Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Naturally Raise Libido (Sex Drive)

Libido refers to one's desire to have sex. Additionally it refers to overall well-being and motivation. As people age, hormone levels tend to decrease, and unfortunately this can affect libido substantially.

Men who are experiencing hormone level reduction can see a myriad of symptoms, including irritable mood, lack of motivation, erectile dysfunction, and an overall lack of interest in sex.

Women may experience the same issues along with a more substantial drop in hormones due to menopause. This often leads to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, and a stopping of menstrual periods.

There are medications to address erectile dysfunction in men, and these may help women's issues as well. However, the medication will not address the underlying source of the problem with libido reduction.

There are 3 primary areas of treatment that can help increase one's libido:

1. Lifestyle factors - including obesity, inadequate sleep, stress

2. Hormone replacement - bioidentical hormones provide natural hormones that are the same in structure as what the body produces.

3. Nutritional supplements - using various nutrients and herbs to help sexual function.

Lifestyle factors should be addressed as an essential component of the equation for increasing libido. If the person handles stress terribly, it may "kill the mood" on a continual basis. There are stress management techniques which can help put things in perspective and help patients gain insight into why stress is handled the way it is and how to work towards better management of it.

Getting adequate sleep is important, however, it is well known that hormonal imbalances and stress may affect sleep. So it can become a chicken vs the egg situation. Handle the stress better and receive hormone replacement, and one's sleep may get a lot better, both in quality and quantity.

Being considerably overweight or obese may affect libido. In men, additional fat may produce estrogen, which works against testosterone and decreases sexual function and/or desire. In women (and men) excess weight changes self-image, which can adversely affect sexual desire. Exercise, meditation, changing eating habits may all be essential ingredients to the best frame of mind for a renewed libido.

Bioidentical hormone replacement is increasing in popularity since it involves the same natural hormones as the body produces, not laboratory synthetic ones. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA are replaced back to optimal levels. This will improve libido, diminish menopausal symptoms, improve bone health, along with increasing energy and vitality.

Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are often included in an effective program by naturopathic doctors. Specifically, gingko biloba, niacin, and L-arginine have evidence to back up their erectile function assistance. Also in women, maca root, chaste berry, and black cohosh can improve sexual response and decrease menopausal symptoms.

These various methods of improving libido should be "quarterbacked" by a naturopathic doctor. He or she can work with the patient and put into place an integrated plan which will put the person on a new track for success which will include increased libido and overall improved heal

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