Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Skinny on the Anti-Estrogen Diet

Estrogens are a group of hormones that play an essential but complex role in the growth and development of both men and women. Hormones carry information from one group of cells to another. In the human body, they influence almost every cell, organ, and function. They regulate our growth, development, metabolism, tissue function, reproduction, and the reaction our bodies have to these foods, our moods, and our reactions. Our bodies are fine tuned machines. We produce the hormones that we need. When we add more estrogen than we need and more calories than we need, we get those added fat cells.

How do we add extra estrogen in our bodies? There are two ways. One, through our diet. A list of foods that are estrogen-producing is fairly long but include processed and packaged foods. Animal flesh, especially if it has been injected with hormones to make them plump and juicy for market, and certain fruits and vegetables. The second way to get added estrogen into your body is through environmental influences. Things like plastic, shampoos, make-up, cleansers, and pesticides from fruit and vegetables; just to name a few.

How do we add extra calories? Your body thinks that if we eat it, we must need it, so lets store it in those fat cells until we do need it. Problem is, with the lifestyle we have today, we never do need it. This promotes us getting fatter and fatter. Depending on a person's genetic influences, lifestyle choices, and nutritional intake; men tend to store their body fat around their bellies and chest. Women tend to store it around their hips, buttocks, thighs, bellies, and on the back of their arms.

The best way to expend these added calories is through exercise. Common sense tells us that if we increase our daily activity we can dissolve some of the calories we ingested. Making small lifestyle changes is a great way calories add up. As an example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking in the last space instead of the first space. All these little changes add up when it comes to burning calories. Another change would be to walk or ride your bike for 20 minute intervals one or two times during the course of your day. This helps relieve stress too. Other activities that can help you be pro-active include washing your car, mowing your lawn, or painting your room.

Well, what if you are eating the right foods and exercising and still having a time of losing weight and that stubborn fat? What then? The problem then lies in your metabolism and the functioning of your organs, tissues and blood. One problem may be insulin resistance and/or spiking insulin which stresses your liver. Metabolic toxicity can lead to blood sugar disorders, elevated cortisol, increased serum lipids, and enlargement of tissues. Now what can we do to optimize their function? We take supplements. Supplements that will help the thyroid and adrenal glands rev up your metabolism to burn calories efficiently. A multi-vitamin with iron to cleanse your blood and tissues and a supplement to delete the excess estrogen in your body.

So, in order to lose weight and be healthy, we need to maintain a healthy diet with proper nutrition and practice a regular exercise routine. It is best to eat organic foods, drink clean water, avoid foods or liquids packaged or stored in plastic and take supplements. Minimize your exposure to environmental estrogen and avoid fluctuating your weight.

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