragulus, and ashwaganda.

Chinese Herbal Formulas are good for treating hyperthyroid excess of Yang with Yin Deficient Heat. The patent formulas for high thyroid include Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan, and Zhi Zi Qing Gan Tang. Chinese medicine focuses on the heart and kidney to treat thyroid disease. Acupuncture is wonderful at calming the hyperactive symptoms of hyperthyroid disease. Orthomolecular medicine can also use Kava, St John's Wort, and valerian to treat hyperthyroid disease.

Dietary changes may be very important in helping manage thyroid disorders. Include kelp and fresh seaweed in your diet along with cold water fish at least three times per week. Avoid foods that have MSG and food additives. Reduce nicotine and alcohol in your diet and increase fresh juice. Fresh watermelon juice and spinach juice are very healthy choices. Increase foods that are high in potassium. Do not eat very large quantities of kale, brussel sprouts, or other cruciferous vegetables.

Orthomolecular medicine uses several supplements for improving thyroid function including zinc, Vitamin E, selenium, Vitamin C, iodine, and B Vitamins. Single herbs, amino acids, and herbal formulas need the proper nutrients as cofactors to properly treat the symptoms.

穢 Dr R Stone, MD-India

Organic Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women - The Natural Alternative To Risky Hormone Treatments

Menopause is one of the most irritating and discomforting times of an adult women's life. If you were to ask any women they would gratefully accept any product that would bring relief to their hot flashes, mood swings, and trouble sleeping. The problem with this is that in their quest to bring balance to their lives women have subjected themselves to unnecessary risk. This is especially true after recent studies indicate an increased risk for women developing cancer after taking hormone replacement therapy that includes estrogen, progesterone and other steroid hormones.

Why Do Women Take HRT?

1. To help alleviate symptom of pre-and-post menopause which include:

  • Hot Flashes

  • Trouble sleeping

  • To prevent calcium depletion and fractures (especially of the hip)

2. To boost mental and physical health overall

  • To reduce and eliminate mood swings, irritability and emotional ups-and-downs

  • To bring balance to the body by regulating hormones

  • To increase energy levels and libido

Is There A Risk In Taking HRT?

Yes, if you are taking a hormone replacement therapy that includes the use of hormones like estrogen and progesterone. While it is noted that there is an advantage to taking HRT, above and beyond the benefits of reducing and eliminating hot flashes, such as a a decrease in hip fractures and rectal cancers, HRT treatment still poses a considerable risk for many women. For all the health risks that hormone replacement therapy warrants women are still undermining their health by taking hormone pills with estrogen and progesterone.

Are There Alternative Treatments Available for Women?

Yes there are alternative treatments for women; more specifically there are all-natural, organic alternative hormone treatments available. Any woman considering HRT should take a closer look at one of the all-natural hormone replacement products available such as Avlimil. Avlimil is an all-natural alternative for women to treat their menopause symptoms in the most organic way possible. These botanical ingredients work with your body to restore energy levels and bring balance to your bodies internal system. Avlimil does not contain any steroid hormone treatment including testosterone, progesterone and estrogen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Should You Try Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are extracted from animals or plants. The hormones are then changed to make them molecularly the same or identical to the hormones you find in the body. Bio hormones are sometimes used for hormone replacement therapy. Women who are experiencing premenopausal or menopausal symptoms are typically the candidates for bio hormone therapy. This occurs when they are no longer producing adequate amounts of estrogen and / or progesterone. Bioidentical hormone replacement is similar to conventional hormone replacement. Unfortunately bioidentical hormones are not widely studied in the United States. This is because pharmacy manufactures have little interest in bioidentical hormones because they cannot be patented. The reason for this is the FDA considers them natural and a natural substance cannot have a patent. The pharmacy companies instead turn to synthetic compounds to produce hormones that they can patent. Bio hormones have been studied in Europe and have been found to be safer then synthetic hormones.

There are risk and benefits associated with synthetic hormones and bio hormones. Unfortunately more long term studies need to be done on bioidentical hormones.

