Friday, June 7, 2013

What is the Definition of Communication?

Communication is the transference of thoughts, ideas, and/or information.

Still, it's much more than that, so, we need to have a dialogue for me to convey these thoughts and concepts on the definition of communication to you. This article in a way is a comminque. Shall we begin?

When we think about the definition of communication, what do we think about? Well, most folks think about the telephone, especially the older generation. Before the telephone there was the telegraph, and letter writing, and before all that there were simple conversations, and stories passed down. Of course, before written or spoken language there was always body language, perhaps humans had better senses back then and could "feel" the vibrational changes in their fellow species member, or even other species, all of that too is communication right?

Those who have challenges communicating might use sign language, Braille, or touching. Love is a lot about communication in fact, think on that for a moment if you will. Okay so, let's widen this conversation about communication to encompass the past, present, and future shall we?

Today, communication has evolved to an unbelievable degree. Consider if you will all the possible ways to communicate and some of the ways which are used less often these days. The mail and letter writing appears to be a lost art, pagers are old news too, and then the FAX Machine is falling to the email attachment, in many cases it has merged. Humans communicate in other ways too, through songs, stories, and media when communicating news, feelings, thoughts, concepts, opinions, experiences, and knowledge. So, what is communication today you ask, well it could be;

Text Messaging
Social Networking

In the future of communication we will see new forms of communicating for humans. Perhaps, holographic projection, thought swapping, and interlinked socially networked chips with brain interfaces. These are all ways we have, are, or will communicate amongst ourselves. But realize there is a lot going on in the world of biology and within our own bodies as well. Our cells, body, and even all the symbiotic bacteria inside communicates together. Our DNA gives the communication and plan, instructing our bodies how to grow and work things out.

Plants have seeds which communicate the same to that phylum. Chemical compounds communicate and align themselves, as does all matter it appears, even if we may only understand some of how all that works at all levels. Our computer networks communicate within the devices and they might send signals via photons, light, energy, code, or in the future borrow some tricks from biology. All of this is communication. Perhaps the more advanced our technology gets we will learn so much more about communication, there will be some great new discoveries in the future, this is only the beginning.

Without Communication there would be nothing and philosophically speaking even nothing seems to communicate with everything else, as it's an integral part of the equation, but we will save that concept for another time. Even non-communication can often be a form of communication, in fact, it's often the most important part. But for now, think of communication as the transference of information, thoughts, and ideas, and that should satisfy the contemporary definition just fine. Please consider all this and think on it.

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