Thursday, June 6, 2013

Find Bioidentical Physicians and Compound Pharmacists Who Work Together for Hormone Therapy

Since I write a blog based on my wife's and my own experience in being married while she processes through perimenopause and menopause, the subject of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy comes up often. This was rocketed to prominence by doctors talking about the subject on Oprah. Heck, Oprah's credibility is high with me and I've never watched her show.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or BHRT as we are going to call it for typing purposes is the science of replacing hormones in women that begin to diminish in menopausal women as they age. The idea is that by replenishing exactly what is missing women's bodies can be medically coaxed into operating more normally.

The surprising part is that these hormones are derived mostly from soybeans and wild yams. A yam is a sweet potato. I can't fill you in on this except it doesn't seem as dangerous to me not that I know that. My wife and I are planning on her trying it.

In order to consider it you must find a physician who practices BHRT. The physician will run blood and saliva tests and decide what combination of hormones is right for you. The hormone mixture is not made at some large pharmaceutical company with all mixtures the same.

In the case of BHRT the prescription is mixed at the pharmacy. These pharmacies are called "compound pharmacies." This is because they mix the prescription on site exactly like the physician has prescribed. This should then be the prescription which is just perfect for you today. Obviously your prescription will change as time goes by, much like your glasses prescription changes.

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