Some of the risk associated with synthetic hormones are increased risk of endometrial cancer and a slightly high risk of breast cancer. Some other side effects include increased breast density, slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer, blood clots, gallbladder disease and heart attacks.

With synthetic hormones women may also experience breast pain, nausea, bloating, water retention and negative mood swings. Most of these side effects, but not all are contributed to oral estrogen, not estrogen that is delivered transdermal.

Women who suffer from the following conditions are more likely to experience side effects from synthetic hormones.

Unknown cause of vaginal bleeding
Liver disease
Women who have had breast cancer
Women who have had uterus cancer
Women who have had blood clots

Some of the advantages of bioidentical hormones include all the same benefits as synthetic hormones. Often times bio hormones offer the benefits without some of the unwanted side effects. Bioidentical hormones are now being used by some doctors to eliminate problems that women have as they age and go through different periods of their life. These include the following.

Symptoms of post and premenopausal
Menstrual periods that are not regular
Hot flashes
To reduce the risk of heart disease
Insomnia and night sweats
Help with weight loss through burning of fat
Increase sex drive
Improves mental clarity
Reduces depression
Helps to increase physical energy
Helps maintain youthful skin
Helps with blood flow

If you decide that you are interested in bioidentical hormones, it is recommended that you find a doctor who is familiar with bioidentical hormones. Not all doctors are familiar with bioidentical hormones and some only use the synthetic form.

ThermaScan Laser Treatments for Acne and Aging

When it comes to removing the signs of aging from the skin, there has long been a search for an effective, quick and lasting treatment. Laser treatments have been used in the past with some moderate successes. The maintenance on the skin afterwards however, could be long-range and something that not everyone was thrilled with. For acne treatments, the laser was not always a girl's best friend, unless it could do something about the oil overproduction that helped to create the acne outbreaks in the first place. Now, with ThermaScan available, the surface of the skin is no longer the only place to treat the skin effectively.

How It Works

Usually done as an outpatient treatment in a doctor's office, the ThermaScan laser treatment differs from the rest, primarily because of its targeting software and technology. The scanner this machine is equipped with is so detailed, capable of locating and mapping every sebaceous gland or collagen reservoir under the skin, the better to find and manipulate. The surface of the skin is largely ignored with this laser treatment, as the laser does all of its work sub-epidermal. There is very little discomfort for the patient, just a slight warming, or a gentle static shock sensation, depending on their sensitivity. Most doctors will have a topical anesthetic cream available that can be used if necessary.

Depending on the treatment, the gently chilled laser will be targeted and launched at either a collagen reservoir or sebaceous gland, just underneath the skin. Targeting the sebaceous glands have been known to severely limit the production of oil in the skin, helping to prevent further acne outbreaks after the necessary treatments are complete. The collagen reservoirs remain under the skin, long after the skin has reached the point where it no longer makes its own. The laser will trigger the dormant cell reservoir, reactivating the distribution and creation of collagen, so that it can fill in the fine lines and wrinkles and acne scars from the past. Each treatment is short, lasting no longer than 15 to 30 minutes each.

After Care

Since there is less discomfort during today's ThermaScan treatments, there is also less side effects occurring as they have with other laser treatments in the past. There is less reddening of the skin, during and after treatment, for example. If a patient has sensitive skin, they may be given topical treatments to lessen the chances of their skin being irritated post-treatment, as well as recommendations for protective measures, like sunscreen. As with all laser treatments, patients should avoid direct exposure to the sun. The number of treatments each patient will require after the first will vary, depending on their particular skin condition, but most, like acne patients, generally average out at around three to four.

