Friday, May 10, 2013

3 Natural Ways To Relieve Your Baby's Gas Pains

Gas is an agonizing situation for most people. For an infant internal gas pressure can be confusing, scary and uncomfortable for them as well as for the parent. With most infants the gas is brought on by air which has been carried into the body during a feeding or simply by crying. This gas may also be brought about by formula or breast milk that just has not been digested yet. There are many ways to help alleviate the gas from an infant. All natural approaches to helping relieve these gases are simple and will not be adding unnecessary chemicals into the infants fragile body.

An all natural remedy that is used to ease gas from an infant, and to help calm them, is with a technique called Reflexology, or in other words a very gentle, but effective foot massage. Massage has been used for centuries as a natural approach to healing. When this massage is applied very lightly to an infant foot it is not only soothing to them but does release some internal gas pressure. To perform reflexology / foot massage - Find the point on the foot associated with the bowels, gently rub in a soft circular motion for a few minutes. Try to use minimal pressure on the infants foot as the skin in this area is still fairly thin.

Fresh herbs and aromatherapy are all natural ways to help an infant relieve gas from its little body. Aromatherapy also calms and aids digestion. Create a warm mint and fennel compress by wrapping fresh mint and fennel leaves in a soft cloth and soak in warm water for two minutes. Wring out extra water and place on baby's abdomen for 20 minutes, making sure to re-wet the cloth with warm water every 5 minutes.

Helping to move the gas around the infants small stomach is another way to help the little one release it. With this method you would simply lay baby across your thighs on their tummy for a little added pressure. Rubbing the bottom of the infants back while it lays across the lap will help to move and break up the gas. With this method you can also rock the child back and forth over the thighs while it remains on its stomach to break up even more gas bubbles. Burping the infant during feeding is also easier to do with this method.

When it comes to helping an infant alleviate gas pressure from its tiny body an all natural approach is usually the first preferred method. The methods mentioned above, reflexology massage, aromatherapy and laying the little across your lap will help to expel gas from the tiny body, but these methods will also help soothe and comfort them.

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