Saturday, June 22, 2013

The 7 Warning Signs of Wellness

You may know some or all of the warning signs of a stroke, diabetes... but do you know the 7 lesser-known warning signs of wellness? Why learn them? By knowing the 7 warning signs of wellness we can catch wellness in the early stages when its survival rate is much greater. When, for example, we put our attention on what's right with our body/brain complex and appreciate its ability to keep us well, more Hgh (human growth hormone) is released into the bloodstream to start the process of repair and regeneration of cells; thus, our body's ability and efficiency in keeping us healthy is greatly improved.

When, on the other hand, we focus more on what has gone wrong, or on the prospects of something going wrong (i.e., a major illness getting us), we become worried and anxious, or we feel extremely vulnerable. Noticing one or more of the well-publicized SIGNS of a disease, we imagine the worst, putting ourselves in the all-encompassing worry mode, or worse yet, in the vise-grip of full-blown fear. This kind of thinking, with these accompanying negative emotional states, causes the stress hormone, cortisol, and its friends to enter the picture, essentially blocking the release of the wellness-promoting Hgh. As a result, we actually become at greater risk for serious illness and other maladies!

Following are the 7 Warning Signs of Wellness. By nurturing and fully appreciating them, we can create a case of ongoing, full-blown and unmitigated wellness.

1. Can experience feelings such as love, hope, joy, appreciation and can choose thoughts that bring about these and similar positive wellness-supporting emotions.

2. Have the ability to choose your next thought and make it a wellness- and life-enhancing one.

3. Are upright and vertical much of the day or are capable of same.

4. Have the ability to move from place to place by some means.

5. Are alive! Which means your 10 trillion cells are working on your behalf 24/7 to keep you in life-sustaining balance or to bring you back into wellness/balance.

6. Can take in life-supporting oxygen and heart is pumping the oxygen (and other nutrients) through the cardiovascular system to all the cells of your body and transporting /expelling the cells' toxic waste products out of the body.

7. Have an immune system which is fighting off multitudes of foreign marauders and protecting you from any number of disease-producing invaders, as proven by the fact that you don't suffer from a dozen or more different diseases at one time.

These little-known 7 warning signs of wellness remind us of what is right with us health wise. By focusing on these seven positives and building on them, instead of putting the bulk of our attention on the one thing that has gone wrong or what could get us, we can quickly and easily cause our pituitary gland to spew ever more wellness-producing Hgh into our system until we are suffering from a full-blown case of extreme wellness decade after decade after decade.

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