Static Dosing and Rhythmic Cycling

If your physician feels you are an ideal candidate for static dosing of bioidentical hormones, he or she will initially prescribe a low dosage of the hormones to test your body's response. Following several months of taking bioidenticals at a low dosage, doctors will then reorder blood samples, which will be scrutinized for your detailed hormonal levels. If your symptoms are somewhat alleviated and the levels remain relatively optimal, doctors will the set forth a regimen of taking bioidenticals on a daily basis, with an increase in dosage on the eighteenth and twenty-eighth day. The increase in dosage on these two days will mimic the natural physiology of a young woman's body, induce a period, and give a woman the full complement of hormonal attributes they enjoyed before the aging process.

The second method of taking in bio identical hormones for women involves charting and taking the hormones on a rhythmic cycle in concurrence with the lunar phases and tides. This process, although seemingly a little too out there for some women, really makes sense and attempts to mimic the reproductive and hormone cycles of women prior to the advent of modern society, and all the associated stress, irregular sleeping patterns, and in turn, irregular hormonal production levels. One of the more well-known processes of administering bioidenticals rhythmically is known as the Wiley Protocol, which advocates large dosing of hormones, natural and safe bioidentical hormones, to women in tailored ratios for their unique bodies. Many women have found a large amount of relief and overall happiness in the health and their lives while using rhythmic cycling and the Wiley Protocol

Every woman wants to take care of their body, for as long as possible. In many women cases today, the option to utilize hormonal replacement therapy is a wise and healthy decision, if made with the intention of using bioidentical hormones. The numerous side-affects, such as breast and ovarian cancer, associated with synthetic hormones, not to mention the lack of benefits in light of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy's offerings should truly be the deciding factor for any woman serious about living a long, healthy, happy lifestyle.

A Breakdown Of Different Hypothyroid Treatment Options

Synthetic thyroid hormone is the hypothyroid treatment option which most endocrinologists and other types of medical doctors choose to treat hypothyroidism with. However, there are basically three hypothyroid treatment options that people with this condition have. The goal of this article is to list these three different options, and to provide reasons why you might want to choose each treatment method, as well as reasons why you might not want to choose each of them.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #1: Synthetic Thyroid Hormone (Levothyroxine). Once again, this type of thyroid medication is by far the most common treatment option recommended to the patients of most medical doctors. Synthroid is an example of a brand type of this prescription drug, and is one of the more commonly prescribed types of synthetic thyroid hormone. There are numerous other brands as well.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: One reason why you might want to choose to take synthetic thyroid hormone is because in many cases it will do a good job of managing the symptoms. In fact, many people take this daily for the rest of their life with minimal thyroid symptoms.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: There are a couple of reasons why you might not want to take synthetic thyroid hormone. First of all, it doesn't always do a good job of managing one's symptoms. So if you are currently taking synthetic thyroid hormone and are still symptomatic, you might want to consider Hypothyroid Treatment Option #2 or #3. Another reason why you might not want to choose this option is because it does absolutely nothing for the actual cause of the disorder. In most cases of hypothyroidism, the malfunctioning thyroid gland isn't the actual cause of the condition. So while taking synthetic thyroid hormone might do a good job of managing the symptoms in some people, it doesn't get to the underlying cause of the problem.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #2: Natural Thyroid Hormone. Some people choose to take natural thyroid hormone instead of the synthetic type. Some examples include Armour and Westhroid. Natural thyroid hormone is frequently recommended by many holistic doctors.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: One reason why you might want to choose natural thyroid hormone is if synthetic thyroid hormone doesn't work well in managing your symptoms. Some people who don't do well when taking will do much better when taking natural thyroid hormone. Another reason why you might want to take natural thyroid hormone is because it is "natural", and many people do prefer to take natural "products" over synthetic ones. Of course it is still not the same as the thyroid hormone you would produce on your own if your thyroid gland was working fine, but it still isn't considered to be a "synthetic" hormone.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: The main reason you might decide not to take natural thyroid hormone is because just like synthetic thyroid hormone, natural thyroid hormone doesn't do anything for the actual cause of the thyroid condition. Even though some people do respond better when taking this, it still won't restore the health of someone with hypothyroidism. This is why you might want to consider Hypothyroid Treatment Method #3, which I'm about to discuss.

