Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Myostatin is Making You Fat and Causing Low Testosterone and Growth Hormone

Most people have never heard of myostatin, and I would venture to say most doctors are not familiar with their importance in fat and muscle regulation either. It's a fascinating growth factor protein that actually controls how your body stores fat and grows muscle. The higher the amounts of myostatin in you have the more fat you will accumulate, and the less muscle mass you will be able to preserve.

In extreme cases animals and even sometime humans are born with a mutation in the gene that produces myostatin, this results in extreme muscle growth, and little to no fat accumulation. Seeing the dramatic effect of having no myostatin at all, most of us would agree that a complete deficiency might not be the best thing for us. But, we can also be assured that too much will keep us trapped in the Downward Cycle of Aging.

As we already know, as we age our GH levels start to drop, but what you probably didn't know is that Growth Hormone actually inhibits myostatin production. So, as your growth hormone levels drop, you myostatin levels rise, thus making it impossible for you to stop the accumulation of fat around your midsection or the wasting away of your muscle.

So, how do we stop this terrible imbalance from occurring? We make sure our GH Levels Don't Drop! I know what your thinking, "Oh, its that simple you say, just let me think happy thoughts and my GH won't diminish", and I get your point. It is sounds pretty easy, but HOW exactly do we do it?

In a study published in the International SportsMed Journal mentioned two ways to increase Growth Hormone, thus helping take back control of your body and health. And, I am going to go ahead and add a third mentioned in several other publications.

1.) Hormone Replacement Therapy

They demonstrated that administering rGH (recumbent Growth hormone) significantly increased lean body mass, endurance, performance, and decreased body fat. This may be linked to the fact that rGH reduced myostatin over 31%

Growth Hormone Replacement. This is a standard treatment for adult growth hormone deficiency. Replacing your GH with bioidentical hormones is a great way to inhibit myostatin, and increase your muscle, while losing fat.

2.) Intense Exercise

The Journal showed that only intense exercise was effective at increase GH levels in aging men and women. They showed that Intense Strength training (using heavy weights, for minimal reps) was 425% more effective at increasing GH production than lower weights at high reps.

Sprint type Exercise was the second recommendation as they found that only the cardio don't at an intensity to illicit lactic acid response would increase growth hormones, demonstrating that sprint type activities are more efficient than slow steady paced cardio. The study recommended a minimal interval of 30 seconds, as the 6 second interval was not of a long enough duration to illicit growth hormone production.

3.) Nutrition and Eating Habits

The third was to increase your growth hormone levels is to eat according to a specific plan designed to increase your hormone levels. It has been show in more studies than I could site, that a diet around 40-50% fat, 25-35% protein, and 20-30% carbohydrates is gong to create the optimum environment to produce not only growth hormone, but also other Life Hormones like Testosterone.

Remember, Aging is Inevitable, but Looking and Feeling Old is Optional.

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