Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to Build a Great Body

Do you sometimes think that the body you have is the one you were born with and that there is nothing you can do about it? If so, you are certainly not alone. Millions of people who are struggling to get into shape feel that they are fighting against nature and that there is little that they can do to change what they were born with. If you are one of these discouraged people, you are about to find out why there is a LOT that you can do about building a great spite of what your genes might have to say about it...

How is a Body Built?

This is the "blueprint" of your body, and there is nothing that you can do to change it. However, DNA is also the one thing which plays the most minor role in your physical health.

• Metabolism
If your DNA is your body's blueprint, your metabolism is like the building crew that puts your body together. Your metabolism is controlled by your hormones and it is what determines the manner in which your body breaks down nutrients and also the manner in which it uses those nutrients to build the living cells of your body.

• Food
Food is like the building materials which are used to create your body. The best thing about food is that you are 100% in control of how much you eat, what you eat and how you eat. Best yet, your eating habits are mainly what determine your metabolism.

Your Renovation Project
Most people believe that there is nothing that can be done about their metabolism and so they blame their low energy level and their body fat content on their metabolism claiming that it's "just the cards they were dealt." However, you can control your metabolism by means of adjusting your diet and lifestyle. This is because your diet and lifestyle directly impact the hormone levels within your body. Here are just a few examples of these hormones which control your metabolism:

• Insulin
Insulin is released by the pancreas in response to having high levels of sugar in the blood. Insulin is what controls the manner in which your body uses and stores sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to overproduction of insulin and eventually to your cells being resistant to insulin. This is the precursor to Type-Two Diabetes.

• Thyroid
Thyroid is produced by the thyroid gland and it determines your energy level and the rate at which your body burns calories. If your body is subjected to extreme low calorie diets or diets which completely cut out nutrients such as fat or carbohydrates, the thyroid can become underactive. This leads to low energy levels, moodiness and difficulty losing excess weight.

• Cortisol
Cortisol is a "fight or flight" hormone which is produced by the adrenaline gland during times of extreme stress. It controls both how and where fat is stored in your body. Excessive amounts of cortisol can also cause your body to break down muscle tissue and bone tissue in order to burn it as energy instead of allowing your body to draw upon its fat storages.

With a few minor changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can bring these hormones under control and therefore encourage the building and maintaining of a healthy physique...

Three Things to Change Today

• Cut Back on Sugars and Simple Carbs
Remember that your insulin levels are determined by the level of sugar in your diet. Too much sugar in your system always leads to too much insulin. However, cutting back on sugar and simple carb consumption will work wonders for your body.

• Avoid Extreme Dieting
Extreme dieting, such as starvation diets or diets which completely cut out fat or carbohydrates are not good for your thyroid. Focus instead on controlling the kinds of foods that you eat. One thing you can do starting today is avoid processed foods and go organic whenever possible. Cutting back on sugar and simple carb consumption will also eliminate the need for extreme dieting.

• Exercise to Relieve Stress
Stress is nearly impossible to remove from your life. However, you can get control of your fight or flight hormones like cortisol by putting them to good use through physical activity. This will keep these hormones from building up in your system and will help you to build a healthier body as a result.

Make these changes today and over time you will notice a dramatic change in your health, your weight and your energy level.

John and Linda Ballis

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