Hypothyroid Treatment Method #3: Natural Treatment Methods. If you are looking to restore your health back to normal, then you'll want to consider natural hypothyroid treatment methods. In fact, more and more people with hypothyroidism, as well as other types of thyroid conditions, are choosing natural treatment methods to restore their health back to normal.

Why You SHOULD Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: Unlike the previous two treatment options, the goal of a natural thyroid treatment protocol is to restore the person's health back to normal, assuming this is possible. Although some people are skeptical as to how effective these treatment methods are, when used under the guidance of a competent healthcare professional, natural hypothyroid treatment methods can be very effective. Even in cases when it can't completely restore the person's health back to normal, many people still receive some great benefits.

The good news is that many people with hypothyroidism, including people with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, can have their health restored back to normal when following a natural thyroid treatment protocol. For those people who are willing to consult with an expert and then do what is necessary to restore their health back to normal, there is an excellent chance they will receive great results.

Why You SHOULD NOT Choose This Hypothyroid Treatment Method: The one good reason why you might not want to choose natural hypothyroid treatment methods is because it involves taking responsibility for your health. While taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone is a passive process and just involves taking pills each day, it does take a good deal of commitment on the part of person to follow a natural treatment protocol. Some people think this just involves taking nutritional supplements or herbs, which is not the case. Although taking supplements and/or herbs can help, doing this alone will usually do nothing more than just manage the symptoms, and frequently won't even accomplish this.

Which Hypothyroid Treatment Method Should You Choose?

Most people with hypothyroidism who are reading this will already be taking synthetic thyroid hormone. If this is working fine for you, then you might choose to continue taking this. On the other hand, if this is not managing your symptoms well, or if you want more than just to manage your symptoms and are interested in restoring your health back to normal, then you will want to choose a different treatment option. Being a holistic doctor I'm of course biased towards natural treatment methods, although I realize that some people are perfectly happy with lifetime symptom management.

So the goal here wasn't necessarily to convince anyone to change their current treatment method, but instead to just make them aware of the different options they have. After all, most endocrinologists and medical doctors simply present synthetic thyroid hormone as the only option patients have, but as you now know, there are other options to choose from. And even though some will claim that there is no cure for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, many people have proved this to be wrong with the results they have received after following a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol.

How to Deal With Kids and Menopause

You may be too familiar with the weakness, lack of energy, tiredness, and discomforts that come with menopause, and if you still have to take care of your young, energetic kids, you are in for a real challenge.

Many women who wait and become mothers after forty, may experience the first stages of menopause while the kids are still pretty young and demand lots of energy and attention. So, how do you deal with all their stamina and still cope with debilitating menopause symptoms?

1. First and foremost, take care of yourself. If you are in good condition, physically and emotionally, your kids will be too. Find creative ways to get rest and rejuvenate yourself. Take the time to look for natural therapies or inquire about Bio Identical Hormone Replacement to help you ease the symptoms of menopause. Spend time outside exercising or relaxing. Take at least five minutes every day to meditate, breathe deeply, or do yoga. The time you devote to yourself will greatly improve the time you devote to your loved ones.

2. Take your time. Do not allow schedules to run you; on the contrary, plan for family activities and kids activities to fit your life. There is time for everything, just take it easy and enjoy each moment, if you do not, stop and adjust. Do not be afraid to ask for help from family or friends to drive the kids to their activities if you need some time off; you can even plan schedules with other parents and share driving responsibilities to free some of your time.

3. Teach your children about "resting time". Set aside half an hour every day for you and the kids to rest; they can read a book, color, take a nap, listen to music, or do any other relaxing activity. Eventually, they will learn to really enjoy these moments and will be more willing to calm down if you are feeling weaker on a particular day.

4. Remember that you are not alone. Ask for help, and learn about practical ways to deal with homework, fights, planning, and scheduling; this will get rid of a lot of stress and will enhance your relationship with your kids. There are many tricks you can learn to ease your routine with the kids and lighten up your life, so that you can look after yourself in a better way.

