Sunday, July 21, 2013

Collagen Production

If you are interested in maintaining your skin or rejuvenating the amount of collagen in your skin, there are several steps you can take to overcome the decline of collagen production as you age.

Collagen is a protein consisting of amino acids and is a major component in the connective tissues in the skin, ligaments and bones. As we age, we lose the ability to replace damaged collagen and this process over time, leads to wrinkles in the skin. What is needed to assist in replenishing destroyed collagen is a multifaceted approach.

Firstly, remember there are a few simple things you should be doing to avoid damaging your skin which includes the basics of avoiding free radicals, sun damage, smoking and balancing your hormones if you are at the age where your hormones have become unbalanced. Hormone imbalance can occur at any time of your life and getting a hormone panel done by your doctor can identify this problem. To find a doctor in your area, click here for Canadian doctors who prescribe bioidentical hormones and to find a doctor in the United States, click here. In addition, drinking plenty of clean water and eating a healthy diet daily will help your skin in looking its best. Keeping your skin moisturized with both a daily moisturizer and a night cream is a must. To read more about organic anti-aging skin care, read our article on skincare by clicking here.

There are food supplements you can take that will assist in collagen production. Vitamin C and Hyaluronc Acid supplements - obtainable at your local health food store are the two basic supplements which will contribute to the amount of collagen production in your skin.

Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan , found naturally in all the tissues in the human body. It is found in the extra cellular matrix of the skin and in the synovial fluid that moisturizes the cartilage and joints. It gives skin its fullness and volume. As we age, we lose the amount of hyaluronic acid in our bodies.

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen. At my age, I am taking 1000 milligram of Vitamin C a day which is also useful for fighting off the effects of stress and sickness. A friend of mine, who is 10 years older, is now taking 1400 milligrams daily. Your body needs more Vitamin C when it is under stress or fighting off sickness. What you don't need, your body will eliminate. Your best option is to talk to your compounding pharmacist, naturopath or doctor about the exact amount you should be taking.

Another supplement you can take after the age of 50 is called "Genacol", a supplement containing a concentration of enhancing collagen amino/peptides which stimulates the production of different types of collagen in the body. Genacol is also an excellent product for dealing with the problem of arthritis. This product can be bought at your local health food store.

Exercise and building up decreasing muscle mass can assist the skin in looking less saggy and firmer. The anti-aging benefits of exercise are numerous including the health benefits of harder firmer muscles, a healthier heart, reduced cholesterol and a general sense of wellbeing from the resulting production of oxytocin and endorphins - the "feel good" hormones.

Collagen injections are also available for wrinkles and some cosmetic procedures such as Artecoll actually increase collagen production at the site of injection.

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