Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Female Sex Hormones

Many women don't know how their body works and what are the different hormones in their body which can affect their lives in the long run. These hormones not only affect the female body and mind but they also play an important role in emotions.

Most of the females face a lot of physiological changes during the puberty and they think that hormones come into play only at this age. In fact many hormones affect their body at childhood as well. Many newly born babies seem to have breast enlargement. Although it is quite rare but if a baby have the symptoms than it is because of the hormones known as estrogens which pass on to the body of the baby by the mother. Findings suggest that lower estrogen level in mother's body causes formation of a hormone known as prolactin in baby's blood stream which suggests the mind to produce breast enlargement. These hormones than disappear in the first few months or after a few years.

All these hormones play a major role in a girl's body when she is at the age of puberty. At that time her breasts will grow and finally turn into breasts like those of a woman. She will also grow taller, gets pubic and under arm hair which all happens because of those hormones which actually help in growth of her body. The girl may feel a little uncomfortable at that age because of the sudden changes that her body is making. Her periods also start at the puberty age and the total time period of puberty age may end from one to four years. Many girls also face emotional imbalance as they enter in the phase of adolescence. Therefore all the system to produce these changes exists in her body from the childhood to the adolescence.

There are some very important hormones produced by the ovaries which are known as female sex hormones. The two most major of them are known as progesterone and oestrogen. At the age of puberty the Oestrogen develops the breast, helps in maturation of vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes that carry female eggs. This hormone also helps in storing more fats around the hips, thighs and buttock of the girls.

After puberty L.H, F.S.H and other hormones play a vital role in women's menstrual cycles which results in the periods of the girl. All these hormones have their own functions and they come into play at different levels but in fact they all play an important role in developing a female body.

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