Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BPH Cure - A Woman's Solution to A Manly Problem

Yearly thousands of men face the problem of BPH and its symptoms. Especially for those over age 50, prostate problems are an unpleasant fact of life. Once into their late 40's, men run some risk developing benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or more commonly referred to as prostate enlargement. By the age of 50 it's a 20 percent risk and by 60, more than 50 percent of all men will have prostate difficulty.

As the prostate gland enlarges, it presses against the urethra and interferes with urinary function. This process attributes to the increased urinary frequency, hesitation, and reduced urinary flow. Also, the prostate gland is the most common site for cancer to develop in men. Statistics claim that one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. The disease is the leading cause of cancer-related death in men, second only to lung cancer.

The Testosterone Myth

The medical establishment places the blame for these prostate problems on the male hormones testosterone (T) and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Yet this becomes a contradiction. Men normally continue to produce a relatively normal level of (T) for their age, and well into their seventies. Contrary to common perception, (T) does not cause prostate problems. Young men have high levels of (T) and old men have low levels. If (T) were the cause of prostate problems, young men would have a higher degree of prostate problems.

The Estrogen Factor

Men produce estrogen (Estradiol), but in much lower amounts than women. And a healthy male physiology depends upon a high T-E (testosterone-estrogen) ratio balance. With aging, the T-E ratio drops often dramatically. The enzyme Aromotase, which is especially prevalent in fat cells, converts (T) to (E). And since most men loose muscle and gain fat as they age, Aromotase activity increases thus reducing (T) even as it increases (E). Scientist have stressed the importance of (E) and the (T-E) ratio in promoting prostate problems. The data has shown a direct negative biochemical effect of (E) on the physiology of the prostate, and the consideration of (E) suppression as an efficient pharmacotheraputic strategy in medical treatment.


As a result of living in a developed society, we suffer immensely with our health. The constant exposure to an ever-increasing number of toxic chemicals and agents further compromise the immune system, eventually causing severe organ damage. Many researchers are concluding that the over abundance of (E) and (E) like substances (Xenoestrogens or foreign estrogens), are responsible for a vast number of today's health problems. Xenoestrogens are synthetic in make-up, but differ in molecular structure. However different as they are, organic estrogen receptors cannot differentiate between them because Xenoestrogens are able to mimick the cellular coding structure. It's believed that the excessive exposure of Xenoestrogens in the environment are among the culprits. The sources of Xenoestrogens includes:

  • Chicken

  • Pork

  • Birth Control Pills

  • Spermacide

  • Commercially Raised Beef

  • Detergent

  • Plastic Drinking Bottles

  • Pesticides

  • Herbicides

  • Personal Care Products

  • Canned Foods and Lacquers


Progesterone is normally considered as a "female hormone." However men also produce progesterone as well. Progesterone is manufactured in men by the adrenal glands and testicular tissue. Progesterone is vital to good health in both women and men. Unfortunately, male progesterone levels drop with aging, just as do male testosterone levels. Severe, prolonged stress also depletes progesterone, since the stress hormone cortisol is made from progesterone, as are (T-E), aldosterone and other steroid hormones.

Cancer Inhibitor

One of the most important roles for progesterone is to oppose the many toxic effects of excess estrogen. Progesterone is the chief inhibitor of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of (T) to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a much more potent derivative that is linked to prostate cancer. When the level of (T) decreases, the relative level of estradiol in men increases the risk of prostate cancer if adequate amounts of progesterone are not present to counteract its effect by stimulating the P53 cancer protection gene.

Clinical Evidence

Various clinical studies conducted by leading research scientists in the field of natural progesterone therapy, revealed 10 out of 10 men in remission from Prostate cancer using natural progesterone cream. One participant was being treated at the Mayo Clinic for prostate cancer which had spread to the bone. He began to apply natural progesterone cream to his skin and after 6 months, the Mayo Clinic could find no evidence of any prostate cancer. Several men with prostate cancer have stated that their PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level-decreased when they started using a daily administration of natural progesterone cream. And there was no evidence of the progression of their prostate lesions. They also experienced improved urine flow with less pressure on their prostate, as well as a decrease in nightly urination.

How To Apply Progesterone Cream

To emulate and sustain a balanced hormonal environment, it is essential to get natural progesterone directly into the blood stream - as it is produced in the testicles. The effectiveness of the natural progesterone cream is carefully measured and formulated to be administered into the mucous (epithelin) membranes. Typically when applied to the skin over a length of time, the natural progesterone will store-up and stop working, causing a process called "dermal fatigue." Although repairable, it may involve staying off the cream for extended periods to purge the natural progesterone out of the body. For optimal results as stated above, apply the cream to the mucous epthelial membranes that line the rectum. These membranes travel along the same venous network that connects to the testicles. And total absorption is more complete through these membranes than through the skin.

Bioidentical hormone therapy through the use of natural progesterone has become widely adopted as a useful method of normalizing hormone levels in both men and women. The results are premier and beneficial in the restoration of wellness by naturally restoring chemical balance.

Hormonal therapy with the use of natural progesterone is one of the many successful treatment options designed to restore chemical balance to the prostate.


  1. I got Dr Johnson email address from an article I read about ways to help urination problems with BPH, and what the person said your drug combination does almost sounds to good to be true. but I'm at a point that I had to write him, and find out more. I have BPH, and have had since around mid 2013 as best I remember, but it's believed to partly due to nerve damage from a giant Tarlov Cyst on my S2 nerve root. We found the cyst on 7/2/14 after a 5 month hunt for the cause of what started out as severe dizziness, blurriness, and major headaches, and the hunt began on 2/2/14 which was the first day that I was unable to work, because I was a Truck Driver, and you can't drive an 80,000 pound rig when it feels like you're drunk all of the time, and that day was ultimatly the first day of my disability.I have taken different medications, but no solution, I take Alfuzosin 10 mg twice a day and for a great long time I had hardly any problems, and then it got to where if I didn't go within 10 to 15 minutes of the first feeling that I'm going to need to go soon I would end up sitting on the toilet for 45 minutes to an hour just releasing a little bit. so I contacted Dr Johnson, and I used his product for a month, but will always advice you take it for a month and half to get a complete cure. any one with similar issues can contact him on drjohnson958@gmail.com

  2. Nice post! This is a very nice blog that I will definitively come back to more times this year! Thanks for informative post. BPH cure