5. Talk to other parents and share advice about dealing with the kids and daily activities. Maybe you can share responsibilities with other parents to care for the kids some days of the week so that you and the others can take turns and have a whole day to yourself.

6. Ensure your children are getting a good night's sleep. This will guarantee they are more manageable and calm during the day, giving you a break and easing stress. Enforcing a consistent routine of going to bed at the same time every day will create good physical and mental habits.

7. If you feel extremely weak or tired, you will not be able to deal with anything. Ask for some time off and for help. Explain to your kids that you need to relax for a while in order to be able to function. Ensure your children are safe and go take care of yourself.

If you enjoyed this article about Bio Identical Hormone Replacement, please feel free to post it to your site or blog and forward this link to your friends. Have a great day!

How Common Are False Positive Tests: Prostate Specific Antiagent PSA

Now let's consider the blood test for prostate cancer, the prostate specific antigen, or PSA. In September 1993, during "Prostate Cancer Awareness Week," a major effort was made to recruit volunteers for testing. Of the more than 30,000 men over age 50 tested in 148 centers, about 3,000 had an abnormally elevated level of PSA; that is, about 10 percent tested positively. Somewhere between a quarter and a third of these men were found to have prostate cancer, making the false positive rate about 7 percent. Others have reported false positive rates in the range of 7 to 11 percent. The most common cause of a false positive prostate specific antigen is an enlargement of the prostate gland. Because the prostate tends to enlarge with age, prostate specific antigens tend to rise with age. Therefore, false positives are less common in younger men and more common in older men.

The false positive rate for subsequent prostate specific antigen testing depends on whether the initial result was normal or not. If the men with abnormal prostate specific antigens are excluded, the false positive rate for a repeat test drops to around 2 percent. In other words, if your test was normal in the past, you are much less likely to have a falsely abnormal test in the future (which in turn means that an abnormal result in subsequent testing is more likely to represent a cancer). However, if your prostate specific antigen was abnormally elevated once, it is very likely to remain abnormal in the future-even if you never have prostate cancer.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Why Choose Bio-identical Hormones Over Traditional Hormones?

Any woman interested in bio-identical hormones should know the difference between natural hormones (bhrt) and synthetic hormones (hrt). Bio-identical hormones are derived from yams or soy and are the chemical replicates of the exact hormone found in the human body. Synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera are drugs made and patented by drug companies. Some of these hormones are derived from pregnant horses urine. The chemicals used are similar to our hormones but have been changed slightly in order to be patented.

Bio-identicals cannot be patented because the drugs have been available for over 15 years. Since bio-identicals can't be patented there is no way for the drug companies to make large amounts of money on them.

Many drug studies have been preformed on synthetic hormones.

The Women's Health Initiative study (WHI) was preformed in 2002 and was stopped early because of the findings. The study involved thousands of women from multiple sites all over the country. The research was done on diet, exercise, calcium supplements, and synthetic hormones. The results were that these drugs should not be given to prevent heart disease, strokes, venous thrombosis, or breast cancer. The findings showed they may increase a woman's risk of developing these problems over time.

The problem with most studies is that the drug companies are funding the study. Therefore, if bio-identicals can't be patented, then the drug companies are not going to spend money on a study.

If you research bio-identical hormones, you can find drug studies on them.

Breast cancer and BHRT

Androgens and Mammary growth and neoplasia

Antiestrogen action of progesterone in breast tissue

Cancer and Hormonal balance

Epidemiology of breast cancer

Hormones in the etiology and prevention of breast and endometrial cancer

This is only 5 examples of the hundreds of studies found on Dr. Rebecca Glaser's website, Dr. Rebecca Glaser also has studies on other topics (not just breast cancer) such as cortisol, estriol, dosage delivery, testosterone and progesterone to name a few.

My belief is that bio-identical hormones bring the menopausal or pre-menopausal woman back to the hormone levels found in a youthful woman. By doing this, the drugs have shown an improvement in heart health, skin, hair, and memory.

