Friday, May 24, 2013

How to Minimize Hot Flashes

One of the most common symptoms in menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes generally signal the start of menopause and usually remain for a few years. For most women hot flashes are not severe. Some unlucky women may develop severe hot flashes. Hot flashes also occur in the middle of the night - known as night sweats. One may suddenly feel a sensation of feeling warm and sweaty. They can be very unpleasant. Instantly one feels warm, the face and upper body becomes red and one may develop an itchy sensation. Another embarrassing symptom associated with this symptom of menopause is profuse sweating. This symptom may only last a few minutes but some can be prolonged.  When it is over, one develops a transient cooling feeling or shivering. The problem with hot flashes is that they are unpredictable and can occur at any time. They are often triggered by anxiety and stress.  The cause of hot flashes is related to declining levels of the female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.

Over the years, there have been many types of treatments advocated including herbs, oils, mineral and pharmaceutical medications. The majority of these treatments generally only work in a few women and the relief is only partial.

In some individuals, the hot flash episodes are rare and do not affect lifestyle. In these individuals, herbal supplements are adequate. However, in other individuals hot flashes can be severe enough to affect life style. For individuals whose sleep is affected or there is excessive sweating, there are treatments available. Besides herbs, one can take bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical hormones are available with a prescription and come in various formulations. These hormones are naturally occurring and come as a cream, patch, gel, tablet or an injection. The levels of estrogen and progesterone can be individualized to get the maximum benefit to an individual.

To control or reduce sweat, one should be prepared and carry napkins or a dry cloth. Drink lots of water and avoid applying any creams or lotions. Many of the skincare products have synthetic chemicals and can aggravate the situation. There are many herbal and nutritional supplements available to help reduce hot flashes. Some women do respond to these supplements but most do not. The commonly used herbal supplements include Black cohosh, soy and red clover, isoflavones and Vitamin E.

Further, women who suffer from hot flashes should also undertake life styles changes to compliment the bioidentical hormones. One should eat a healthy diet, refrain from taking too much alcohol, avoid smoking, resume an exercise program, join some type of support network and maintain an optimistic outlook.  Menopause is a physiological process which affects all women but is not forever.

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