Monday, May 27, 2013

Tame Your Emotional Monster By Regulating Your Hormones

Hormones are the drivers that control all your bodily functions. As the healthy body must be in a state of balance, so must the body's hormones be balanced. Hormones affect the sexual problems of men and women. Both men and women have estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Also the thyroid and other hormones work to keep the body balanced. People function well with hormones that are identical to those made by the body. Synthetic, artificial and non-human hormones don't do the job and can cause complications. I and the staff recommend the use of bio-identical naturally occurring hormones.

Many of our patients derive great comfort and satisfaction from following a properly balanced hormone program. For women we prescribe balanced hormones to relieve many of the problems of menopause. Many patients or family members have told us how proper hormone balance has "gotten rid of the monster". Men suffer from inadequate hormone levels with low energy, low physical and mental drive and the frustrating problem of impotency. At patient's request we do prescribe other medications to improve sexual function. We find much improvement when bio-identical testosterone is used concurrently.

Fatigue, depression, low energy, dry skin, dry scalp, loss of hair can be controlled by balancing the thyroid function with thyroid hormones T-3 and T-4. Poor weight control is a sign of deficient thyroid hormone function. Thyroid deficiency can affect the other hormone functions.

Osteoporosis is often the result of low hormone levels. Pelvic distress, inflammation, pain with intercourse, dry vaginal tissues are often the result of low hormone function. At Budget Medical Clinic we do laboratory hormone testing to determine hormone levels and determine the appropriate hormone dose for each patient. We recommend trans-dermal bio-identical hormones because they integrate with the body's function and we have observed no side-effects; in fact there is demonstrated reduction in side effects of other chemical therapies. Extensive scientific studies have demonstrated significant risks using non-bio-identical, non-human chemical hormones in men and women.

We have used bio-identical hormones in younger men and women who are overly stressed by their life style and who demonstrate "menopausal" symptoms earlier in life. An important component of improved life function for men and women is a high quality nutritional program - good natural food without the chemicals and drugs that contaminate our foods and our lives. It has been documented that artificial sweeteners appear to interfere with cell use of thyroid hormones.

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