Two other benefits are they slightly lower cholesterol and they will keep bone density from decreasing further. Other than relief from the normal menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc.) I believe bio-identical hormones can also help with heart, bones, memory and cholesterol. I do not think they will decrease the risk of breast cancer, but taken in the correct dosage amount I think they do not increase the risk of cancer.

In other words, if you are on the correct strengths of hormones there will be no increase or decrease in cancer risk.

Side Effects Of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are often synthesized from plants, and processed to make them resemble, or become entirely identical to the hormones within our bodies. Bioidentical hormone preparations are often compounded by pharmacists, with respect to the quantity recommended by the doctor.

We have a conflict of interest here with the pharmaceutical industry, because they are unable to patent human hormones that are molecularly identical to actual substances in the body. Therefore everything that you hear about bioidentical hormones must be viewed with a skeptic eye, because of the pharmaceutical companies massive influence over the health industry.

These hormones are mainly used by females, to alleviate the signs and symptoms of menopause. A scientific study compared the usage of bioidentical progesterone cream to placebo, and learned that women using the cream experienced a massive decrease in symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. The cream had no effect on bone mineral density though.

Bioidentical hormones are generally prescribed as a healthier replacement for regular hormone replacement therapy, which has been proven to have serious adverse effects. Many people have voiced their criticism about this kind of treatment because it hasn't been analyzed extensively enough in clinical studies.

However, some scientific studies have demonstrated that these hormones are indeed healthier and also bring less risk of adverse effects than the synthetic versions. This includes significantly less risk of blood clots as well as cancer, the two primary issues concerning conventional hormone replacement therapy.

It's imperative that you realize that these types of hormones haven't been studied as extensively as the standard, artificial ones. This is very understandable because the main sources of research funds are the drug companies, and they have absolutely no interest in studying a substance that can not be patented or marketed for massive price tags.

Unfortunately, because scientific studies are missing, it is not easy to find details about the side effects of bioidentical hormones in the literature, but it appears obvious how the side effects tend to be less severe than with regular hormone replacement therapy.

I'm not really thrilled about individuals playing around with the hormones in their bodies, because this might have unpredictable consequences. If the symptoms of menopause are leading to big problems in that case bioidentical hormones can be a safe alternative to standard treatment.

I would personally also suggest using as little of them as possible, for as brief a time as possible. Menopause is really a natural occurrence that happens with getting older, and even though treatment methods are possible, doesn't mean they're always the right thing to do.

Make sure that if you are undergoing any kind of hormonal treatment, to do it under supervision by a physician who has knowledge of these matters, hormones are nothing to play around with.

Is IV Vitamin Therapy Right for You?

In recent years an intravenous vitamin drip known as The Myers Cocktail has become the latest health craze, and for good reason. The Myers Cocktail, along with similar IV vitamin therapies, has been used successfully to treat many ailments, as an immune system booster and as part of a normal health regime.

Developed in the 1970s by physician John Myers, M.D. at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, the Myers Cocktail contains Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and all of the B vitamins diluted in water.

Taking vitamins intravenously injects essential vitamins and nutrients directly into the blood stream, bypassing the digestive system and enabling quick absorption. Often when a person's body is sick or becoming sick the gut is already inflamed and makes oral absorption difficult and less efficient. Vitamin IVs allow efficient and quick absorption while boosting energy and hydrating the body. Intravenous administration of nutrients also allows for a much higher concentration to enter the body than can be achieved orally.

People have a tendency to get sick during the winter months, and are in need of an immune system boost. This vitamin therapy gives them just the boost they need to prevent or fight illness, or for general nutrition.

Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy

Chronic Fatigue and Adrenal Fatigue-Patients who suffer from tiredness, chronic fatigue or adrenal fatigue often are also suffering from nutritional and vitamin deficiency. IV vitamin therapy restores essential vitamins and nutrients to the body, which increases energy and repairs enzyme systems.

