Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Make a Beautiful Woman Fall in Love With YOU!

Knowing how to make a beautiful woman fall in love with you is nothing at all like making her want to be your friend. If you are going to end up making beautiful girls feel more than just platonic friendship with you, then you have to drill that into your mind. Too many guys grow up with the idea that they should try and be a girl's best friend and that alone will make her fall in love with them. And time and time again, they end up being nothing more than just a friend to them.

Look, you could spend all of your time doing her favors and always being there for her, and she will appreciate that. However, she will not appreciate it in the way that you would like her to. Instead, she will cherish your friendship and not want ANYTHING at all to come in between that bond. And that means NO DATING her.

Here are some tips that can help you to make beautiful women fall in love with you FOR REAL:

1. You have to know where to draw the line between nice guy and push over. There is a fine line between being a good guy that is genuinely trying to respect her and being a push over that will do anything that he can just to spend time with her. Doing things like being her taxi ride or her shopping buddy are not really going to make her fall in love with you. If you do not want to do something for her, man up and say NO.

2. She has to feel like she has to impress YOU in some way. Don't assume that it is always your job to impress her. Not all of the time. She has to feel the same way. If it's not a two way street, then what do you really have? If you want to make her fall in love with you, then you have to make her feel like she has to win you over and that she has to do things to impress you as well.

3. If there is no sexual tension with a woman, then there is going to be NO funny business. I think you know what I mean by the funny business. It's the good stuff, the physical things that you want to do with her. Well, to get to that point, then there has to be some sexual tension in the air when you are around her. Don't assume that she is going to fall for you because you are always just so nice to her. You have to be a challenge and make her feel that sexual tension.

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