Monday, May 6, 2013

Men and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Are you a man over 40? Have you been troubled by the symptoms of andropause lately? Andropause, in which many men experience negative effects resulting from changes in hormone levels during aging, can cause irritability, fatigue, decreased sex drive, and loss of memory.

Although Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) serves the same purpose as synthetic hormone replacement therapy, it utilizes supplemental doses of hormones which are molecularly identical to endogenous hormones that your body produces naturally. The naturalness of the hormones has led advocates to consider BHRT as a great therapeutic option for symptoms associated with andropause. It is widely believed that patients do not experience the harmful side effects associated with synthetic hormone replacement therapy. There are a number of hormones, which are used in BHRT. Most are available in FDA-approved manufactured products and as pharmacy-compounded products too. Scientists at the Gerontology Research Center of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Baltimore, Maryland restored sex hormone levels to those of younger people and found a marked improvement in physical and psychological functions.

To begin Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, you will need to consult a physician for expert advice on the best anti aging treatment. Once your physician determines that you are experiencing a decline of hormones, you would be ready to begin a static treatment plan. Your hormone levels are approximated and you would be advised the necessary treatment. There are a number of forms of therapy and you can only find the best one for your needs upon consultation with a BHRT expert. The therapy has helped improve physical, mental, and emotional energies in men experiencing andropause symptoms. Increased libido and sexual performance, control over anxiety, fatigue, and irritability, improvement in body mass, reduced sleep disturbance, bone growth, improvement in skin elasticity and decrease in potential risk of heart disease are the other proven benefits of BHRT.

Bioidentical hormones are natural plant based hormones, and can be administered only after the levels of hormones are measured. They are formulated in a convenient and effective form and can be individualized when compared to synthetic hormone therapy. More benefits and fewer side effects- if that's what you want out of your hormone replacement therapy, you should try BHRT. When you have restored your body's normal balance of hormones with the help of BHRT, you will feel more healthy, energized, stronger and definitely happier!

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