Cancer-Research suggests that a high dosage of vitamin C has a negative effect on cancer cell growth. Vitamin C given intravenously supplies the body with higher levels of vitamin C and other nutrients than it would if taken orally. High levels of vitamin C helps boost the immune system by increasing lymphatic production and preventing cellular free radical damage. Vitamin C also helps patients to better tolerate chemotherapy by reducing the toxicity of radiation without lessening the cancer killing effects of the drug.

Autoimmune conditions-The vitamins and nutrients found in IV vitamin therapy help in lowering inflammation in the body. Vitamin therapy can be extremely effective in treating common autoimmune conditions such as, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjorgren's Syndrome and scleroderma.

Migraines-Migraine headaches are often linked to poor intestinal health, which causes the body to have poor mineral and vitamin absorption through the digestive system. Injecting the vitamins intravenously solves this problem by bypassing the digestive system and sending the nutrients directly into the blood stream. The high dosage of magnesium found in the cocktail helps to decrease the frequency and severity of migraines. Magnesium relaxes muscle contraction and dilates blood vessels, providing significant migraine relief.

Detoxification-IV vitamin therapy is used as nutritional support during detoxification. When patients are on a detox diet, they are often limiting their food intake and therefore can't get nutrition into the body. A vitamin IV not only gets essential nutrients into the body, it helps the liver to dispose of toxins.

For Athletes-Many athletes have found the benefit of using IV vitamin therapy as an energy boost for training leading up to a big game or event. It pumps the body full of highly concentrated nutrients for optimal performance.

IV vitamin therapy has also been used to treat stress, low immune system function, seasonal allergies and dehydration by providing the body with essential vitamins and nutrients that often get depleted.
The vitamin cocktail differs slightly based on each patient's condition, but it is mostly a standard mixture of vitamin C, zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium and all of the B vitamins.

Based on medical conditions, the frequency of each dosage of IV vitamin therapy varies from multiple times weekly to monthly or even quarterly. Each patient is different and therefore requires different protocols.

In my practice, after a brief medical history assessment, a patient will spend 20 to 45 minutes in the IV room for a standard Myers cocktail. While they are hooked up to the IV bag, they enjoy a relaxing atmosphere with soft music, candles and comfortable seating. The experience is meant to be more of a relaxation technique than a medical procedure. As a result of the atmosphere and high levels of magnesium (a natural relaxant) patients often come away tired from the experience. After a nights sleep they wake up feeling fully rejuvenated and healthy.


There are no significant side effects to IV vitamin therapy. However, patients suffering from liver or kidney disease need to use precaution when using this therapy. It is always advisable to speak with a medical practitioner about your medical history before beginning treatment.. This is why I perform a brief medical history assessment to see if there are any risk factors before administering IV vitamin therapy.

BPH Cure - A Woman's Solution to A Manly Problem

Yearly thousands of men face the problem of BPH and its symptoms. Especially for those over age 50, prostate problems are an unpleasant fact of life. Once into their late 40's, men run some risk developing benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or more commonly referred to as prostate enlargement. By the age of 50 it's a 20 percent risk and by 60, more than 50 percent of all men will have prostate difficulty.

As the prostate gland enlarges, it presses against the urethra and interferes with urinary function. This process attributes to the increased urinary frequency, hesitation, and reduced urinary flow. Also, the prostate gland is the most common site for cancer to develop in men. Statistics claim that one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. The disease is the leading cause of cancer-related death in men, second only to lung cancer.

The Testosterone Myth

The medical establishment places the blame for these prostate problems on the male hormones testosterone (T) and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Yet this becomes a contradiction. Men normally continue to produce a relatively normal level of (T) for their age, and well into their seventies. Contrary to common perception, (T) does not cause prostate problems. Young men have high levels of (T) and old men have low levels. If (T) were the cause of prostate problems, young men would have a higher degree of prostate problems.

