Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bioidentical Progesterone Cream

Those hormones which are structurally and chemically the same as the substances present in our body are known as bioidentical hormones. Almost all progesterone creams are bioidentical. These are easier to assimilate for the body thus, providing immediate relief from menopausal symptoms. A number of companies produce this bioidentical progesterone cream from wild Mexican yams. The wild Mexican yams contain a hormone called the phytoestrogen, which is similar to the progesterone found in the human body. Through laboratory methods, the former is synthesized into the latter.

These hormones, despite their advantages, can be extremely dangerous. They may have a number of serious toxic side effects. The damage depends upon the duration for which the product has been used for and the prescribed dosage. A number of scientists feel that progesterone creams should be avoided. They feel that proper changes in a person's diet and lifestyle can help rectify any imbalance in a person's hormones. Another danger of bioidentical progesterone creams is that their prolonged use can slow down the natural production of hormones in the body. In such a case, all those hoping to prevent the process of aging are just kept "hoping."

Since bio-identical progesterone creams are manufactured from soy and yam after laboratory synthesis, the product is thus unnatural. A pumpkin after synthesis can no longer be called natural. Hair loss, weight gain, facial hair growth, fatigue and depression are a few of the other symptoms that a consumer might experience.

It is extremely important to know that the only bioidentical hormones are the ones produced by the body. One may start using these supposed "bioidentical" hormones with great hope but the effects are usually temporary. As the conditions in which the body lives change, so do the hormonal requirements of the body. The formula of an artificial hormone inducer thus, requires to be changed from time to time.

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