Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can Your Migraines Disappear Forever?

Quantum Brain Healing addresses the causes of illness and attempts to determine the root of the primary problem before structuring the treatment. The causes of migraine headaches include hormone imbalances of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the glands that produce sex hormones, or an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Migraines may be due to a mineral level imbalance between calcium and magnesium, pineal gland malfunction, electromagnetic field imbalance, and emotional trauma on a cellular level.

The patient should have hormone diagnostic blood work or saliva tests to determine if there are any significant problems. These may be addressed with bio-identical hormones for long-term use. Testosterone, androgen, progesterone, estrogen, melatonin, thyroid, DHEA, and pregnelone levels may be impaired and need to be supplemented. This may a key to solving migraines and will also be useful in your anti-aging strategy to stay youthful. These hormone may partially be treated with animal glandular hormone supplements. If the person is middle aged, these supplements may be successfully used for many years. This may also protect your brain from memory loss, depression, and dementia. Other strategies to balance hormones include Chinese patent herbal formulas like Xio Yao Wan or Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan. These formulas can help women in menopause or peri-menopause.

Migraine headaches may occur due to food or environmental allergens acting as triggers and setting off the migraine. The allergens need to be identified and avoided through the G.A.R.D. Diet or the Elimination Diet. The Rotation Diet follows a different theory that allows exposure to each food once each four days. The immune system calms down when there is not frequent exposure to the allergen. The person with migraines should avoid all genetically modified foods and include local or organic fruits and vegetables. All nitrates should be avoided. Try to avoid foods high in tyramines, which include red wine, cheeses, and chocolate. Do not eat any MSG, carbonated beverages, pickled foods, non-organic coffee, or artificial sweeteners. It is very important to eat breakfast and try to maintain stable glucose levels throughout the day.

Migraines may also be a simple matter or neurotransmitter imbalances. The serotonin neurotransmitter is out of balance and can be addressed with amino acid therapy. The amino acids that may be useful in relieving migraines include 5-HTP, SAME, theanine, and tryptophan. These amino acids need to be taken with appropriate cofactors and enzymes for optimal results. Always remember to include a food based multiple vitamin on a daily basis. The amino acids will be taken in therapeutic doses along with vitamins and minerals. Folic acid and magnesium are vitamins that are frequently deficient in people experiencing migraines. It is also key to include Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids on a daily basis.

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