The Estrogen Factor

Men produce estrogen (Estradiol), but in much lower amounts than women. And a healthy male physiology depends upon a high T-E (testosterone-estrogen) ratio balance. With aging, the T-E ratio drops often dramatically. The enzyme Aromotase, which is especially prevalent in fat cells, converts (T) to (E). And since most men loose muscle and gain fat as they age, Aromotase activity increases thus reducing (T) even as it increases (E). Scientist have stressed the importance of (E) and the (T-E) ratio in promoting prostate problems. The data has shown a direct negative biochemical effect of (E) on the physiology of the prostate, and the consideration of (E) suppression as an efficient pharmacotheraputic strategy in medical treatment.


As a result of living in a developed society, we suffer immensely with our health. The constant exposure to an ever-increasing number of toxic chemicals and agents further compromise the immune system, eventually causing severe organ damage. Many researchers are concluding that the over abundance of (E) and (E) like substances (Xenoestrogens or foreign estrogens), are responsible for a vast number of today's health problems. Xenoestrogens are synthetic in make-up, but differ in molecular structure. However different as they are, organic estrogen receptors cannot differentiate between them because Xenoestrogens are able to mimick the cellular coding structure. It's believed that the excessive exposure of Xenoestrogens in the environment are among the culprits. The sources of Xenoestrogens includes:

  • Chicken

  • Pork

  • Birth Control Pills

  • Spermacide

  • Commercially Raised Beef

  • Detergent

  • Plastic Drinking Bottles

  • Pesticides

  • Herbicides

  • Personal Care Products

  • Canned Foods and Lacquers


Progesterone is normally considered as a "female hormone." However men also produce progesterone as well. Progesterone is manufactured in men by the adrenal glands and testicular tissue. Progesterone is vital to good health in both women and men. Unfortunately, male progesterone levels drop with aging, just as do male testosterone levels. Severe, prolonged stress also depletes progesterone, since the stress hormone cortisol is made from progesterone, as are (T-E), aldosterone and other steroid hormones.

Cancer Inhibitor

One of the most important roles for progesterone is to oppose the many toxic effects of excess estrogen. Progesterone is the chief inhibitor of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of (T) to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a much more potent derivative that is linked to prostate cancer. When the level of (T) decreases, the relative level of estradiol in men increases the risk of prostate cancer if adequate amounts of progesterone are not present to counteract its effect by stimulating the P53 cancer protection gene.

Clinical Evidence

Various clinical studies conducted by leading research scientists in the field of natural progesterone therapy, revealed 10 out of 10 men in remission from Prostate cancer using natural progesterone cream. One participant was being treated at the Mayo Clinic for prostate cancer which had spread to the bone. He began to apply natural progesterone cream to his skin and after 6 months, the Mayo Clinic could find no evidence of any prostate cancer. Several men with prostate cancer have stated that their PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level-decreased when they started using a daily administration of natural progesterone cream. And there was no evidence of the progression of their prostate lesions. They also experienced improved urine flow with less pressure on their prostate, as well as a decrease in nightly urination.

How To Apply Progesterone Cream

To emulate and sustain a balanced hormonal environment, it is essential to get natural progesterone directly into the blood stream - as it is produced in the testicles. The effectiveness of the natural progesterone cream is carefully measured and formulated to be administered into the mucous (epithelin) membranes. Typically when applied to the skin over a length of time, the natural progesterone will store-up and stop working, causing a process called "dermal fatigue." Although repairable, it may involve staying off the cream for extended periods to purge the natural progesterone out of the body. For optimal results as stated above, apply the cream to the mucous epthelial membranes that line the rectum. These membranes travel along the same venous network that connects to the testicles. And total absorption is more complete through these membranes than through the skin.

Bioidentical hormone therapy through the use of natural progesterone has become widely adopted as a useful method of normalizing hormone levels in both men and women. The results are premier and beneficial in the restoration of wellness by naturally restoring chemical balance.

Hormonal therapy with the use of natural progesterone is one of the many successful treatment options designed to restore chemical balance to the prostate.