Monday, June 10, 2013

Feeling Unbalanced - This Could Be the Answer!

Hormonal imbalances are normally due to a variety of problems, but mostly it is due to a stress response, therefore lifestyle changes and balancing your hormones will get your system right.

Lifestyle is a major factor in keeping your hormones balanced

Hormones are steroids that are secreted into your blood stream affecting your body's metabolism, the regulation of fluids and also you're sexual and reproductive function, it also helps facilitate your body's responses to stress.

When your hormones are balanced you have energy, you sleep well, and you have a strong sex drive, and your immune and digestive system work well.

If your hormones are unbalanced it can lead to adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism and polycyctic ovary syndrome. Your hormones can be unbalanced without any real disorder, when they are unbalanced too long then they can lead to a disorder so it's also important it get them checked and balanced before major issues arise. Hormonal imbalances can start as young as at birth or during adolescents, menopausal problems occur because of an already unbalanced hormonal system. Menopause is meant to be symptom less, if you are heading that way get your hormones checked by a natural therapist such as a nutritionist.

How is your lifestyle affecting your hormones and what can you do about it?

Females hormone imbalance is due to stress responses, the more stress the bigger the stain on your hormonal system, and the more it unbalances your cortisol levels. Cortisol is used for your body to convert food to energy, normalises your blood sugar levels, helps with your immune system's inflammatory response and responds to stress.

What causes your hormonal system to become unbalanced?

Emotional stress
Dietary stress
Pain and/ inflammatory stress

Types of stress include:

Too much work
Job loss
Financial trouble
Relationship or family problems
Eating processed foods, too much junk food
Inflammation form toxins in your environment
Depletion of antioxidants

The underlying issues need to be dealt with in order to have a balanced hormonal system. This also needs to be a whole body approach where lifestyle choices and too much stress have created the imbalance in the first place, these underlying issues need to be addressed.

These changes include:

Strategies to reduce stress- this can range from meditation, relaxation music

So first start to address your hormone problems by making lifestyle changes, including:

  • Have powerful tools and strategies to address the current and past emotional traumas in your life. Prayer, meditation and meridian tapping techniques (MTT)can be very helpful here.

  • Listen to your body and rest when you feel tired (this includes during the day by taking short naps or just laying down, or sleeping in if you feel like it)

  • Exercise regularly using a comprehensive program of strength, aerobic, core, and interval training

  • Eat a healthy nutrient-dense diet like the one described in my nutrition plan, according to your Nutritional Type

Then, only after changing your lifestyle and addressing your adrenal function, should you evaluate and balance your female hormones.

At this point you may want to see a physician well versed in bio identical hormone replacement, and get tested to see if you could benefit from the use of DHEA. DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced by the adrenals, and levels are often very low in people with adrenal fatigue and other hormone problems.

Keep in mind, of course, that DHEA is not a quick cure, and should not be used as a sole treatment.

Because your hormonal health is so important to your overall health and well-being, I highly recommend you work with a knowledgeable natural health care practitioner to help you rebalance your system.

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