Thursday, August 1, 2013

Increase Bone Density and Treat Osteoporosis Naturally

A simple mineral called strontium has been shown in repeated studies to be 170% as effective as Fosamax! And, you won't have the side effects that the "wonder drug" Fosamax causes. Fosamax is far too expensive when there is such a proven and safe alternative.

Now to the other methods of improving your bone density:

Nutrition: Vitamin D, Boron, and magnesium are in fact more important than calcium is when it comes to strong healthy bones.

Hormones: in men, low testosterone levels are a major cause of osteoporosis. Estrogen needs to be improved in women. The problem is that the estrogen that has been traditionally used is toxic. It was only used because they could patent the process of making it from horse urine and could make money off of it.

Bio-identical hormones are the natural alternatively and can reduce not only osteoporosis but breast cancer also.

Lifestyle: weight bearing exercise has markedly improved bone density. Go for walks, and walk in the sunshine so your body can make its vitamin D that it needs for bone strength.

Don't drink alcohol in excess, as this can cause bone loss. Acid blockers used for indigestion also cause osteoporosis, so it's good to learn to treat indigestion naturally.

These natural treatments can be used while you are taking prescription medications. Once your bone density is improved and you no longer can be diagnosed with osteoporosis you should stop the prescriptions drugs.

When your condition improves and you stop taking the drugs, you should continue taking the natural treatments to continue fending off the original causes so that you do not redevelop this condition.

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