Monday, June 3, 2013

Can a Home Remedy For High Blood Pressure Replace Blood Pressure Drugs? Yes For Some, No For Others

Can a home remedy for high blood pressure actually work well enough to replace blood pressure medication? The answer for most people is yes it can. Even if you are currently taking prescribed drugs you can start working on reducing your pressure and eventually eliminating your dependency on medication by following some simple home remedies.

Does that sound attractive to you? Would you like not to have to take drugs the rest of your life? Would you like to live longer and healthier? Let's look at the problem and then at a possible solution.

High blood pressure or hypertension didn't happen to you overnight. It probably took years to develop to the point it is now. Did your doctor explain why you have it? Nobody knows the exact cause but we do know that certain behavior helps it along.

HBP is the result of a combination of lifestyle behaviors. Poor diet, obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and poor stress management are a few of the big players. Over the years these behaviors have allowed free radicals to create plaque in the blood vessels, have allowed the vessels to become stiff and lose their elasticity and have placed a heavier workload on the heart muscle.

So that's the problem. How do home remedies work differently than drugs? The medications you take try to treat the body's reaction to high blood pressure rather than the cause of the condition. For example the first medication you were on was probably a diuretic. The purpose of the diuretic is to flush out excess salt or sodium in your system. A natural remedy may include a natural diuretic like cucumber but the ultimate goal is not to flush out sodium but to get you to not eat as much salt.

Home remedies for blood pressure are all about reversing the behavior that got you the condition in the first place. Home remedies are designed to cure not just control and to do this using nothing but natural foods and changes in behavior.

Natural cures for high blood pressure always include changes in diet and exercise habits. When you practice those two changes in behavior the third big part of a natural cure, lowering stress, pretty much takes care of itself. The benefits of eating healthier, getting regular exercise and shedding a few pounds dramatically reduces the amount of stress in a person's life.

So if a home remedy for high blood pressure is so effective, why aren't more people doing it? Part of the problem is information overload. There are literally reams of information on how to effectively lower pressure naturally. People simply get lost and often quit before really trying. The big attraction for drugs is that they are convenient and easy to take. They don't require any effort other than living with the side effects and paying for them.

You owe it to yourself to give the home remedy route a chance. Life can be so much better than it is today.

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