Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Understanding Hormone Imbalance

Women are unique and their hormone levels are different and constantly changing. These changes can lead to some natural phases of life and sometimes, if not regulated correctly, can lead to further health problems.

These hormone levels that fluctuate throughout a woman's life are perfectly natural, yet sometimes other factors can lead to hormonal imbalances. Stress, lack of exercise, birth control pills, drug use, stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, and poor nutrition can disrupt a normal menstrual cycle and hormonal

There are a variety of symptoms that could indicate a potential hormone imbalance. Some of these symptoms include: depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, hair loss, increase in facial hair, pms, sudden change in sex drive, osteoporosis, headaches or migraines, sudden weight gain, water retention, bloating, and sudden changes in skin - acne or wrinkles.

Women suffering from these symptoms could indicate a hormone imbalance between the two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. They are the dominant hormones in women.

The hormone estrogen is produced mainly in the ovaries. Estrogen informs your body when to menstruate, when to ovulate, and when to support pregnancy. The ovaries also produce progesterone. It is needed for women to have a successful pregnancy.

These hormones work together and are needed in the right quantities to achieve the desired balance in a woman's health.

Estrogen and progesterone are designed to balance each other. A good balance translates into weight control, energy, youthful appearance and overall a sense of well being.

With the many symptoms of hormonal imbalance, it is almost always progesterone, not estrogen, that is deficient. All the commonly known symptoms are those of estrogen dominance. Mood swings, lack of sex drive, irritable during PMS, recurrences of acne and even osteoporosis are results of estrogen dominance which brings about hormonal imbalance in women.

When balance is restored by increasing the natural progesterone levels, these symptoms may typically disappear.

For women to have good health and immunity, hormonal balance is essential. There are many ways to treat symptoms of hormonal imbalance that are effective and can improve your overall health helping to restore balance to hormonal levels.

A proper diagnosis must be established to determine the best possible treatment options to correct it.

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